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41–60 of 1,010 lemmas; 9,520 tokens (104,426 in work)
word shortdef count work (freq.) corpus core
φυλάσσω to keep watch and ward, keep guard 1 11 (1.05) (2.518) (2.71)
φυλακή a watching 1 1 (0.1) (0.687) (1.97)
φροντίς thought, care, heed, attention 1 1 (0.1) (0.486) (0.22)
φροντίζω to think, consider, reflect, take thought, have a care, give heed 3 5 (0.48) (0.508) (0.56)
φρόνημα one's mind, spirit 4 4 (0.38) (0.433) (0.41)
φρονέω to think, to have understanding, to be sage, wise, prudent 3 24 (2.3) (1.523) (2.38)
φορτικός of the nature of a burden 3 3 (0.29) (0.125) (0.1)
φόβος fear, panic, flight 2 21 (2.01) (1.426) (2.23)
φοβέω to put to flight, to terrify; mid. to fear 3 49 (4.69) (1.343) (2.27)
φοβερός fearful 1 24 (2.3) (0.492) (0.58)
φιλοχρήματος loving money, fond of money 2 5 (0.48) (0.038) (0.1)
φιλοτοιοῦτος fond of such and such things 1 2 (0.19) (0.005) (0.0)
φιλότιμος loving honour, covetous of honour, ambitious, emulous 7 11 (1.05) (0.217) (0.47)
φιλοτιμία the character of the φιλότιμος, love of distinction, ambition 7 12 (1.15) (0.246) (0.45)
φίλος friend; loved, beloved, dear 8 321 (30.74) (4.36) (12.78)
φιλόκαλος loving the beautiful 1 3 (0.29) (0.044) (0.01)
φίλιος friendly, of friendship; dear, beloved 3 65 (6.22) (0.35) (0.46)
φιλία friendly love, affection, friendship 3 239 (22.89) (1.063) (1.44)
φιλέω to love, regard with affection 6 183 (17.52) (1.242) (2.43)
φιλάλληλος of mutual affection 1 1 (0.1) (0.006) (0.0)

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