passage citation
e.g. 3 or 2.5 or 7.1-7.50 (as appropriate for text)
frequency filter (per 10k)

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941–960 of 976 lemmas; 6,370 tokens (77,939 in work)
word shortdef count work (freq.) corpus core
πλάσμα anything moulded, an image, figure 1 1 (0.13) (0.164) (0.01)
πρεπώδης fit, becoming, suitable, proper 1 1 (0.13) (0.033) (0.0)
πρεσβύτης2 old man 1 1 (0.13) (0.266) (0.24)
πρόθεσις a placing in public 1 1 (0.13) (0.326) (1.06)
προκοπή progress on a journey 1 1 (0.13) (0.104) (0.11)
προνοητικός provident, cautious, wary 1 1 (0.13) (0.026) (0.0)
προσθέω to run towards 1 1 (0.13) (0.263) (0.21)
σεμνότης gravity, solemnity, dignity, majesty 1 1 (0.13) (0.09) (0.05)
σιωπή silence 1 1 (0.13) (0.238) (0.35)
σκιάς any thing serving as a shade, a canopy, pavilion 1 1 (0.13) (0.05) (0.03)
σκότιος dark 1 1 (0.13) (0.023) (0.07)
στιγμή a spot, point 1 1 (0.13) (0.423) (0.0)
στοχάζομαι to aim 1 1 (0.13) (0.271) (0.3)
συγγίγνομαι to be with 1 1 (0.13) (0.2) (0.35)
συλλήβδην collectively, in sum, in short 1 1 (0.13) (0.081) (0.36)
σύμμετρος commensurate with 1 1 (0.13) (1.278) (0.14)
συντυχία an occurrence, a hap, chance, event, incident 1 1 (0.13) (0.07) (0.18)
ταραχώδης troublous, turbulent 1 1 (0.13) (0.078) (0.04)
τριτάω when three days old 1 1 (0.13) (0.083) (0.07)
τυπικός impressionable 1 1 (0.13) (0.017) (0.0)

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