211. ἀγαλλιάω

to rejoice exceedingly
 countfreq. per 10K

Editions by Text Group (32)

* indicates part of the core corpus

workcountfreq.log ratio
New Testament
Gospel according to Matthew 1 0.5
Gospel of Luke 2 1.0
Acts 2 1.0
First Epistle of Peter 3 16.9
Revelation 1 1.0
Gospel according to John* 2 1.2
Old Testament
Isaias 2 0.5
Clement of Alexandria
Paedagogus 1 0.2
Eclogae propheticae 1 2.0
Excerpta ex Theodoto 2 2.6
Justin Martyr
Apology 1 0.7
Dialogue with Trypho 1 0.2
Hermas, 2nd cent.
The Shepherd of Hermas 1 0.4
Historia Ecclesiastica 1 0.1
Demonstratio Evangelica 1 0.1
Ancoratus 1 0.2
Commentarii In Evangelium Joannis 4 0.2
In Jeremiam (Homiliae 1-11) 1 0.4
Homiliae In Lucam 2 1.2
Commentarium In Evangelium Matthaei (Lib. 12-17) 1 0.1
Refutatio Omnium Haeresium (= Philosophumena) 1 0.1
Refutatio Omnium Haeresium (= Philosophumena) 1 0.1
Chronicon Paschale
Chronicon Paschale 2 0.2
Cyril of Alexandria
In XII Prophetas 1 0.0
Catenae (Novum Testamentum)
Catena In Lucam (Typus B) (e codd. Paris. Coislin. 23 + Oxon. Bodl. Misc. 182) 2 0.4
Catena In Joannem (Catena Integra) (e codd. Paris. Coislin. 23 + Oxon. Bodl. Auct. T.1.4) 1 0.1
Supplementum et varietas lectionis ad catenam in evangelium sancti Lucae (e cod. Oxon. Bodl. Laud. 33) 1 3.1
Catena In Acta (Catena Andreae) (e cod. Oxon. coll. nov. 58) 4 0.3
Catena In Epistulam Ad Ephesios (Typus Parisinus) (E Cod. Coislin. 204) 1 0.2
Catena In Epistulam Ad Hebraeos (E Cod. Paris. Coislin. 204) 1 0.1
Catena In Epistulam Jacobi (Catena Andreae) 3 2.6
Commentarius In Apocalypsin 2 0.2

Passages (1 of 48)

passage   count
15.27 word list | read 1