36304. εὐπρόσιτος

easy of access
 countfreq. per 10K

Editions by Text Group (14)

* indicates part of the core corpus

workcountfreq.log ratio
Philo Judaeus
De Decalogo 1 1.2
Appianus of Alexandria
Civil Wars 1 0.1
Clement of Alexandria
Stromata Books 7-8 1 0.3
Fragmenta In Lucam (In Catenis) 1 0.7
Manetho Astrologus, 4th. century CE
Apotelesmatica 1 0.5
Anna Comnena
Alexias 3 0.2
Alexias 3 0.2
Alexias 3 0.2
Joannes Zonaras
Annals of Rome 3 0.1
Historia Nova 1 0.2
Cyril of Alexandria
In XII Prophetas 1 0.0
Catenae (Novum Testamentum)
Catena In Acta (Catena Andreae) (e cod. Oxon. coll. nov. 58) 1 0.1
Catena In Epistulam Ad Ephesios (Typus Parisinus) (E Cod. Coislin. 204) 1 0.2
Catena In Epistulam Ad Romanos (Typus Monacensis) (E Cod. Monac. gr. 412) 1 0.1

Passages (3 of 22)


Anna Comnena, Alexias


read in Scaife Viewer
passage   count
3.1 word list | read 1
6.7 word list | read 1
12.3 word list | read 1