50255. λικμάω

to part the grain from the chaff, to winnow
 countfreq. per 10K

Editions by Text Group (17)

* indicates part of the core corpus

workcountfreq.log ratio
Philo Judaeus
De Josepho 1 0.8
New Testament
Gospel according to Matthew 1 0.5
Gospel of Luke 1 0.5
Economics 5 2.6
Old Testament
Ruth 1 4.9
unknown 1 0.5
Isaias 5 1.3
Commentarii In Evangelium Joannis 1 0.1
Historia ecclesiastica (fragmenta ap. Photium) 2 0.6
Chronicon Paschale
Chronicon Paschale 1 0.1
Catenae (Novum Testamentum)
Catena In Matthaeum (Catena Integra) (E Cod. Paris. Coislin. Gr. 23) 3 0.4
Catena In Lucam (Typus B) (e codd. Paris. Coislin. 23 + Oxon. Bodl. Misc. 182) 1 0.2
Catena In Acta (Catena Andreae) (e cod. Oxon. coll. nov. 58) 1 0.1
Catena In Epistulam Ad Hebraeos (E Cod. Paris. Coislin. 204) 1 0.1
Scholia in Homerum
Scholia in Odysseam 2 0.1
Pindar Scholia
Scholia in Pindarum Olympian Odes 1 0.1
Iliad* 1 0.1

Passages (4 of 25)


Old Testament, Isaias


read in Scaife Viewer
passage   count
17.13 word list | read 1
30.22 word list | read 1
41.16 word list | read 1
66 word list | read 2