passage citation
e.g. 3 or 2.5 or 7.1-7.50 (as appropriate for text)
frequency filter (per 10k)

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961–980 of 1,048 lemmas; 6,813 tokens (77,939 in work)
word shortdef count work (freq.) corpus core
πέρσις a sacking, sack 1 1 (0.13) (0.023) (0.02)
διεγείρω wake up 1 3 (0.38) (0.06) (0.02)
ἀγωνοθέτης judge of the contests, director of the games 1 1 (0.13) (0.018) (0.02)
ἀσάφεια indistinctness, obscurity 1 2 (0.26) (0.124) (0.02)
ἀπειθής disobedient 2 3 (0.38) (0.07) (0.02)
ὁδηγέω to lead 1 5 (0.64) (0.047) (0.02)
διερωτάω to cross-question 1 1 (0.13) (0.019) (0.02)
τῦφος smoke, vapour 1 4 (0.51) (0.115) (0.02)
περίβλεπτος looked at from all sides, admired of all observers 1 4 (0.51) (0.048) (0.02)
ἁφή a lighting, kindling; touch 1 1 (0.13) (0.883) (0.02)
ἀπουσία absence 2 3 (0.38) (0.16) (0.02)
αἰχμαλωσία captivity: a body of captives 1 1 (0.13) (0.205) (0.01)
ἐνίζω to sit in 1 7 (0.9) (0.034) (0.01)
τριάς the number three, a triad 1 5 (0.64) (0.392) (0.01)
ἀγανάκτησις irritation 1 2 (0.26) (0.045) (0.01)
ἁρμόδιος fitting together 1 2 (0.26) (0.066) (0.01)
διελέγχω to refute utterly 1 2 (0.26) (0.128) (0.01)
πτύσμα sputum 3 3 (0.38) (0.05) (0.01)
πλάνος leading astray, deceiving, (noun) wandering 3 5 (0.64) (0.094) (0.01)
σφοδρότης vehemence, violence 1 2 (0.26) (0.16) (0.01)

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