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2,560 lemmas; 29,031 tokens (50,434 in work)
word shortdef count work (freq.) corpus core
ἑνότης unity 1 1 (0.2) (0.079) (0.0)
τόμος a cut, slice 1 1 (0.2) (0.119) (0.0)
Φαίδων Phaedo 2 2 (0.4) (0.072) (0.0)
βᾶ king 1 1 (0.2) (0.018) (0.0)
οὐράνη chamber-pot 2 3 (0.59) (0.234) (0.0)
ἀλλοιωτός subject to change 2 2 (0.4) (0.021) (0.0)
νικητής winner 5 11 (2.18) (0.069) (0.0)
Ἀντιόχειος of Antiochus 4 4 (0.79) (0.086) (0.0)
πρεπώδης fit, becoming, suitable, proper 1 2 (0.4) (0.033) (0.0)
εὐαγγελιστής the bringer of good tidings, an evangelist, preacher of the gospel 1 1 (0.2) (0.049) (0.0)
ἐγκύκλιος circular, rounded, round 1 1 (0.2) (0.12) (0.0)
μαθητεύω to be pupil 2 4 (0.79) (0.028) (0.0)
ἁπανταχοῦ everywhere 5 6 (1.19) (0.083) (0.0)
μακαριότης happiness, bliss 1 1 (0.2) (0.057) (0.0)
φιλοπάτωρ loving one's father 1 1 (0.2) (0.019) (0.0)
ἀνθρωπόμορφος of human form 4 4 (0.79) (0.012) (0.0)
ἀρχάγγελος an archangel 2 2 (0.4) (0.035) (0.0)
ὁμοφωνία unison 1 1 (0.2) (0.006) (0.0)
ἀποδεικτέος one must prove 1 1 (0.2) (0.007) (0.0)
γενητός originated 2 2 (0.4) (0.401) (0.0)
καταχρηστικός misused, misapplied 1 1 (0.2) (0.047) (0.0)
ἀτάραχος not disturbed, without confusion, steady 1 1 (0.2) (0.026) (0.0)
διατυπόω to form perfectly 1 2 (0.4) (0.008) (0.0)
οὐρανόω remove to heaven, deify 4 4 (0.79) (0.385) (0.0)
βάδισμα walk, gait 1 1 (0.2) (0.02) (0.0)
πεποίθησις trust, confidence, boldness 3 3 (0.59) (0.029) (0.0)
προφητικός oracular 1 3 (0.59) (0.108) (0.0)
ἀνάκτισις rebuilding 1 1 (0.2) (0.001) (0.0)
ἀναγνώστης a reader, a slave trained to read 3 3 (0.59) (0.006) (0.0)
ἀνερεύνητος not investigated 1 1 (0.2) (0.001) (0.0)
ἀδίδακτος untaught, ignorant 1 1 (0.2) (0.015) (0.0)
συναναστρέφω to turn back together 4 4 (0.79) (0.009) (0.0)
εὐποιΐα beneficence 1 2 (0.4) (0.033) (0.0)
καμπτήρ a bend, an angle 1 1 (0.2) (0.007) (0.0)
ψάλτης harper 1 1 (0.2) (0.007) (0.0)
ἀσχημάτιστος without form 4 4 (0.79) (0.029) (0.0)
σκάνδαλον a trap 1 1 (0.2) (0.084) (0.0)
δηλονότι quite clearly, manifestly, plainly 1 4 (0.79) (1.583) (0.0)
συμπέρασμα a conclusion 1 2 (0.4) (2.147) (0.0)
τεκνογονία child-bearing 1 1 (0.2) (0.009) (0.0)
ἐπαναλαμβάνω to take up again, resume, repeat 1 2 (0.4) (0.028) (0.0)
ἄκεσις a healing, cure 2 2 (0.4) (0.011) (0.0)
συμμορία a co-partnership 2 6 (1.19) (0.05) (0.0)
κυριότης dominion 1 1 (0.2) (0.044) (0.0)
εὐλογητός blessed 1 1 (0.2) (0.044) (0.0)
τοπικός concerning 1 1 (0.2) (0.18) (0.0)
ἀπόθεσις a laying up in store 1 3 (0.59) (0.048) (0.0)
τραχηλίζω of wrestlers 2 2 (0.4) (0.009) (0.0)
ἀντίθεσις opposition, resistance 3 4 (0.79) (0.471) (0.0)
μεγαλειότης majesty 2 2 (0.4) (0.021) (0.0)
ἀπεκδέχομαι to expect anxiously, to look for, await 1 1 (0.2) (0.031) (0.0)
εὐδοκία satisfaction, approval 1 2 (0.4) (0.091) (0.0)
πᾶ father (see also LSJ βᾶ) 1 1 (0.2) (0.028) (0.0)
ἀθέατος unseen, invisible 1 1 (0.2) (0.011) (0.0)
στερεόω to make firm 2 2 (0.4) (0.215) (0.0)
Ἑβραῖος a Hebrew 1 2 (0.4) (0.59) (0.0)
ἐντάσσω to place 2 4 (0.79) (0.006) (0.0)
στερρότης hardness, firmness 1 1 (0.2) (0.013) (0.0)
πρότασις a proposition, the premise 6 6 (1.19) (3.766) (0.0)
πολύπλοκος much-tangled, thick-wreathed 1 3 (0.59) (0.016) (0.0)
Πρωτογένης Protogenes 4 4 (0.79) (0.012) (0.0)
ἀκλινής bending to neither side, unswerving 1 1 (0.2) (0.029) (0.0)
παρεκτός besides 2 2 (0.4) (0.015) (0.0)
προθεσμία day appointed beforehand, a fixed 1 1 (0.2) (0.06) (0.0)
ἀπαράλλακτος unchanged, unchangeable 2 2 (0.4) (0.049) (0.0)
τριήμερος living for three days 1 1 (0.2) (0.007) (0.0)
προσκρούω to strike against 1 1 (0.2) (0.08) (0.0)
κύπριος of copper 1 1 (0.2) (0.002) (0.0)
ἀπαύγασμα efflux of light, effulgence 7 7 (1.39) (0.081) (0.0)
συνέλευσις coming together, meeting 1 1 (0.2) (0.01) (0.0)
ἀνεξίκακος enduring evil, forbearing, long-suffering 1 1 (0.2) (0.012) (0.0)
δηλωτικός indicative 1 1 (0.2) (0.271) (0.0)
ἀμνηστία forgetfulness of wrong: an amnesty 1 1 (0.2) (0.041) (0.0)
ἀδελφότης the brotherhood 1 1 (0.2) (0.019) (0.0)
εὔλαλος sweetly-speaking 1 1 (0.2) (0.004) (0.0)
συναριθμέω to reckon in, to take into the account, enumerate 1 1 (0.2) (0.047) (0.0)
Καισάρεια Caesarea 11 15 (2.97) (0.139) (0.0)
ἀποσχοινίζω to separate by a cord 1 1 (0.2) (0.002) (0.0)
Χριστιανός Christian 7 17 (3.37) (0.531) (0.0)
δεκτικός fit for receiving 1 1 (0.2) (0.479) (0.0)
πρόγνωσις a perceiving beforehand 7 7 (1.39) (0.2) (0.0)
εὐμετάδοτος readily imparting, generous 1 1 (0.2) (0.003) (0.0)
προφάω shine forth 1 1 (0.2) (0.017) (0.0)
κατάκρισις condemnation 1 1 (0.2) (0.037) (0.0)
ἀναλλοίωτος unchangeable 1 1 (0.2) (0.05) (0.0)
ἀξιάγαστος worth admiring, admirable 1 3 (0.59) (0.037) (0.0)
υἱοθεσία adoption as a son 1 1 (0.2) (0.094) (0.0)
διατύπωσις configuration 2 2 (0.4) (0.007) (0.0)
συνείδησις self-consciousness: conscience 1 6 (1.19) (0.105) (0.0)
ἐκκλησιαστικός of or for the ἐκκλησία, assembly 4 4 (0.79) (0.018) (0.0)
παροικία a sojourning 5 6 (1.19) (0.065) (0.0)
καλλώπισμα ornament, embellishment 2 2 (0.4) (0.006) (0.0)
κοΐ squealing sound of a pig 21 42 (8.33) (0.465) (0.0)
μικροψυχία littleness of soul, meanness of spirit 2 2 (0.4) (0.029) (0.0)
ἁγιότης holiness 1 1 (0.2) (0.016) (0.0)
θεότης divinity, divine nature 39 43 (8.53) (0.353) (0.0)
ἔκστασις any displacement: entrancement, astonishment 1 3 (0.59) (0.11) (0.0)
διαβλέπω to look straight before one 1 1 (0.2) (0.005) (0.0)
παντοκράτωρ almighty 3 5 (0.99) (0.149) (0.0)
ἀνακαινίζω renew 1 1 (0.2) (0.022) (0.0)
γέμος a load, freight 1 2 (0.4) (0.019) (0.0)
Λαΐς Lais 2 2 (0.4) (0.089) (0.0)
ἐκπλήρωσις filling up 1 2 (0.4) (0.016) (0.0)
ἀπολύτρωσις a ransoming 1 1 (0.2) (0.066) (0.0)
ἐπικατάρατος yet more accursed 1 1 (0.2) (0.048) (0.0)
Αὔγουστος Augustus 1 1 (0.2) (0.258) (0.0)
ἀρχιερωσύνη the high-priesthood 1 2 (0.4) (0.094) (0.0)
πολεμοποιός engaging in war 1 1 (0.2) (0.003) (0.0)
ῥιψοκίνδυνος running needless risks, fool-hardy, reckless 1 1 (0.2) (0.011) (0.0)
κυριακός of or for an owner or master 4 5 (0.99) (0.044) (0.0)
ἀσώματος unembodied, incorporeal 8 8 (1.59) (0.767) (0.0)
οὐαί woe 1 2 (0.4) (0.159) (0.0)
ἀπάθεια want of sensation, insensibility 1 1 (0.2) (0.069) (0.0)
Πάμφιλος Pamphilus 21 33 (6.54) (0.107) (0.0)
ἐκδικέω to avenge, punish 1 1 (0.2) (0.063) (0.0)
ἀνεξιχνίαστος not to be traced, unsearchable, inscrutable 1 1 (0.2) (0.007) (0.0)
νεόφυτος newly planted 1 1 (0.2) (0.01) (0.0)
πλημμέλημα a fault, trespass 1 1 (0.2) (0.055) (0.0)
Βιθυνία Bithynia 4 4 (0.79) (0.104) (0.0)
αὐτοκρατορία sovereignty 1 1 (0.2) (0.006) (0.0)
ἀνεξικακία forbearance 2 2 (0.4) (0.031) (0.0)
ἀναθεματίζω to devote 3 3 (0.59) (0.018) (0.0)
πρόσληψις taking in addition 2 3 (0.59) (0.12) (0.0)
ὑπατεία the office or rank of consul, ὕπατος 2 2 (0.4) (0.11) (0.0)
ἱερατεία the priest's office, priesthood 1 1 (0.2) (0.011) (0.0)
πολυλογία much talk, loquacity 1 1 (0.2) (0.016) (0.0)
εὐνουχίζω castrate 1 1 (0.2) (0.009) (0.0)
βλάσφημος evil-speaking 4 5 (0.99) (0.07) (0.0)
ταπεινοφροσύνη lowliness, humility 1 1 (0.2) (0.072) (0.0)
βάπτισμα baptism 11 12 (2.38) (0.337) (0.0)
αὐτεξούσιος in one's own power 2 2 (0.4) (0.085) (0.0)
ἀσωματόω demetallize 2 2 (0.4) (0.042) (0.0)
σύμμορφος conformed to 1 1 (0.2) (0.026) (0.0)
κτιστός wrought 6 6 (1.19) (0.003) (0.0)
νοερός intellectual 3 3 (0.59) (0.146) (0.0)
θεολόγος one who discourses of the gods 1 1 (0.2) (0.058) (0.0)
συνήγορος speaking with, of the same tenor with 1 2 (0.4) (0.044) (0.0)
ἀτάρακτος not disturbed, without confusion, steady 1 1 (0.2) (0.026) (0.0)
ἁγιωσύνη holiness, sanctity 1 2 (0.4) (0.035) (0.0)
πρόσρημα an address, salutation 1 1 (0.2) (0.04) (0.0)
ἱερατικός priestly, sacerdotal 1 2 (0.4) (0.069) (0.0)
ἄλαλος speechless 1 1 (0.2) (0.012) (0.0)
ἐπακροάομαι hearkening, obedience 2 2 (0.4) (0.008) (0.0)
χάρισμα a grace, favour: a free gift, gift of God's grace 2 2 (0.4) (0.289) (0.0)
μετασχηματίζω to change the form of 1 1 (0.2) (0.023) (0.0)
ἀνεπίδεκτος not accepting 1 1 (0.2) (0.014) (0.0)
ἔγερσις a waking 1 1 (0.2) (0.028) (0.0)
διχόνοια discord, disagreement 2 3 (0.59) (0.02) (0.0)
πειρασμός trial, temptation 1 1 (0.2) (0.191) (0.0)
φιλόθεος loving God, pious 1 1 (0.2) (0.018) (0.0)
ἀξιοπιστία trustworthiness 1 1 (0.2) (0.01) (0.0)
ἐμφέρεια likeness 1 1 (0.2) (0.011) (0.0)
Θέογνις Theognis 2 2 (0.4) (0.049) (0.0)
προφητεία the gift of interpreting the will of the gods 1 2 (0.4) (0.537) (0.0)
ἐκφωνέω to cry out 1 1 (0.2) (0.014) (0.0)
σίναπι mustard 1 1 (0.2) (0.034) (0.0)
κτίστης a founder 19 19 (3.77) (0.078) (0.0)
βραβεῖον a prize in the games 2 2 (0.4) (0.03) (0.0)
ἁγιασμός consecration, sanctification 1 1 (0.2) (0.08) (0.0)
συζητέω to search 1 1 (0.2) (0.008) (0.0)
πνευματικός of spirit, spiritual 2 3 (0.59) (0.61) (0.0)
πληροφορία fulness of assurance, certainty 2 2 (0.4) (0.046) (0.0)
ἀντίχριστος Antichrist 2 2 (0.4) (0.077) (0.0)
σεβαστός reverenced, august 7 17 (3.37) (0.112) (0.0)
λυτρόω to release on receipt of ransom, to hold to ransom 1 1 (0.2) (0.046) (0.01)
ὀργανόω to be organized 1 2 (0.4) (0.156) (0.01)
ῥημάτιον a pet phrase, phrasicle 1 1 (0.2) (0.012) (0.01)
μᾶ mother 1 1 (0.2) (0.145) (0.01)
τριάς the number three, a triad 22 26 (5.16) (0.392) (0.01)
πανηγυρικός fit for a public festival 1 1 (0.2) (0.021) (0.01)
ἁπλότης singleness: simplicity, frankness 4 9 (1.78) (0.092) (0.01)
ἐνθύμησις consideration, esteem 1 2 (0.4) (0.042) (0.01)
ἀμφιβολία the state of being attacked on both sides 2 2 (0.4) (0.12) (0.01)
κτίσμα anything created, a creature 15 17 (3.37) (0.135) (0.01)
ἀνακινέω to sway 1 2 (0.4) (0.039) (0.01)
θέσπισμα oracular sayings 1 1 (0.2) (0.037) (0.01)
ἀδιάφορος not different 1 1 (0.2) (0.27) (0.01)
ἀποτομή a cutting off 2 2 (0.4) (0.136) (0.01)
νεωτεροποιία innovation, revolution 1 2 (0.4) (0.007) (0.01)
συμπείθω to win by persuasion 1 1 (0.2) (0.025) (0.01)
εὔτονος well-strung, vigorous 1 1 (0.2) (0.111) (0.01)
ἀπερινόητος incomprehensible 1 1 (0.2) (0.002) (0.01)
ἀκατάληπτος that cannot be reached 3 3 (0.59) (0.071) (0.01)
πρωτότοκος first-born 1 1 (0.2) (0.306) (0.01)
διαναπαύω allow to rest awhile 1 1 (0.2) (0.036) (0.01)
σημασία the giving a signal 2 2 (0.4) (0.069) (0.01)
τάραχος disorder, tumult 1 1 (0.2) (0.036) (0.01)
ὑπαρχή the beginning 1 1 (0.2) (0.033) (0.01)
προσθήκη an addition, appendage, appendix 3 7 (1.39) (0.46) (0.01)
διάγνωσις a distinguishing, discernment 1 1 (0.2) (0.343) (0.01)
διάλεξις discourse, arguing 1 1 (0.2) (0.058) (0.01)
οἰκονομικός practised in the management of a household 2 2 (0.4) (0.123) (0.01)
εὐχαριστήριος expressive of gratitude 3 4 (0.79) (0.013) (0.01)
ἀνάληψις a taking up 3 3 (0.59) (0.132) (0.01)
προσρίπτω to throw to 1 1 (0.2) (0.005) (0.01)
ἐντυπόω to cut in intaglio 2 2 (0.4) (0.009) (0.01)
διαφωνέω to be dissonant 1 1 (0.2) (0.119) (0.01)
τυφόω to delude 1 1 (0.2) (0.03) (0.01)
ἀλλαχοῦ elsewhere 1 1 (0.2) (0.262) (0.01)
θρησκεία religious worship 6 8 (1.59) (0.232) (0.01)
ἄμετρος without measure, immense, excessive, boundless 2 2 (0.4) (0.374) (0.01)
συνυπάρχω exist together, coexist 2 2 (0.4) (0.061) (0.01)
στυππεῖον the coarse fibre of flax 1 1 (0.2) (0.007) (0.01)
ὁσιόω to make holy, purify, set free from guilt by offerings 7 8 (1.59) (0.012) (0.01)
ἀχώριστος not parted, not divided 5 5 (0.99) (0.352) (0.01)
καθομολογέω to confess 2 2 (0.4) (0.002) (0.01)
σιτηρέσιον provisions, victuals 2 2 (0.4) (0.014) (0.01)
πρωτοτόκος bearing her first-born 1 1 (0.2) (0.11) (0.01)
λειτουργέω to serve public offices at one's own cost 5 5 (0.99) (0.119) (0.01)
μηδεπώποτε never yet 1 1 (0.2) (0.019) (0.01)
ἄτρεπτος unmoved, immutable 1 1 (0.2) (0.085) (0.01)
ὁμογενής of the same race 2 2 (0.4) (0.252) (0.01)
Ἑωσφόρος bringer of morn 1 1 (0.2) (0.042) (0.01)
ἐνέργημα action, activity, operation 1 1 (0.2) (0.054) (0.01)
παρατήρησις observation 1 1 (0.2) (0.046) (0.01)
περιπλοκή a twining round, entanglement, intricacy 1 1 (0.2) (0.011) (0.01)
ἑλληνίζω to speak Greek 1 1 (0.2) (0.026) (0.01)
ἁμῆ in a certain way 1 1 (0.2) (0.003) (0.01)
χηρεύω to be bereaved 1 1 (0.2) (0.021) (0.01)
καθικετεύω to beg earnestly 1 2 (0.4) (0.005) (0.01)
ἑωσφόρος bringer of morn 1 1 (0.2) (0.047) (0.01)
θεοσέβεια the service 2 5 (0.99) (0.205) (0.01)
ἐπισκιάζω to throw a shade upon, overshadow 1 1 (0.2) (0.025) (0.01)
διαφωνία discord, disagreement 1 1 (0.2) (0.166) (0.01)
ἑρμηνεία interpretation, explanation 1 1 (0.2) (0.331) (0.01)
φῦ fie! faugh! 1 1 (0.2) (0.071) (0.01)
νεφρός kidney 1 1 (0.2) (0.388) (0.01)
καταχθόνιος subterranean 1 1 (0.2) (0.031) (0.01)
ἐπιθυμητός desired, to be desired 1 1 (0.2) (0.02) (0.01)
χειροτονία a voting 6 9 (1.78) (0.148) (0.01)
εὐαγγέλιον the reward of good tidings 7 9 (1.78) (0.825) (0.01)
συμπλήρωσις completion 1 1 (0.2) (0.038) (0.01)
πλειστάκις mostly, most often, very often 1 1 (0.2) (0.076) (0.01)
εὐκταῖος of or for prayer, votive, prayed for 1 1 (0.2) (0.018) (0.01)
διαληπτέος one must distinguish 1 1 (0.2) (0.008) (0.01)
διάδοσις a distribution, largess 1 1 (0.2) (0.043) (0.01)
ἀδιαίρετος undivided 2 2 (0.4) (0.614) (0.01)
ἀναχαιτίζω to throw back the mane, rear up 1 1 (0.2) (0.009) (0.01)
ζωτικός full of life, lively 1 1 (0.2) (0.161) (0.01)
τρόφιμος nourishing 1 2 (0.4) (0.129) (0.01)
χαριστήριος of or for thanksgiving 1 1 (0.2) (0.065) (0.01)
νηστεία a fast 2 3 (0.59) (0.153) (0.01)
ὁμότιμος held in equal honour 1 1 (0.2) (0.07) (0.01)
ἔγγραφος written 1 2 (0.4) (0.045) (0.01)
εἰκοσαετής of twenty years 1 1 (0.2) (0.004) (0.01)
τρίβος a worn or beaten track, path, attrition, delay, exercise 3 3 (0.59) (0.092) (0.01)
ἰσόπεδος of even surface, level 1 1 (0.2) (0.007) (0.01)
πεντηκοστός fiftieth 1 1 (0.2) (0.088) (0.01)
ἑτέρως in one or the other way; differently 1 1 (0.2) (0.293) (0.01)
Δαρδανία Troy 1 1 (0.2) (0.007) (0.01)
ψαλμός a twitching 2 2 (0.4) (0.212) (0.01)
ἑνόω make one, unite 1 1 (0.2) (0.18) (0.01)
ἁρμόδιος fitting together 3 4 (0.79) (0.066) (0.01)
διελέγχω to refute utterly 1 3 (0.59) (0.128) (0.01)
ἀμέριμνος free from care, unconcerned 1 1 (0.2) (0.015) (0.01)
θεολογία science of things divine 1 1 (0.2) (0.107) (0.01)
ἀνάγραπτος inscribed, registered 1 1 (0.2) (0.017) (0.01)
εὐθαλής blooming, flourishing 1 1 (0.2) (0.017) (0.01)
κρίμα decision, judgement 1 1 (0.2) (0.219) (0.01)
τομός cutting 2 2 (0.4) (0.042) (0.01)
γήϊνος of earth 1 1 (0.2) (0.083) (0.01)
συγκαλύπτω to cover 1 1 (0.2) (0.014) (0.01)
μετουσία participation, partnership, communion 1 2 (0.4) (0.102) (0.01)
σπινθήρ a spark 1 1 (0.2) (0.066) (0.01)
ἐπίγειος terrestrial 3 3 (0.59) (0.148) (0.01)
Ἰούλιος Julius 3 3 (0.59) (0.095) (0.01)
Ἱσπανία Spain 3 3 (0.59) (0.024) (0.01)
Σολομών Solomon, Salomo 22 22 (4.36) (0.269) (0.01)
ταπείνωσις humiliation, abasement, defeat 1 2 (0.4) (0.07) (0.01)
πάνσοφος all-wise 1 1 (0.2) (0.02) (0.01)
ἀσύνθετος uncompounded 8 8 (1.59) (0.077) (0.01)
ἱκεσία the prayer of a suppliant 1 1 (0.2) (0.059) (0.01)
υἱόω make into a son 6 7 (1.39) (0.483) (0.01)
δίστομος double-mouthed, with two entrances 2 2 (0.4) (0.023) (0.01)
ἀφαίρεσις a taking away, carrying off 1 1 (0.2) (0.312) (0.01)
ἀηδία unpleasantness, nauseousness 1 1 (0.2) (0.057) (0.01)
συγκαθεύδω to sleep with 1 1 (0.2) (0.01) (0.01)
Σατάν Satan 2 2 (0.4) (0.19) (0.01)
ἀγέννητος unbegotten, unborn 6 6 (1.19) (0.129) (0.01)
ἔμετος vomiting 1 1 (0.2) (0.29) (0.01)
παγίς a trap 1 2 (0.4) (0.053) (0.01)
μακρόθεν from afar 1 1 (0.2) (0.059) (0.01)
παραμυθία encouragement, exhortation, persuasion 1 1 (0.2) (0.142) (0.01)
μεγαλοφυής of noble nature 3 3 (0.59) (0.009) (0.01)
μακαρία happiness, bliss 1 2 (0.4) (0.094) (0.01)
ἀναμφίλογος undisputed, undoubted 1 1 (0.2) (0.032) (0.01)
μεσίτης a mediator, umpire, arbitrator 1 1 (0.2) (0.047) (0.01)
ἑδραῖος sitting, sedentary 1 1 (0.2) (0.063) (0.01)
ἐξόριστος expelled, banished 1 1 (0.2) (0.007) (0.01)
κακοδοξία bad repute, infamy 2 3 (0.59) (0.025) (0.01)
ἁμός2 indef. 'some' 1 1 (0.2) (0.003) (0.01)
ἀνάθεμα anything devoted to evil, an accursed thing 1 1 (0.2) (0.111) (0.01)
ἐπισκοπή a watching over, visitation 70 89 (17.65) (0.502) (0.01)
σύμψηφος voting with 1 3 (0.59) (0.025) (0.01)
καθαρότης cleanness, purity 2 3 (0.59) (0.065) (0.01)
οἰκητήριον a dwelling-place, habitation 2 2 (0.4) (0.02) (0.01)
δίδαγμα a lesson 1 2 (0.4) (0.047) (0.01)
χρηστότης goodness, honesty 1 1 (0.2) (0.104) (0.01)
ὑγρότης wetness, moisture 1 1 (0.2) (0.804) (0.01)
ἀκολουθία a following, train 2 6 (1.19) (0.445) (0.01)
ὦσις thrusting, pushing 1 1 (0.2) (0.097) (0.01)
ὁρισμός a marking out by boundaries, limitation 1 1 (0.2) (2.831) (0.01)
παρακρούω to strike aside: to disappoint, mislead 1 1 (0.2) (0.108) (0.01)
κριτικός able to discern, critical 3 3 (0.59) (0.113) (0.01)
συγκροτέω to strike together; 3 3 (0.59) (0.107) (0.01)
συζυγία a yoke of animals, a pair 1 1 (0.2) (0.709) (0.01)
πυρώδης cereal 1 1 (0.2) (0.084) (0.01)
διδασκαλικός fit for teaching, capable of giving instruction, instructive 3 4 (0.79) (0.064) (0.01)
ἄνα accomplishment 2 2 (0.4) (0.192) (0.01)
βασκανία slander, envy, malice 2 2 (0.4) (0.041) (0.01)
ὑπομονή a remaining behind 2 2 (0.4) (0.176) (0.01)
ἔξαρχος a leader, beginner 1 2 (0.4) (0.021) (0.01)
ὀπός the juice of the figtree 1 1 (0.2) (0.267) (0.01)
θαυμαστής an admirer 2 2 (0.4) (0.041) (0.01)
Ἀσιανός Asiatic 1 1 (0.2) (0.03) (0.01)
δεσποτεία the power of a master 1 1 (0.2) (0.042) (0.01)
ἀνεξέταστος not inquired into 1 1 (0.2) (0.017) (0.01)
Ἀμμώνιος2 Ammonius, pr. n. 1 1 (0.2) (0.145) (0.01)
θεοπρεπής meet for a god 2 2 (0.4) (0.066) (0.01)
λυσιτέλεια advantage, profit 1 1 (0.2) (0.01) (0.01)
παρεγγύη a word of command passed on 1 2 (0.4) (0.013) (0.01)
βλέμμα a look, glance 2 3 (0.59) (0.086) (0.01)
ὁμοίωσις a becoming like, assimilation 18 18 (3.57) (0.165) (0.01)
ἄρνησις denial 1 1 (0.2) (0.09) (0.01)
ἔκδοσις a giving out 3 3 (0.59) (0.064) (0.01)
λαοφόρος bearing people 1 3 (0.59) (0.068) (0.01)
καταναλίσκω to use up, spend, lavish 1 2 (0.4) (0.065) (0.01)
μήπως lest in any way, lest any how, lest perchance 1 2 (0.4) (0.03) (0.01)
Παλαιστῖνος of Palaestina, Palestine 1 3 (0.59) (0.037) (0.01)
ὁσημέραι as many days as are 2 6 (1.19) (0.115) (0.01)
ἐνώπιος face to face 2 2 (0.4) (0.451) (0.01)
κακόνοια ill-will, malignity, malice 1 1 (0.2) (0.013) (0.01)
ἀντιτοξεύω to shoot arrows in turn 1 1 (0.2) (0.002) (0.01)
ἐκβοάω to call out, cry aloud 1 1 (0.2) (0.028) (0.01)
ὑπόληψις taking-up: reply, impression, assumption 1 2 (0.4) (0.332) (0.01)
Βίτων Biton 3 3 (0.59) (0.01) (0.02)
ἐπίγνωσις full knowledge 1 5 (0.99) (0.168) (0.02)
σχίσμα a cleft, a rent 1 1 (0.2) (0.039) (0.02)
φευκτέος one must flee 1 1 (0.2) (0.03) (0.02)
μειόω to make smaller, to lessen, moderate 1 1 (0.2) (0.177) (0.02)
εὐτρεπίζω to make ready, get ready 1 1 (0.2) (0.071) (0.02)
ὑπεύθυνος liable to give account for 1 1 (0.2) (0.074) (0.02)
συμβασιλεύω to rule 1 2 (0.4) (0.014) (0.02)
ἀγκύλη a loop 1 1 (0.2) (0.034) (0.02)
αἰσθητός perceptible by the senses 5 5 (0.99) (2.492) (0.02)
ἀπόστολος a messenger, ambassador, envoy 15 23 (4.56) (1.639) (0.02)
αὐστηρός harsh, rough, bitter 1 1 (0.2) (0.215) (0.02)
ἱεράομαι to be a priest 3 7 (1.39) (0.091) (0.02)
πανουργία knavery, roguery, villany 1 3 (0.59) (0.098) (0.02)
ὑπεραλγέω to feel pain for 1 3 (0.59) (0.016) (0.02)
διαθήκη a disposition 2 2 (0.4) (0.558) (0.02)
ἐπανίημι to let loose at 2 2 (0.4) (0.075) (0.02)
ὁδηγέω to lead 1 1 (0.2) (0.047) (0.02)
ἀμνός a lamb 1 1 (0.2) (0.117) (0.02)
ἀποσυνάγωγος put out of the synagogue 1 1 (0.2) (0.005) (0.02)
Δίδυμος Didymus 1 1 (0.2) (0.093) (0.02)
ἑτεροῖος of a different kind 2 2 (0.4) (0.033) (0.02)
ἀμίαντος undefiled 1 1 (0.2) (0.026) (0.02)
ἐνστάζω to drop in 1 1 (0.2) (0.029) (0.02)
βίβλος the inner bark of the papyrus 1 4 (0.79) (0.315) (0.02)
ἱεροφάντης a hierophant, one who teaches the rites of sacrifice and worship 1 1 (0.2) (0.035) (0.02)
συλλογή a gathering, collecting 1 1 (0.2) (0.05) (0.02)
μεριμνάω to care for, be anxious about, think earnestly upon, scan minutely 2 2 (0.4) (0.072) (0.02)
ἀβοήθητος helpless 2 2 (0.4) (0.01) (0.02)
γαμετή a married woman, wife 5 8 (1.59) (0.16) (0.02)
ἐπιβιόω to live over 1 3 (0.59) (0.042) (0.02)
ἀσάλευτος not agitated, tranquil 1 1 (0.2) (0.033) (0.02)
ἀπόδοτος liable to be repaid 1 1 (0.2) (0.013) (0.02)
πρόβολος outcrop, bulwark 1 1 (0.2) (0.016) (0.02)
ἀναντίρρητος not to be opposed 1 1 (0.2) (0.026) (0.02)
λογικός of or for speech, possessed of reason, intellectual 2 2 (0.4) (2.086) (0.02)
αἰσχροκέρδεια base covetousness 1 1 (0.2) (0.016) (0.02)
Θηβαΐς territory of Thebes, Thebais 1 2 (0.4) (0.044) (0.02)
ἀνταγωνίζομαι to struggle against, prove a match for 1 1 (0.2) (0.025) (0.02)
ἑῷος in or of the morning, early, Eastern 6 8 (1.59) (0.362) (0.02)
ἐπερώτησις a questioning, consulting 4 4 (0.79) (0.007) (0.02)
σχηματίζω assume a certain form, figure, posture 1 1 (0.2) (0.103) (0.02)
βεβαίωσις confirmation 1 1 (0.2) (0.052) (0.02)
χειροτονέω (to stretch out the hand), to vote, elect 3 7 (1.39) (0.228) (0.02)
ἄφεσις a letting go, dismissal 1 1 (0.2) (0.27) (0.02)
ἀγνωσία ignorance 1 1 (0.2) (0.061) (0.02)
διάκρισις separation, dissolution 1 1 (0.2) (0.436) (0.02)
ὑπουργός rendering service, serviceable, promoting, conducive to 1 2 (0.4) (0.024) (0.02)
ἀποκαλύπτω to uncover 2 3 (0.59) (0.215) (0.02)
διαπρέπω to appear prominent 2 2 (0.4) (0.067) (0.02)
διωγμός the chase 2 5 (0.99) (0.219) (0.02)
καθαίρεσις a pulling down, rasing to the ground 2 4 (0.79) (0.173) (0.02)
οὖ letter omicron; translit. Lat. -u- 7 10 (1.98) (0.364) (0.02)
ὁρατής beholder 4 4 (0.79) (0.187) (0.02)
ψηλαφάω to feel 1 1 (0.2) (0.019) (0.02)
woe! woe! 7 10 (1.98) (0.339) (0.02)
προσφορά a bringing to, applying, application 3 3 (0.59) (0.11) (0.02)
ἄνη fulfilment 3 3 (0.59) (0.216) (0.02)
ἀμώμητος unblamed, blameless 2 7 (1.39) (0.024) (0.02)
πιττάκιον tablet for writing on, label, ticket 1 1 (0.2) (0.002) (0.02)
ζάλη the surging 1 2 (0.4) (0.041) (0.02)
ἐργαλεῖον a tool, instrument 10 10 (1.98) (0.022) (0.02)
ἐξορύσσω to dig out 2 2 (0.4) (0.013) (0.03)
ἀποδημία a being from home, a going 1 2 (0.4) (0.127) (0.03)
προξενέω to be proxenos; to procure, to be a patron, protector 1 2 (0.4) (0.044) (0.03)
καθέδρα a seat 1 2 (0.4) (0.112) (0.03)
ἀντίκειμαι to be set over against, lie opposite 1 1 (0.2) (2.123) (0.03)
ψυχικός of the soul 1 1 (0.2) (0.544) (0.03)
ἄναρχος without head 1 2 (0.4) (0.078) (0.03)
ἴστωρ one who knows law and right, judge 1 1 (0.2) (0.007) (0.03)
δυσσέβεια impiety, ungodliness 1 1 (0.2) (0.079) (0.03)
ἀδόκιμος not standing the test, spurious 1 1 (0.2) (0.062) (0.03)
ἄγραφος unwritten 1 1 (0.2) (0.076) (0.03)
ἄλη ceaseless wandering 1 1 (0.2) (0.099) (0.03)
κόκκος a grain, seed 2 2 (0.4) (0.161) (0.03)
καινότης newness, freshness 2 2 (0.4) (0.043) (0.03)
διήγημα tale 2 3 (0.59) (0.093) (0.03)
ἀνεπιτήδειος unserviceable, unfit 1 1 (0.2) (0.061) (0.03)
περιεργάζομαι to take more pains than enough about 1 1 (0.2) (0.037) (0.03)
καταλείβω to pour down; 1 1 (0.2) (0.055) (0.03)
προτρέχω to run forward 1 1 (0.2) (0.025) (0.03)
κατηφής with downcast eyes, downcast, mute 1 2 (0.4) (0.037) (0.03)
ἐπιμειξία mixing with 1 1 (0.2) (0.081) (0.03)
ὁμογνώμων of one's mind, like-minded 1 2 (0.4) (0.037) (0.03)
Παῦλος Paulus, Paul 13 15 (2.97) (1.455) (0.03)
νεῦμα a nod 6 8 (1.59) (0.129) (0.03)
βούλημα purpose 1 1 (0.2) (0.188) (0.03)
ἐπιορκία a false oath 1 1 (0.2) (0.03) (0.03)
γυμνασία exercise 1 1 (0.2) (0.082) (0.03)
ἀπρονόητος unpremeditated 1 2 (0.4) (0.024) (0.03)
πορφυρίς a purple garment 1 1 (0.2) (0.029) (0.03)
πρεσβεῖον a gift of honour 1 1 (0.2) (0.037) (0.03)
Ἰλλυρικός of Illyria 2 3 (0.59) (0.133) (0.03)
κῦρος supreme power, authority 1 2 (0.4) (0.093) (0.03)
Νίκαια Nicaea (name of cities in Locris, Bithynia, Liguria, India) 24 44 (8.72) (0.345) (0.03)
διακονία the office of a διάκονος, service 4 4 (0.79) (0.233) (0.03)
φράσις speech; enunciation 2 3 (0.59) (0.082) (0.03)
ἔκθεσις a putting out, exposing 2 2 (0.4) (0.125) (0.03)
καθιερόω to dedicate, devote, hallow 1 2 (0.4) (0.057) (0.04)
Θεόδωρος Theodorus 1 3 (0.59) (0.329) (0.04)
ἐκραίνω to scatter out of, make to fall in drops from 2 2 (0.4) (0.046) (0.04)
βλασφημέω to drop evil 9 12 (2.38) (0.211) (0.04)
συνοχή a being held together 1 1 (0.2) (0.029) (0.04)
ἐπουράνιος in heaven, heavenly 6 6 (1.19) (0.232) (0.04)
προεδρία the privilege of the front seats 1 2 (0.4) (0.079) (0.04)
φιλητός to be loved, worthy of love 1 1 (0.2) (0.049) (0.04)
ἐπίσκοπος2 hitting the mark 15 32 (6.34) (0.261) (0.04)
Πάρθος Parthian 1 3 (0.59) (0.078) (0.04)
ἀνεπίληπτος not open to attack, not censured, blameless 2 2 (0.4) (0.047) (0.04)
ἐπεκτείνω to extend 1 1 (0.2) (0.047) (0.04)
συγκατάθεσις approval, agreement, concord 1 2 (0.4) (0.094) (0.04)
πρέπων a species of sea fish 1 1 (0.2) (0.053) (0.04)
δικεῖν to throw, cast 1 1 (0.2) (0.029) (0.04)
ἄφραστος unutterable, inexpressible 2 2 (0.4) (0.026) (0.04)
διερευνάω to search through, examine closely 4 7 (1.39) (0.056) (0.04)
δεσποτικός of or for a master; inclined to tyranny, despotic 1 4 (0.79) (0.071) (0.04)
ἀοίκητος uninhabited 14 14 (2.78) (0.05) (0.04)
ἀνάκρισις examination of parties concerned in a suit, a preparation 1 1 (0.2) (0.022) (0.04)
ἄθλησις a contest, struggle 1 2 (0.4) (0.026) (0.04)
τριέτης of or for three years, three years old 2 2 (0.4) (0.027) (0.04)
προσηνής soft, gentle, kindly 1 1 (0.2) (0.069) (0.04)
πάντοτε at all times, always 3 4 (0.79) (0.202) (0.04)
ἐπίσημον any distinguishing mark, a device 1 2 (0.4) (0.087) (0.04)
ἐπιτέρπομαι to rejoice 1 2 (0.4) (0.046) (0.04)
Λᾶς Las (f) town in Laconia; (m) its founder 1 1 (0.2) (0.224) (0.04)
λοιμικός pestilential 1 1 (0.2) (0.015) (0.04)
ἐτήσιος lasting a year, a year long 1 1 (0.2) (0.086) (0.04)
προπέτεια reckless haste, vehemence, rashness, indiscretion 1 2 (0.4) (0.055) (0.04)
ἔνθεος full of the god, inspired, possessed 1 1 (0.2) (0.186) (0.04)
πλάνης a wanderer, roamer, rover 5 6 (1.19) (0.179) (0.04)
εὐάρμοστος well-joined, harmonious 1 1 (0.2) (0.026) (0.04)
ᾆσμα a song, a lyric ode 1 2 (0.4) (0.139) (0.04)
ὡσεί just as if, as though 2 2 (0.4) (0.276) (0.04)
χορεία a dance, esp. choral dance with music 4 5 (0.99) (0.061) (0.04)
κληρονομέω to receive a share of an inheritance, to inherit a portion 1 1 (0.2) (0.183) (0.04)
δηλαδή quite clearly, manifestly 1 4 (0.79) (0.264) (0.04)
νεαρός young, youthful 1 1 (0.2) (0.058) (0.04)
ἀναπτύσσω to unfold 1 1 (0.2) (0.037) (0.04)
Ἀντιόχεια Antiochia 5 10 (1.98) (0.46) (0.04)
μετανοέω to change one's mind 1 1 (0.2) (0.279) (0.04)
μοχθηρία bad condition, badness 4 7 (1.39) (0.143) (0.04)
συνηγορέω to be an advocate 1 1 (0.2) (0.047) (0.04)
μετάνοια after-thought, repentance 2 9 (1.78) (0.341) (0.04)
ἀόρατος unseen, not to be seen, invisible 8 9 (1.78) (0.486) (0.04)
ὑπογραφή a signed bill of indictment 3 3 (0.59) (0.257) (0.04)
παραθέω to run beside 2 3 (0.59) (0.132) (0.04)
παραχέω to pour in beside, pour in 1 1 (0.2) (0.083) (0.04)
Κιλίκιος Cilician, of Cilicia 1 1 (0.2) (0.028) (0.04)
δίδημι to bind, fetter 1 1 (0.2) (0.029) (0.04)
νάρκισσος the narcissus 1 2 (0.4) (0.052) (0.04)
σκαιότης lefthandedness, awkwardness 1 2 (0.4) (0.034) (0.04)
ὑψόω to lift high, raise up 1 1 (0.2) (0.121) (0.04)
Πτολεμαΐς Ptolemais 1 1 (0.2) (0.031) (0.04)
σπόρος a sowing 2 2 (0.4) (0.089) (0.04)
μεγαλύνω to make great 1 1 (0.2) (0.065) (0.04)
μυστικός mystic, connected with the mysteries 1 2 (0.4) (0.165) (0.04)
ἔμπυρος in the fire 1 1 (0.2) (0.028) (0.04)
καρτερία patient endurance, patience 1 1 (0.2) (0.115) (0.04)
ἀναλέγω to pick up, gather up 1 5 (0.99) (0.039) (0.04)
σφραγίζω to seal 1 2 (0.4) (0.079) (0.04)
Ἄραψ Arab 1 1 (0.2) (0.129) (0.04)
ἄμεμπτος not to be blamed, blameless 1 1 (0.2) (0.16) (0.04)
πρυτανεύω to hold the presidency 1 3 (0.59) (0.032) (0.04)
ψάλλω to touch sharply, to pluck, pull, twitch 1 1 (0.2) (0.075) (0.04)
γενετή the hour of birth 1 1 (0.2) (0.086) (0.04)
λογόω introduce λόγος into 1 2 (0.4) (0.096) (0.04)
ζήτημα that which is sought 4 4 (0.79) (0.178) (0.04)
εὐχαριστία thankfulness, gratitude 9 9 (1.78) (0.125) (0.04)
διϊκνέομαι go through, penetrate 1 1 (0.2) (0.055) (0.04)
ἀπαξιόω to disclaim as unworthy, disown 1 1 (0.2) (0.039) (0.04)
εὐταξία good arrangement, good condition 2 4 (0.79) (0.103) (0.04)
τηνικάδε at this time of day, so early 1 1 (0.2) (0.068) (0.04)
βλασφημία a profane speech 8 14 (2.78) (0.223) (0.04)
εὐπραξία good conduct 1 1 (0.2) (0.04) (0.04)
στιβάς a bed of straw, rushes 1 2 (0.4) (0.036) (0.04)
ἀνώμαλος uneven, irregular 1 1 (0.2) (0.362) (0.04)
Χριστός the anointed one, Christ 44 102 (20.22) (5.404) (0.04)
ἀξιόπιστος trustworthy 2 3 (0.59) (0.138) (0.04)
ὁμόφωνος speaking the same language with 1 1 (0.2) (0.028) (0.04)
κατηχέω to sound, to instruct 2 2 (0.4) (0.06) (0.04)
προγιγνώσκω to know, perceive, learn 1 2 (0.4) (0.197) (0.04)
ἔκκριτος picked out, select 1 1 (0.2) (0.061) (0.04)
ποιμενικός of or for a shepherd 2 2 (0.4) (0.015) (0.04)
ἐπινίκιος of victory, triumphal 1 2 (0.4) (0.076) (0.04)
ἀπρόσιτος unapproachable 1 1 (0.2) (0.022) (0.04)
παραβολή juxta-position, comparison 1 1 (0.2) (0.372) (0.04)
ὑπόστασις that which settles at the bottom, sediment 14 15 (2.97) (0.811) (0.04)
ἀοίδιμος sung of, famous in song 1 3 (0.59) (0.054) (0.05)
παραθήκη anything entrusted to 2 2 (0.4) (0.013) (0.05)
ἀγριότης wildness, savageness 1 1 (0.2) (0.05) (0.05)
παραστατικός fit for standing by 1 1 (0.2) (0.026) (0.05)
παιδοποιία procreation of children 1 1 (0.2) (0.042) (0.05)
ἐπινέμω to allot, distribute 2 2 (0.4) (0.048) (0.05)
Παφλαγονία Paphlagonia 2 2 (0.4) (0.027) (0.05)
αὐθάδεια self-will, wilfulness, stubbornness, contumacy, presumption 1 1 (0.2) (0.04) (0.05)
σεμνότης gravity, solemnity, dignity, majesty 2 2 (0.4) (0.09) (0.05)
γέννησις an engendering, producing 4 4 (0.79) (0.183) (0.05)
ἀμέλει never mind 1 1 (0.2) (0.305) (0.05)
οὐδεπώποτε nor yet at any time, never yet at any time 1 4 (0.79) (0.062) (0.05)
ἀνιάομαι to cure again, repair 1 1 (0.2) (0.09) (0.05)
σύγχυσις a commixture, confusion 2 2 (0.4) (0.126) (0.05)
διαλογισμός a balancing of accounts 3 3 (0.59) (0.066) (0.05)
σκέπη a covering, shelter, protection 2 2 (0.4) (0.118) (0.05)
νεῦρον a sinew, tendon; 1 1 (0.2) (1.281) (0.05)
ἐπίχειρον wages of manual labour 1 1 (0.2) (0.035) (0.05)
ἀρύω to draw 1 1 (0.2) (0.034) (0.05)
γέννας mother's brother, uncle 1 1 (0.2) (0.162) (0.05)
εὐσεβέω to live or act piously, religiously 1 3 (0.59) (0.081) (0.05)
ἀναισχυντία shamelessness 1 2 (0.4) (0.053) (0.05)
ἀκρόασις a hearing 7 8 (1.59) (0.269) (0.05)
ἀβουλέω to be unwilling 2 2 (0.4) (0.064) (0.05)
γραμματεύς a secretary, clerk 1 1 (0.2) (0.19) (0.05)
ἀθέμιστος lawless, without law 2 4 (0.79) (0.077) (0.05)
κτίσις a founding, foundation 12 12 (2.38) (0.49) (0.05)
πλησμονή a filling 1 1 (0.2) (0.101) (0.05)
ἀδιάπτωτος infallible 1 2 (0.4) (0.019) (0.05)
διάβολος slanderous, backbiting 7 9 (1.78) (0.51) (0.05)
ἰσόω to make equal 1 1 (0.2) (0.069) (0.05)
ἄνοος without understanding, foolish, silly 2 2 (0.4) (0.262) (0.05)
ὕψιστος highest, loftiest 2 4 (0.79) (0.213) (0.05)
διδασκαλία teaching, instruction, education 7 9 (1.78) (1.33) (0.05)
Ποντικός from Pontus, Pontic 1 1 (0.2) (0.155) (0.05)
τετράπους four-footed 5 5 (0.99) (0.282) (0.05)
παλαιόω to make old 1 2 (0.4) (0.154) (0.05)
γέννημα that which is produced 2 2 (0.4) (0.155) (0.05)
κληρονόμος one who receives a portion 1 1 (0.2) (0.144) (0.05)
πρόρριζος by the roots, root and branch, utterly 1 1 (0.2) (0.025) (0.05)
διατρέχω to run across 2 3 (0.59) (0.105) (0.05)
ἀνέω winnow 1 1 (0.2) (0.131) (0.05)
λειτουργία a liturgy 3 4 (0.79) (0.225) (0.05)
ἐκκαθαίρω to cleanse out 1 1 (0.2) (0.088) (0.05)
βοηθόος hasting to the battle-shout, hasting to battle 1 2 (0.4) (0.107) (0.05)
ὁσιότης piety, holiness 1 6 (1.19) (0.084) (0.05)
διαρρήγνυμι to break through, cleave asunder 1 2 (0.4) (0.114) (0.05)
χαρακτήρ a mark engraved 1 3 (0.59) (0.319) (0.05)
εὔκολος easily satisfied, contented with one's food 1 1 (0.2) (0.194) (0.05)
ἐπαρχία the government of a province 16 22 (4.36) (0.111) (0.05)
ἐκκλησιάζω to hold an assembly, debate therein 5 22 (4.36) (0.272) (0.05)
θεμιτός allowed by the laws of God and men, righteous 1 1 (0.2) (0.068) (0.06)
Παλαιστίνη Palaestina, Palestine 5 8 (1.59) (0.162) (0.06)
συμπόσιον a drinking-party, symposium 2 2 (0.4) (0.325) (0.06)
ὁρατός to be seen, visible 7 7 (1.39) (0.535) (0.06)
ἐγχωρέω to give room 2 2 (0.4) (0.447) (0.06)
συνομολογέω to say the same thing with, to agree with 1 2 (0.4) (0.056) (0.06)
ἁπλόω to make single, to unfold, stretch out 2 2 (0.4) (1.286) (0.06)
ἀποστατέω to stand aloof from, depart from, be far from 1 1 (0.2) (0.026) (0.06)
ἄφατος not uttered, nameless 1 5 (0.99) (0.052) (0.06)
θρασύνω to make bold, embolden, encourage 1 2 (0.4) (0.049) (0.06)
χήρα bereft of a husband, a widow 1 1 (0.2) (0.17) (0.06)
συγγραφή a writing 3 8 (1.59) (0.165) (0.06)
δράσσομαι to grasp 1 1 (0.2) (0.047) (0.06)
εὐλογία good 1 2 (0.4) (0.211) (0.06)
ἀργία idleness, laziness 1 1 (0.2) (0.142) (0.06)
καταξιόω to deem worthy 3 3 (0.59) (0.053) (0.06)
πηγός well put together, compact, strong 1 1 (0.2) (0.095) (0.06)
βυθός the depth 2 3 (0.59) (0.135) (0.06)
μηδέπω nor as yet, not as yet 1 1 (0.2) (0.256) (0.06)
ὄργανος working 1 2 (0.4) (0.429) (0.06)
κηδεμών one who is in charge 1 3 (0.59) (0.041) (0.06)
διάστασις a standing aloof, separation 1 2 (0.4) (0.667) (0.06)
ἐξέλκω to draw 1 1 (0.2) (0.038) (0.06)
καταβολή a throwing 3 3 (0.59) (0.092) (0.06)
αὐθέντης one who does by his own hand; a murderer 1 2 (0.4) (0.02) (0.06)
ὑπεξέρχομαι to go out from under: to go out secretly, withdraw, retire 1 4 (0.79) (0.051) (0.06)
φιλοφρονέομαι to treat affectionately, to shew kindness to 1 1 (0.2) (0.055) (0.06)
διάταξις disposition, arrangement 1 2 (0.4) (0.083) (0.06)
ἐκκλείω to shut out from 1 1 (0.2) (0.01) (0.06)
ἄκυρος without authority 1 1 (0.2) (0.067) (0.06)
ψεύστης a liar, cheat 1 1 (0.2) (0.066) (0.06)
ἑρμηνεύω to interpret 2 2 (0.4) (0.377) (0.06)
θεατός to be seen 1 2 (0.4) (0.036) (0.06)
ἀφομοιόω to make like 1 1 (0.2) (0.04) (0.06)
προγράφω to write before 1 1 (0.2) (0.222) (0.06)
νοόω convert into pure Intelligence 12 12 (2.38) (0.707) (0.06)
δοκιμασία an assay, examination, scrutiny 2 2 (0.4) (0.057) (0.06)
γερουσία a Council of Elders, Senate 1 1 (0.2) (0.127) (0.06)
ὑφηγέομαι to go just before, to guide, lead 1 2 (0.4) (0.082) (0.06)
Δαρδάνιος Trojan 1 1 (0.2) (0.007) (0.06)
ἀνεπίφθονος without reproach 1 1 (0.2) (0.016) (0.06)
θεμέλιος of or for the foundation; (abs.) foundation (stone) 1 3 (0.59) (0.295) (0.06)
ἀλλαγή a change 1 1 (0.2) (0.062) (0.06)
φῦσα a pair of bellows, bellows 18 18 (3.57) (0.184) (0.07)
τετράκις four times 1 1 (0.2) (0.08) (0.07)
σύμβολος an augury, omen 1 2 (0.4) (0.287) (0.07)
πάσχα Passover 14 14 (2.78) (0.355) (0.07)
ἄλυπος without pain 1 2 (0.4) (0.205) (0.07)
περιγράφω to draw a line round, mark round 2 3 (0.59) (0.181) (0.07)
γεωργία tillage, agriculture, farming 1 1 (0.2) (0.126) (0.07)
Ἰούδας Judas 1 1 (0.2) (0.915) (0.07)
μονογενής only, single (child) 16 19 (3.77) (0.371) (0.07)
διαμαρτύρομαι to protest solemnly 1 2 (0.4) (0.07) (0.07)
ἱερόω to hallow, consecrate, dedicate 3 5 (0.99) (0.128) (0.07)
ποτήριον a drinking-cup, wine-cup 1 2 (0.4) (0.409) (0.07)
εὐλάβεια discretion, caution, circumspection 4 9 (1.78) (0.146) (0.07)
προπετής falling forwards, inclined forward 2 2 (0.4) (0.154) (0.07)
πῇ whither? in what way? how? 1 1 (0.2) (0.3) (0.07)
φατός that may be spoken 4 4 (0.79) (0.022) (0.07)
συνδέομαι to join in begging 1 1 (0.2) (0.081) (0.07)
ὑποθήκη a suggestion, counsel, warning, piece of advice 3 3 (0.59) (0.073) (0.07)
Παμφυλία Pamphylia 1 1 (0.2) (0.049) (0.07)
ἐπεῖδον to look upon, behold 1 1 (0.2) (0.088) (0.07)
μετριότης moderation 1 1 (0.2) (0.06) (0.07)
εἰλικρινής unmixed, without alloy, pure 3 6 (1.19) (0.208) (0.07)
ἀγαπητός beloved 9 13 (2.58) (0.325) (0.07)
Καλχηδών Calchedon (Chalcedon) 1 3 (0.59) (0.11) (0.07)
Σύρος a Syrian 1 1 (0.2) (0.235) (0.07)
κυρίως like a lord 1 1 (0.2) (1.741) (0.07)
τεχνίτης an artificer, artisan, craftsman, skilled workman 1 7 (1.39) (0.417) (0.07)
σύγγραμμα a writing, a written paper 3 5 (0.99) (0.604) (0.07)
κατασβέννυμι to put out, quench 1 1 (0.2) (0.049) (0.07)
πρόδρομος running forward, with headlong speed 1 1 (0.2) (0.076) (0.07)
μετόπωρον late autumn 1 1 (0.2) (0.075) (0.07)
ἐνέργεια action, operation, energy 9 13 (2.58) (5.988) (0.07)
ἐφόδιος for a journey 1 1 (0.2) (0.039) (0.07)
νιφάς a snowflake 1 1 (0.2) (0.015) (0.07)
ἀναπληρόω to fill up 1 1 (0.2) (0.149) (0.07)
θεόθεν from the gods, at the hands of the gods 3 4 (0.79) (0.069) (0.07)
ἀνάστασις a raising up 7 8 (1.59) (0.803) (0.07)
ἄσκησις exercise, practice, training 1 2 (0.4) (0.186) (0.07)
κατάλογος an enrolment, register, list, catalogue 3 4 (0.79) (0.163) (0.07)
ὑπόδειγμα a token, mark 3 3 (0.59) (0.233) (0.07)
δημιουργία a making, creating 1 1 (0.2) (0.126) (0.07)
φαιδρός bright, beaming 1 2 (0.4) (0.117) (0.07)
διακονέω to minister, serve, do service 1 3 (0.59) (0.215) (0.07)
εἰσέτι still yet 1 2 (0.4) (0.119) (0.07)
παραιτητής an intercessor 1 1 (0.2) (0.035) (0.07)
μετάστασις a removing, removal 1 2 (0.4) (0.115) (0.07)
καθολικός general 18 23 (4.56) (0.361) (0.07)
σύνδεσμος a bond of union, bond, fastening 1 1 (0.2) (0.562) (0.07)
ἑορτάζω to keep festival 2 2 (0.4) (0.122) (0.07)
μερισμός a dividing, division 1 1 (0.2) (0.098) (0.07)
μυστήριον a mystery 12 14 (2.78) (0.695) (0.07)
ἀνάρμοστος unsuitable, incongruous, disproportionate 1 1 (0.2) (0.06) (0.07)
θεία one’s father’s or mother’s sister, aunt 16 22 (4.36) (0.576) (0.07)
φωράω to search after a thief, detect, discover 2 3 (0.59) (0.147) (0.07)
ἑκατοστός the hundredth 1 1 (0.2) (0.049) (0.07)
προσεύχομαι to offer prayers 1 3 (0.59) (0.285) (0.07)
μεγαλοπρέπεια magnificence, elevation 1 1 (0.2) (0.054) (0.07)
ἀντιτίθημι to set against, oppose 1 1 (0.2) (0.1) (0.07)
ἀπαρχή the beginning of a sacrifice, the primal offering 3 3 (0.59) (0.227) (0.07)
σύνταγμα that which is put together in order 1 2 (0.4) (0.101) (0.07)
ἀναπέμπω to send up 2 4 (0.79) (0.151) (0.07)
Ἀμφίων Amphion 1 2 (0.4) (0.058) (0.07)
θάλπω to heat, soften by heat 1 1 (0.2) (0.054) (0.07)
Πέρση Perse, daughter of Oceanus, wife of Helius 1 1 (0.2) (0.016) (0.08)
ἠρέμα stilly, quietly, gently, softly 1 1 (0.2) (0.244) (0.08)
ἐφήκω to have arrived 1 3 (0.59) (0.091) (0.08)
ἀντιτείνω to stretch out in return, to offer in return, to repay 1 2 (0.4) (0.071) (0.08)
τρόφις well-fed, stout, large 1 2 (0.4) (0.153) (0.08)
ἀπόλαυσις enjoyment, fruition 1 2 (0.4) (0.191) (0.08)
ἄμοιρος without share in 1 1 (0.2) (0.104) (0.08)
ἐντελής complete, full 3 3 (0.59) (0.077) (0.08)
μισθωτός hired 2 2 (0.4) (0.038) (0.08)
ὑποκριτής an interpreter, actor 1 1 (0.2) (0.101) (0.08)
καταψηφίζομαι to vote against 1 1 (0.2) (0.108) (0.08)
ἀποκαλέω to call back, recall 1 3 (0.59) (0.196) (0.08)
ἔμφυτος implanted, innate, natural 2 5 (0.99) (0.326) (0.08)
ἀφθονία freedom from envy 1 1 (0.2) (0.11) (0.08)
ὑπόκρισις a reply, answer; performance 1 1 (0.2) (0.085) (0.08)
τόνος rope, cord, brace; stretching, raising, exertion, pitch 1 2 (0.4) (0.347) (0.08)
φοινίκεος purple-red, purple 1 1 (0.2) (0.116) (0.08)
εὐαγής free from pollution, guiltless, pure, undefiled 1 1 (0.2) (0.045) (0.08)
ἀναμάρτητος without missing, unfailing, unerring 2 4 (0.79) (0.084) (0.08)
ἀγάπη love 3 6 (1.19) (0.781) (0.08)
Ἀβραάμ Abraham 2 3 (0.59) (0.949) (0.08)
ἀναίρω to lift up 1 2 (0.4) (0.55) (0.08)
φυγαδεύω to drive from a country, banish 1 1 (0.2) (0.049) (0.08)
ἀσθενόω to weaken 1 1 (0.2) (0.122) (0.08)
ἀκροθίνιον the topmost part of a heap, the choice part, first-fruits 1 2 (0.4) (0.02) (0.08)
λυσσάω to be raging 1 1 (0.2) (0.043) (0.08)
Λεόντιον Leontion 15 16 (3.17) (0.035) (0.08)
λόγιον an announcement, oracle 1 2 (0.4) (0.248) (0.08)
λάω2 (Epic) seize, hold 1 1 (0.2) (0.239) (0.08)
ἐπέκεινα on yonder side, beyond 2 3 (0.59) (0.297) (0.08)
παρεγγυάω to hand over 1 6 (1.19) (0.079) (0.09)
ἐξέτασις a close examination, scrutiny, review 3 3 (0.59) (0.177) (0.09)
σύνθεσις a putting together, composition, combination 1 1 (0.2) (0.768) (0.09)
συμφωνέω to agree in sound, be in harmony 1 2 (0.4) (0.237) (0.09)
στερίσκω to deprive 1 1 (0.2) (0.022) (0.09)
ἀϋτέω cry, shout 2 8 (1.59) (0.334) (0.09)
καταδείκνυμι to discover and make known 1 1 (0.2) (0.104) (0.09)
ἀνασῴζω recover what is lost, rescue 2 3 (0.59) (0.071) (0.09)
λάω (Epic) to behold, look upon 1 1 (0.2) (0.241) (0.09)
κατατάσσω to draw up in order, arrange 1 1 (0.2) (0.056) (0.09)
τρύχω to wear out, waste, consume 1 1 (0.2) (0.025) (0.09)
λόγιος versed in tales 2 4 (0.79) (0.173) (0.09)
Ἀρμένιος Armenian, of Armenia 2 2 (0.4) (0.166) (0.09)
κενόω to empty out, drain 1 1 (0.2) (0.776) (0.09)
διέπω to manage 1 3 (0.59) (0.074) (0.09)
λαμπρότης brilliancy, splendour 9 12 (2.38) (0.137) (0.09)
ἀποσιωπάω to cease speaking, maintain silence 1 2 (0.4) (0.027) (0.09)
πιστόω to make trustworthy 3 4 (0.79) (0.407) (0.09)
ὑμέναιος hymenaeus, the wedding or bridal song 1 1 (0.2) (0.043) (0.09)
φιλόνικος fond of victory, contentious. 1 1 (0.2) (0.078) (0.09)
ἀταξία want of discipline, disorderliness 2 2 (0.4) (0.13) (0.09)
ἐμφανίζω to make manifest, exhibit 2 2 (0.4) (0.136) (0.09)
κριτός picked out, chosen 3 3 (0.59) (0.115) (0.09)
ἀήσσητος unconquered 1 2 (0.4) (0.056) (0.09)
ἡμιόλιος containing one and a half, half as much again 1 1 (0.2) (0.121) (0.09)
θανάσιμος deadly 2 2 (0.4) (0.145) (0.09)
διφθέρα a prepared hide, tanned skin, piece of leather 1 1 (0.2) (0.036) (0.09)
ὕπαρ a waking vision 1 1 (0.2) (0.085) (0.1)
αὐτάρκης sufficient in oneself, having enough, independent 1 2 (0.4) (0.551) (0.1)
κατασκεύασμα that which is prepared 1 1 (0.2) (0.034) (0.1)
Ἀρμενία Armenia 2 2 (0.4) (0.098) (0.1)
γεραίρω to honour 2 3 (0.59) (0.069) (0.1)
ἄμη a shovel 3 4 (0.79) (0.278) (0.1)
ἐνέχω to hold within 1 2 (0.4) (0.052) (0.1)
ξένη a female guest: a foreign woman 1 3 (0.59) (0.097) (0.1)
βλαβερός hurtful, noxious, disadvantageous 1 1 (0.2) (0.225) (0.1)
πετεινός able to fly, full fledged 3 3 (0.59) (0.111) (0.1)
παρακαταθήκη a deposit entrusted to one's care 2 2 (0.4) (0.081) (0.1)
ἄπονος without toil 1 1 (0.2) (0.11) (0.1)
ἑπτακαίδεκα seventeen 1 1 (0.2) (0.045) (0.1)
δακτύλιος a ring, seal-ring 2 2 (0.4) (0.149) (0.1)
ἀναλύω to unloose, undo [ἀνα-] 1 1 (0.2) (0.251) (0.1)
κρηπίς a half-boot 1 1 (0.2) (0.076) (0.1)
μαρτύρομαι to call to witness, attest, invoke 2 4 (0.79) (0.069) (0.1)
γέννα descent, birth 1 1 (0.2) (0.243) (0.1)
προερέω to say beforehand 4 8 (1.59) (0.431) (0.1)
Σμύρνα Smyrna 2 2 (0.4) (0.565) (0.1)
Ἀπολλώνιος of or belonging to Apollo; (pr.n.) Apollonius 1 1 (0.2) (0.146) (0.1)
Σάββατον sabbath 3 3 (0.59) (0.306) (0.1)
τυφλόω to blind, make blind 1 1 (0.2) (0.099) (0.1)
ὁμοιότης likeness, resemblance 1 1 (0.2) (0.664) (0.1)
παραίτιος being in part the cause 1 1 (0.2) (0.049) (0.1)
ἀνακρίνω to examine closely, to question, interrogate 2 2 (0.4) (0.108) (0.1)
ἠπειρόω to make into mainland 1 1 (0.2) (0.026) (0.1)
συμπάρειμι be present also 3 5 (0.99) (0.08) (0.1)
ἀγχίνοια readiness of mind, ready wit, sagacity 5 7 (1.39) (0.083) (0.1)
ὑπηρεσία the body of rowers and sailors, the ship's crew 1 2 (0.4) (0.146) (0.1)
σπάνις scarcity, rareness, dearth, lack of 1 1 (0.2) (0.102) (0.1)
σκέψις a viewing, perception by the senses 2 2 (0.4) (0.299) (0.1)
ὑποβάλλω to throw, put 1 2 (0.4) (0.232) (0.1)
ἐθνικός foreign, heathen, gentile 3 4 (0.79) (0.072) (0.1)
μήνη the moon 1 1 (0.2) (0.107) (0.1)
μηχάνημα an engine 1 2 (0.4) (0.176) (0.1)
ἀποστάτης a runaway slave: a deserter, rebel 3 3 (0.59) (0.055) (0.1)
φυσικός natural, native 1 1 (0.2) (3.328) (0.1)
προσδοκέω to be thought besides 2 2 (0.4) (0.145) (0.1)
συμφωνία concord 5 7 (1.39) (0.347) (0.1)
προσηγορία an appellation, name 5 5 (0.99) (0.582) (0.1)
ἀναγορεύω to proclaim publicly, see also ἀνεῖπον 1 2 (0.4) (0.221) (0.1)
διάκονος a servant, waiting-man 45 49 (9.72) (0.32) (0.1)
ἐφόδιον travelling-allowance 1 2 (0.4) (0.043) (0.1)
παράδοσις a handing down, transmission 1 1 (0.2) (0.213) (0.1)
ἄθεος without god, denying the gods 3 3 (0.59) (0.183) (0.1)
προστατέω to stand before, be ruler over, domineer over 1 1 (0.2) (0.027) (0.1)
νοητός perceptible to the mind, thinkable 2 2 (0.4) (1.254) (0.1)
κράζω to croak 2 3 (0.59) (0.201) (0.1)
Ὠρίων Orion 1 1 (0.2) (0.062) (0.1)
προσκόπτω to strike 1 1 (0.2) (0.052) (0.1)
ἀληθεύω to speak truth 1 1 (0.2) (0.746) (0.1)
πλάνη a wandering, roaming 3 8 (1.59) (0.455) (0.1)
κοιλία the large cavity of the body, the belly 1 1 (0.2) (1.676) (0.1)
ἐπίκλησις a surname 1 1 (0.2) (0.151) (0.1)
ἀπόνοια loss of all sense 2 6 (1.19) (0.159) (0.1)
τάγμα that which has been ordered 3 3 (0.59) (0.266) (0.1)
ἀΐδιος everlasting, eternal 9 10 (1.98) (1.232) (0.1)
γαλήνη stillness of the sea, calm 1 1 (0.2) (0.103) (0.1)
ὁμόνοια oneness of mind 11 22 (4.36) (0.234) (0.1)
ἐπανορθόω to set up again, restore 1 2 (0.4) (0.156) (0.1)
ἐγγράφω to mark in 2 5 (0.99) (0.277) (0.1)
ἐπίσημος having a mark on 1 1 (0.2) (0.187) (0.1)
νικηφόρος bringing victory 3 7 (1.39) (0.233) (0.1)
κατακρίνω to give as sentence against 1 2 (0.4) (0.154) (0.1)
ἐπανόρθωσις a correcting, revisal 1 1 (0.2) (0.099) (0.1)
Ἱεροσόλυμα Jerusalem 7 21 (4.16) (0.62) (0.1)
στέφω to put round 1 1 (0.2) (0.049) (0.1)
σύμβολον a sign 2 6 (1.19) (0.38) (0.1)
μνῆμα a memorial, remembrance, record 1 2 (0.4) (0.262) (0.1)
ἐμφερής answering to, resembling 1 2 (0.4) (0.092) (0.1)
ἀξία the worth 1 2 (0.4) (0.225) (0.1)
προγενής born before, primaeval 5 5 (0.99) (0.031) (0.11)
εὐλαβής taking hold well, holding fast 1 2 (0.4) (0.079) (0.11)
ὀρεύς a mule 1 1 (0.2) (0.028) (0.11)
θεῖος2 one's father's or mother's brother 5 7 (1.39) (0.249) (0.11)
εὐσεβής pious, religious, righteous 14 47 (9.32) (0.418) (0.11)
κρούω to strike, smite: to strike 1 1 (0.2) (0.072) (0.11)
κωφός blunt, dull, obtuse 1 1 (0.2) (0.111) (0.11)
χριστός to be rubbed on 2 6 (1.19) (0.427) (0.11)
ἔμπλεος quite full of 5 8 (1.59) (0.083) (0.11)
πρόσταγμα an ordinance, command 3 7 (1.39) (0.282) (0.11)
κανών any straight rod 17 20 (3.97) (0.355) (0.11)
βραχίων the arm 1 3 (0.59) (0.539) (0.11)
συναγωγή a bringing together, uniting 1 1 (0.2) (0.421) (0.11)
τεσσαρακοστός fortieth 1 1 (0.2) (0.101) (0.11)
ἐξαιτέω to demand 1 4 (0.79) (0.121) (0.11)
οἰκοδόμημα a building, structure 1 3 (0.59) (0.095) (0.11)
προκοπή progress on a journey 1 1 (0.2) (0.104) (0.11)
πρώην lately, just now 1 3 (0.59) (0.224) (0.11)
εὐνοῦχος a eunuch 2 2 (0.4) (0.252) (0.12)
προηγέομαι to go first and lead the way, to be the leader 1 1 (0.2) (0.84) (0.12)
τροχός wheel 1 1 (0.2) (0.137) (0.12)
πλησιόχωρος near a country, bordering upon 2 4 (0.79) (0.028) (0.12)
ἐξάπτω to fasten from 1 2 (0.4) (0.187) (0.12)
ἀφροσύνη folly, thoughtlessness, senselessness 1 1 (0.2) (0.166) (0.12)
ἅγιος devoted to the gods, sacred, holy 249 320 (63.45) (3.701) (0.12)
καταντάω come down to, arrive 1 1 (0.2) (0.16) (0.12)
περιαιρέω to take off something that surrounds, take off an outer coat, take away, strip off 1 2 (0.4) (0.163) (0.12)
καταρχή beginning 1 1 (0.2) (0.052) (0.12)
Αὖλος Aulus 1 1 (0.2) (0.125) (0.12)
χθές yesterday 1 1 (0.2) (0.122) (0.12)
ὑπέρκειμαι to lie 2 2 (0.4) (0.175) (0.12)
καταφιλέω to kiss tenderly, to caress 1 1 (0.2) (0.054) (0.12)
Μύσιος of Mysia, (Aesch.) subst. a Mysian dirge 2 2 (0.4) (0.069) (0.12)
κοίτη the marriage-bed 1 1 (0.2) (0.13) (0.12)
σύγκρισις a compounding 1 1 (0.2) (0.364) (0.12)
ἀροτήρ a plougher, husbandman 1 1 (0.2) (0.021) (0.12)
εὐπορία an easy way 2 2 (0.4) (0.175) (0.12)
Καππαδοκία Cappadocia 8 9 (1.78) (0.113) (0.12)
κλάδος a young slip 1 1 (0.2) (0.196) (0.12)
ἐπιστήμων knowing, wise, prudent 1 1 (0.2) (0.404) (0.12)
εὐφημέω to use words of good omen 1 2 (0.4) (0.067) (0.12)
μήπω not yet 1 3 (0.59) (0.46) (0.13)
σωτήριος saving, delivering 9 23 (4.56) (0.456) (0.13)
ὄντως really, actually > εἰμί 8 11 (2.18) (0.913) (0.13)
ἐνοράω to see, remark, observe 1 1 (0.2) (0.074) (0.13)
Γαλατία Galatia 2 2 (0.4) (0.081) (0.13)
λέγος lewd 2 2 (0.4) (0.182) (0.13)
ἡλίκος as big as 2 2 (0.4) (0.148) (0.13)
παρθενία virginhood 1 4 (0.79) (0.13) (0.13)
ἐγγίων nearer, nearest 1 1 (0.2) (0.32) (0.13)
πάρεργον a bye-work, subordinate 1 1 (0.2) (0.178) (0.13)
ἐπάγνυμι to break 1 2 (0.4) (0.154) (0.13)
ἀναρίθμητος not to be counted, countless 1 1 (0.2) (0.065) (0.13)
ἀμοιβή a requital, recompense, compensation, return, payment 2 3 (0.59) (0.173) (0.13)
κυβερνάω to act as pilot 2 2 (0.4) (0.082) (0.13)
ἄγος pollution, expiation 6 8 (1.59) (0.219) (0.13)
συγχράομαι to make joint use of, avail oneself of 1 1 (0.2) (0.066) (0.13)
ἐνδέω2 to be in want of 1 1 (0.2) (0.181) (0.13)
περίβολος going round, encircling; (subst.) circuit of walls 1 3 (0.59) (0.153) (0.13)
προτρέπω to urge forwards 1 7 (1.39) (0.349) (0.13)
σύμφωνος agreeing in sound, in unison 5 6 (1.19) (0.36) (0.13)
ἀνωφελής unprofitable, useless 1 1 (0.2) (0.088) (0.13)
ἀναγράφω to engrave and set up 1 2 (0.4) (0.637) (0.13)
εὐσέβεια reverence towards the gods, piety, religion 11 45 (8.92) (0.782) (0.13)
πατρικός derived from one's fathers, paternal, hereditary 3 5 (0.99) (0.201) (0.13)
χρόνιος after a long time, late 1 2 (0.4) (0.309) (0.13)
ποιμαίνω to be shepherd 1 1 (0.2) (0.093) (0.13)
δρᾶμα a deed, act 1 7 (1.39) (0.246) (0.13)
ἀτιμία dishonour, disgrace 1 3 (0.59) (0.205) (0.13)
συμβουλία advice 1 2 (0.4) (0.032) (0.13)
μιαίνω to stain, to defile 1 1 (0.2) (0.113) (0.13)
ἀρετάω to be fit 2 3 (0.59) (0.345) (0.13)
σωματικός of or for the body, bodily 8 8 (1.59) (0.753) (0.13)
ἄνανδρος husbandless 1 2 (0.4) (0.07) (0.13)
τρόμος a trembling, quaking, quivering 5 5 (0.99) (0.131) (0.13)
ἄρος use, profit, help 1 1 (0.2) (0.264) (0.13)
δαψιλής abundant, plentiful 2 3 (0.59) (0.228) (0.13)
σφραγίς a seal, signet, seal-ring 2 3 (0.59) (0.238) (0.13)
κατάληψις a seizing 3 4 (0.79) (0.305) (0.13)
ῥῆσις a saying, speaking, speech 4 4 (0.79) (0.488) (0.13)
ὑγιαίνω to be sound, healthy 2 4 (0.79) (0.82) (0.13)
ἐρευνάω to seek 1 1 (0.2) (0.126) (0.13)
δοκιμάζω to assay 2 2 (0.4) (0.33) (0.13)
ληΐς booty, spoil 1 1 (0.2) (0.071) (0.13)
ἀναίρεσις a taking up 4 4 (0.79) (0.296) (0.13)
ἀχλύς a mist 1 1 (0.2) (0.094) (0.13)
πρόοιδα to know beforehand 1 1 (0.2) (0.077) (0.13)
ἀλλοιόω to make different, to change, alter 1 2 (0.4) (0.702) (0.13)
πραότης mildness, gentleness 1 1 (0.2) (0.147) (0.13)
ἀσθενέω to be weak, feeble, sickly 1 1 (0.2) (0.233) (0.13)
ὑπογράφω to write under an inscription, subjoin 3 4 (0.79) (0.222) (0.13)
διασπείρω to scatter abroad, throw about 1 1 (0.2) (0.156) (0.13)
ἀπρεπής unseemly, unbecoming, indecent, indecorous 1 2 (0.4) (0.083) (0.14)
συνταράσσω to throw all together into confusion, to confound, disturb, trouble 1 1 (0.2) (0.071) (0.14)
ὑστερέω to be behind, come late 2 2 (0.4) (0.149) (0.14)
ἄρρητος unspoken, unsaid 13 13 (2.58) (0.248) (0.14)
ὑπερήφανος overweening, arrogant, haughty 1 2 (0.4) (0.11) (0.14)
πᾶσις acquisition, possession 1 1 (0.2) (0.266) (0.14)
πρόσφορος serviceable, useful, profitable 1 2 (0.4) (0.101) (0.14)
ἀμφισβήτησις a dispute, controversy, debate 1 1 (0.2) (0.087) (0.14)
βράχεα shallows 2 2 (0.4) (0.151) (0.14)
συνακολουθέω to follow closely, to accompany 1 1 (0.2) (0.084) (0.14)
βάθρον that on which anything stands 1 2 (0.4) (0.108) (0.14)
ἀδυνατέω to want strength 1 1 (0.2) (0.221) (0.14)
ἀπέχθεια hatred 1 3 (0.59) (0.063) (0.14)
εἰσηγέομαι to bring in, introduce 1 1 (0.2) (0.122) (0.14)
φθορά destruction, ruin, perdition 1 2 (0.4) (1.418) (0.14)
ἀκροάομαι to hearken to, listen to 2 2 (0.4) (0.201) (0.14)
δημιουργέω to practise a trade, do work 4 4 (0.79) (0.308) (0.14)
ἀναφορά coming up, rising; a carrying back, reference 1 1 (0.2) (0.224) (0.14)
φανερόω to make manifest 1 1 (0.2) (0.21) (0.14)
ἔνδικος according to right, right, just, legitimate 1 2 (0.4) (0.063) (0.14)
εὐφροσύνη mirth, merriment 5 7 (1.39) (0.244) (0.14)
ἐπίσκοπος one who watches over, an overseer, guardian 123 170 (33.71) (1.109) (0.14)
αἰώνιος lasting for an age 7 7 (1.39) (0.55) (0.14)
ἐκλογή a picking out, choice, election 1 1 (0.2) (0.153) (0.14)
εὐδαιμονέω to be prosperous, well off, happy 1 1 (0.2) (0.149) (0.14)
σχοῖνος a rush 1 1 (0.2) (0.057) (0.15)
Φρυγία Phrygia 2 2 (0.4) (0.137) (0.15)
ἐπιζητέω to seek after, wish for, miss 4 6 (1.19) (0.344) (0.15)
προσκαλέω to call to, call on, summon 2 4 (0.79) (0.151) (0.15)
ἐκκόπτω to cut out, knock out 1 1 (0.2) (0.244) (0.15)
φιλοσοφέω to love knowledge, pursue it, philosophise 1 1 (0.2) (0.423) (0.15)
ἐπείπερ seeing that 17 18 (3.57) (0.223) (0.15)
Φρύγιος Phrygian, of, from Phrygia 1 1 (0.2) (0.065) (0.15)
ἀκήρατος unmixed, uncontaminated, undefiled 1 1 (0.2) (0.072) (0.15)
(Cyr.) where 3 3 (0.59) (1.241) (0.15)
Ἀραβία Arabia 2 2 (0.4) (0.116) (0.15)
μαρτυρία witness, testimony, evidence 16 17 (3.37) (0.472) (0.15)
συνεδρεύω to sit together, sit in council 2 3 (0.59) (0.047) (0.15)
Φαρισαῖος Pharisaean, Pharisee 1 1 (0.2) (0.279) (0.15)
ψόφος any inarticulate sound, a sound, noise 1 1 (0.2) (0.623) (0.15)
ἀνιάω to grieve, distress 1 1 (0.2) (0.234) (0.15)
πρόσχημα that which is held before 1 3 (0.59) (0.061) (0.15)
περιπατέω to walk up and down, to walk about 1 1 (0.2) (0.555) (0.15)
ὑπουργέω to render service 1 1 (0.2) (0.055) (0.15)
συνδέω to bind together 1 1 (0.2) (0.139) (0.15)
ἀκίνητος unmoved, motionless 1 1 (0.2) (1.017) (0.15)
ὑπονοέω to think secretly, suspect 1 1 (0.2) (0.237) (0.15)
πατέω to tread, walk 1 1 (0.2) (0.125) (0.15)
ἐρημόω to strip bare, to desolate, lay waste 1 1 (0.2) (0.085) (0.15)
μηκύνω to lengthen, prolong, extend 1 1 (0.2) (0.12) (0.15)
ἐπάνειμι to return 4 5 (0.99) (0.31) (0.15)
ἔχις an adder, viper 1 1 (0.2) (0.147) (0.15)
ζωγράφος one who paints from life 1 2 (0.4) (0.109) (0.15)
οἶκτος pity, compassion 3 5 (0.99) (0.112) (0.15)
πιστόν pledge 3 6 (1.19) (0.241) (0.15)
ῥώννυμι to strengthen, make strong and mighty 2 3 (0.59) (0.287) (0.15)
προκρίνω to choose before others, choose by preference, prefer, select 1 1 (0.2) (0.15) (0.15)
σταυρός an upright pale 3 22 (4.36) (0.473) (0.15)
βαπτίζω to dip in 11 13 (2.58) (0.344) (0.15)
οἴ ah! woe! 1 3 (0.59) (1.19) (0.15)
λογιστικός skilled 12 12 (2.38) (0.152) (0.15)
παράδεισος a park 1 1 (0.2) (0.236) (0.15)
βοηθός assisting, auxiliary 1 2 (0.4) (0.182) (0.15)
ἐνεργέω to be in action, to operate 5 5 (0.99) (1.664) (0.15)
σταυρόω to fence with pales; to crucify 2 9 (1.78) (0.319) (0.15)
Λυδία Lydia 2 2 (0.4) (0.053) (0.15)
ἰδού lo! behold! see there! 2 2 (0.4) (0.078) (0.15)
ἄχρι until, up to; (Hom.) to the uttermost, utterly 6 8 (1.59) (1.217) (0.15)
ὠμότης rawness 1 4 (0.79) (0.174) (0.15)
πραγματεύομαι to busy oneself, take trouble 3 4 (0.79) (0.237) (0.15)
διατείνω to stretch to the uttermost 1 1 (0.2) (0.187) (0.15)
ἀπώλεια destruction 2 4 (0.79) (0.32) (0.15)
ἔνδοξος held in esteem 3 4 (0.79) (0.746) (0.16)
μιαρός stained 3 4 (0.79) (0.128) (0.16)
συνάρχω to rule jointly with 1 1 (0.2) (0.06) (0.16)
ἀντιπράσσω to act against, seek to counteract 2 2 (0.4) (0.07) (0.16)
εὐμαρής easy, convenient, without trouble 1 1 (0.2) (0.101) (0.16)
γνώρισμα that by which a thing is made known, a mark, token 1 5 (0.99) (0.347) (0.16)
ἐπιχείρησις an attempt, attack 1 1 (0.2) (0.193) (0.16)
ἤ2 exclam. 3 3 (0.59) (1.346) (0.16)
φιλονικία love of victory, rivalry, contentiousness 5 7 (1.39) (0.183) (0.16)
προσωτέρω further on, further 1 1 (0.2) (0.147) (0.16)
ἀπορρίπτω to throw away, put away 1 2 (0.4) (0.121) (0.16)
κόπος a striking, beating 1 2 (0.4) (0.276) (0.16)
λεκτέος to be said 2 2 (0.4) (0.527) (0.16)
ἀκρίβεια exactness, minute accuracy, precision 4 6 (1.19) (0.375) (0.17)
Ἰωάννης Johannes, John 9 10 (1.98) (1.449) (0.17)
τηλικόσδε of such an age 1 1 (0.2) (0.118) (0.17)
ἀμάω reap, mow down 1 2 (0.4) (0.293) (0.17)
πτερόω to furnish with feathers 1 1 (0.2) (0.072) (0.17)
οἰκτρός pitiable, in piteous plight 1 1 (0.2) (0.115) (0.17)
κοινωνός a companion, partner 3 8 (1.59) (0.293) (0.17)
οὐδέπω and not yet, not as yet 3 4 (0.79) (0.387) (0.17)
σανίς a board, plank 1 1 (0.2) (0.084) (0.17)
φέγγος light, splendour, lustre 2 2 (0.4) (0.097) (0.17)
ὄντα (things which exist) the present; the truth; property > εἰμί 4 4 (0.79) (0.756) (0.17)
πάμπολυς very much, great, large 3 5 (0.99) (0.464) (0.17)
λάζομαι to take, seize, grasp 1 1 (0.2) (0.132) (0.17)
διαίρεσις a dividing, division 7 9 (1.78) (1.82) (0.17)
κρατύνω to strengthen 2 4 (0.79) (0.131) (0.17)
περίοδος one who goes the rounds, patrol 2 3 (0.59) (0.426) (0.17)
ἵλαος propitious, gracious 1 2 (0.4) (0.138) (0.17)
οἴμη a song, lay 1 1 (0.2) (0.175) (0.17)
κατατρέχω to run down 1 1 (0.2) (0.145) (0.18)
γνήσιος (born in wedlock); genuine, legitimate 6 13 (2.58) (0.472) (0.18)
ἐπιστροφή a turning about, twisting 2 3 (0.59) (0.168) (0.18)
βούλησις a willing 2 3 (0.59) (0.34) (0.18)
λήθη a forgetting, forgetfulness 1 2 (0.4) (0.225) (0.18)
δίψα thirst 1 1 (0.2) (0.179) (0.18)
βλαστάνω to bud, sprout, grow 1 1 (0.2) (0.12) (0.18)
καταδουλόω to reduce to slavery, enslave 1 1 (0.2) (0.054) (0.18)
ἀριθμέω to number, count 1 1 (0.2) (0.512) (0.18)
παρατυγχάνω to happen to be near, be among 1 1 (0.2) (0.082) (0.18)
ἐξαιρετός that can be taken out, removable 1 3 (0.59) (0.328) (0.18)
βουνός a hill, mound 2 2 (0.4) (0.153) (0.18)
χρῶμα the surface, skin: the colour of the skin, the complexion 1 1 (0.2) (1.802) (0.18)
γυμνόω to strip naked 1 5 (0.99) (0.205) (0.18)
πληθύς fulness, a throng, a crowd 1 1 (0.2) (0.201) (0.18)
ἀποκρύπτω to hide from, keep hidden from 1 2 (0.4) (0.243) (0.18)
θεσμός that which is laid down and established, a law, ordinance 1 1 (0.2) (0.154) (0.18)
ἀσεβής ungodly, godless, unholy, profane 23 53 (10.51) (0.47) (0.18)
ποίημα anything made 12 12 (2.38) (0.315) (0.18)
εὖχος the thing prayed for, object of prayer 1 1 (0.2) (0.052) (0.18)
ἀξίωμα that of which one is thought worthy, an honour 2 3 (0.59) (0.871) (0.18)
Περσίς Persian 2 4 (0.79) (0.113) (0.18)
ἀνατρέπω to turn up 3 7 (1.39) (0.306) (0.18)
ζήτησις a seeking, seeking for, search for 7 8 (1.59) (0.673) (0.18)
ἄστρον the stars 3 3 (0.59) (0.786) (0.18)
ταφή burial 1 2 (0.4) (0.139) (0.18)
ῥάβδος a rod, wand, stick, switch 1 1 (0.2) (0.44) (0.18)
Τρῳάς Troas 2 2 (0.4) (0.049) (0.18)
ἀμφιβάλλω to throw 1 1 (0.2) (0.087) (0.18)
πλουτέω to be rich, wealthy 1 2 (0.4) (0.277) (0.18)
ἀνέκαθεν from above, from the first 3 4 (0.79) (0.082) (0.18)
κατόρθωμα success 2 2 (0.4) (0.242) (0.18)
ζώνη a belt, girdle 1 1 (0.2) (0.152) (0.18)
ἀναιδής shameless 1 2 (0.4) (0.104) (0.18)
ἐκτέμνω to cut out 2 3 (0.59) (0.1) (0.18)
ἀπόρρητος forbidden, secret 4 7 (1.39) (0.389) (0.18)
μητρόπολις the mother-state 3 4 (0.79) (0.115) (0.18)
ἐφέλκω to draw on, drag 1 2 (0.4) (0.111) (0.19)
ἀναβοάω to shout aloud, utter a loud cry 1 1 (0.2) (0.135) (0.19)
πάροδος passer-by 3 3 (0.59) (0.305) (0.19)
παραίνεσις an exhortation, address 1 2 (0.4) (0.17) (0.19)
περίοδος2 a going round, a flank march 2 3 (0.59) (0.582) (0.19)
ἐκπορεύω to make to go out, fetch out 4 4 (0.79) (0.17) (0.19)
μοχθηρός suffering hardship, in sore distress, miserable, wretched 3 5 (0.99) (0.645) (0.19)
ὑγίεια health, soundness 1 3 (0.59) (1.276) (0.19)
παραπέμπω to send past, convey past 1 1 (0.2) (0.194) (0.19)
νομοθετέω to make law 2 2 (0.4) (0.299) (0.19)
ποίμνη a flock 2 2 (0.4) (0.101) (0.19)
μισθόω to let out for hire, farm out, let 1 3 (0.59) (0.132) (0.19)
ἐμπνέω to blow 3 4 (0.79) (0.07) (0.19)
ὁμαλός even, level 1 1 (0.2) (0.41) (0.19)
ἀπόδειξις a shewing forth, exhibiting 13 15 (2.97) (2.61) (0.19)
αὐτόπτης seeing oneself, an eyewitness 2 2 (0.4) (0.062) (0.2)
συμβολή a coming together, meeting, joining 1 3 (0.59) (0.142) (0.2)
πιθανός calculated to persuade; 1 1 (0.2) (0.513) (0.2)
μηδαμῶς not at all 1 3 (0.59) (0.346) (0.2)
ἀλέω to grind, bruise, pound 1 1 (0.2) (0.108) (0.2)
πρωΐ early in the day, at morn 1 2 (0.4) (0.343) (0.2)
ἐφεξῆς in order, in a row, one after another 1 4 (0.79) (2.195) (0.2)
πάρεργος beside the main subject, subordinate, incidental 1 2 (0.4) (0.197) (0.2)
ἔγκειμαι to lie in, be wrapped in 1 2 (0.4) (0.257) (0.2)
συγχέω to pour together, commingle, confound 1 2 (0.4) (0.315) (0.2)
σύμβουλος an adviser, counsellor 1 3 (0.59) (0.178) (0.2)
ἀκάματος without sense of toil 2 2 (0.4) (0.031) (0.2)
σύνεσις comprehension, understanding 17 20 (3.97) (0.458) (0.2)
νεότης youth 5 5 (0.99) (0.212) (0.2)
κριτής a decider, judge, umpire 1 3 (0.59) (0.321) (0.2)
δῆθεν really, in very truth 1 4 (0.79) (0.247) (0.2)
προσέτι over and above, besides 1 1 (0.2) (0.291) (0.2)
ἀνάξιος unworthy, not deemed 3 5 (0.99) (0.247) (0.21)
ἥσυχος still, quiet, at rest, at ease, at leisure 1 1 (0.2) (0.116) (0.21)
χορηγέω to lead a chorus 2 5 (0.99) (0.205) (0.21)
νάω to flow 1 1 (0.2) (0.612) (0.21)
σύμβασις an agreement, arrangement, treaty 1 1 (0.2) (0.055) (0.21)
μνᾶ a weight, 1 mina=100 drachmae 2 3 (0.59) (0.279) (0.21)
μαρτύριον a testimony, proof 4 6 (1.19) (0.434) (0.21)
βασίλειον a kingly dwelling, palace 1 4 (0.79) (0.474) (0.21)
ἀρνέομαι to deny, disown 1 2 (0.4) (0.371) (0.21)
οὐράνιος heavenly, of or in heaven, dwelling in heaven 2 5 (0.99) (0.894) (0.21)
κατεπείγω to press down, depress; hasten 1 1 (0.2) (0.114) (0.21)
συγκατατίθημι to deposit together 3 3 (0.59) (0.104) (0.21)
ὁμοιόω to make like 4 4 (0.79) (0.334) (0.21)
καίνω to kill, slay 2 2 (0.4) (0.115) (0.21)
προδότης a betrayer, traitor 1 1 (0.2) (0.142) (0.21)
γενέτης the begetter, father, ancestor 1 2 (0.4) (0.092) (0.21)
Κύζικος Cyzicus 2 3 (0.59) (0.131) (0.21)
προφήτης one who speaks for a God and interprets his will 19 22 (4.36) (2.47) (0.21)
Κιλικία Cilicia 4 5 (0.99) (0.17) (0.21)
τηνικαῦτα at that time, then 1 2 (0.4) (0.822) (0.21)
ἔμπορος one who goes on shipboard as a passenger 5 5 (0.99) (0.209) (0.21)
ῥητός stated, specified 2 2 (0.4) (0.95) (0.21)
σκαιός left, on the left side 1 1 (0.2) (0.071) (0.21)
ἀρχιερεύς an arch-priest, chief-priest 2 6 (1.19) (0.7) (0.21)
ἀντιλαμβάνω to receive instead of 2 2 (0.4) (0.465) (0.21)
ἐνοικέω to dwell in 1 1 (0.2) (0.149) (0.22)
οἷα causal particle w pple.s see οἷος V 3 1 2 (0.4) (0.203) (0.22)
ἐπιμιμνήσκομαι to remember, think of; to mention 2 3 (0.59) (0.104) (0.22)
μεταβαίνω to pass over from one place to another 1 1 (0.2) (0.542) (0.22)
παροιμία a by-word, common saying, proverb, maxim, saw 2 2 (0.4) (0.202) (0.22)
φροντίς thought, care, heed, attention 3 11 (2.18) (0.486) (0.22)
πολυπραγμονέω to be busy with many things, meddlesome 1 1 (0.2) (0.135) (0.22)
διανύω to bring quite to an end, accomplish, finish 1 3 (0.59) (0.062) (0.22)
ἀναγγέλλω to carry back tidings of, report 1 2 (0.4) (0.139) (0.22)
Ἀσσύριος Assyrian 1 1 (0.2) (0.422) (0.22)
ἄνοια want of understanding, folly 1 4 (0.79) (0.191) (0.22)
ἄφνω unawares, of a sudden 1 3 (0.59) (0.11) (0.22)
ἐμποδών at the feet, in the way, in one's path 1 1 (0.2) (0.15) (0.22)
θεωρία a looking at, viewing, beholding 2 2 (0.4) (1.112) (0.22)
στένω to moan, sigh, groan 1 2 (0.4) (0.135) (0.22)
ἐπιστέλλω to send to, send as a message 2 11 (2.18) (0.379) (0.22)
ἤν see! see there! lo! 30 40 (7.93) (0.576) (0.22)
φοῖνιξ a purple-red, purple; date palm 1 1 (0.2) (0.165) (0.23)
οὔτοι indeed not 4 4 (0.79) (0.222) (0.23)
παράνομος acting contrary to law, lawless 3 4 (0.79) (0.242) (0.23)
ἐπακούω to listen 2 3 (0.59) (0.171) (0.23)
μέταλλον a mine 1 1 (0.2) (0.126) (0.23)
καταγελάω to laugh at, jeer 1 2 (0.4) (0.158) (0.23)
θεοφιλής dear to the gods, highly favoured 15 51 (10.11) (0.257) (0.23)
Κύπριος of Cyprus, Cyprian 1 1 (0.2) (0.133) (0.23)
παραπίπτω to fall beside 2 2 (0.4) (0.053) (0.23)
ἐξίστημι to put out of its place, to change 1 3 (0.59) (0.482) (0.23)
νόσημα a sickness, disease, plague 1 1 (0.2) (1.694) (0.23)
φιλανθρωπία humanity, benevolence, kindliness 7 16 (3.17) (0.361) (0.23)
λύσις a loosing, setting free, releasing, ransoming 1 1 (0.2) (0.705) (0.23)
ἐπιστρέφω to turn about, turn round 2 3 (0.59) (0.677) (0.24)
σύντομος cut short, abridged, concise, brief 1 1 (0.2) (0.367) (0.24)
σήμερον to-day 1 1 (0.2) (0.478) (0.24)
μήποτε never, on no account 1 2 (0.4) (0.732) (0.24)
βασανίζω to put to the test, to torture 2 2 (0.4) (0.2) (0.24)
ἐνεργής productive 4 4 (0.79) (0.112) (0.24)
ἁγνός full of religious awe 3 4 (0.79) (0.165) (0.24)
αὔξησις growth, increase 3 5 (0.99) (0.77) (0.24)
ὑπηρέτης (an under-rower); a servant 4 5 (0.99) (0.273) (0.24)
ὑπομιμνήσκω to remind 1 7 (1.39) (0.333) (0.24)
περιφέρω to carry round 1 2 (0.4) (0.248) (0.24)
συγκαταβαίνω to go or come down with 2 2 (0.4) (0.051) (0.24)
γέμω to be full 1 5 (0.99) (0.19) (0.24)
ἕνδεκα eleven; the Eleven, police commissioners at Athens 1 1 (0.2) (0.155) (0.24)
ἔμπαλιν backwards, back 1 1 (0.2) (0.505) (0.24)
ἀμαθής unlearned, ignorant, stupid, boorish 1 1 (0.2) (0.171) (0.24)
μεταδίδωμι to give part of, give a share of 1 2 (0.4) (0.409) (0.24)
ἐνδέω to bind in, on 1 1 (0.2) (0.25) (0.24)
εὐπρεπής well-looking, goodly, comely 1 4 (0.79) (0.149) (0.24)
ἴχνος a track, footstep 1 1 (0.2) (0.246) (0.24)
λουτρόν a bath, bathing place 2 2 (0.4) (0.487) (0.24)
πρόχειρος at hand, ready 1 1 (0.2) (0.288) (0.24)
ἀπείργω to keep away from, debar from 1 1 (0.2) (0.11) (0.25)
κοινωνία communion, association, partnership, fellowship 7 8 (1.59) (0.902) (0.25)
λαιός blue thrush, Petrocichla cyanus 1 1 (0.2) (0.097) (0.25)
ἴς sinew, tendon 9 14 (2.78) (0.943) (0.25)
ἠμί to say 33 43 (8.53) (1.545) (0.25)
πάροδος2 a by-way, passage, first entrance by the chorus 3 3 (0.59) (0.362) (0.25)
θέσις a setting, placing, arranging 1 2 (0.4) (1.601) (0.25)
στέργω to love 1 2 (0.4) (0.15) (0.25)
Πέτρος Petrus, Peter 5 6 (1.19) (0.762) (0.25)
ἐγχώριος in or of the country 1 1 (0.2) (0.127) (0.25)
αὐτοκράτωρ one's own master 1 2 (0.4) (1.403) (0.25)
τελειόω to make perfect, complete 1 3 (0.59) (0.524) (0.26)
νόημα that which is perceived, a perception, thought 5 5 (0.99) (0.461) (0.26)
ἀνατρέχω to run back 3 4 (0.79) (0.16) (0.26)
ἐπιδίδωμι to give besides 3 7 (1.39) (0.435) (0.26)
Κάριος Carian, (fem. noun) Caria 2 2 (0.4) (0.085) (0.26)
εὐχερής easily handled, easy to deal with, easy 1 2 (0.4) (0.174) (0.26)
μετατίθημι to place among 2 3 (0.59) (0.374) (0.26)
πλανάω to make to wander, lead wandering about 2 2 (0.4) (0.819) (0.26)
ἐκτίθημι to set out, place outside 11 12 (2.38) (0.724) (0.26)
τροπή a turn, turning 1 1 (0.2) (0.494) (0.26)
ψαύω to touch 1 1 (0.2) (0.234) (0.27)
ξενίζω to receive a guest; to surprise, to make strange 1 1 (0.2) (0.1) (0.27)
ἀνέρχομαι to go up 4 4 (0.79) (0.299) (0.27)
τήκω to melt, melt down 1 1 (0.2) (0.321) (0.27)
σιωπάω to be silent 3 5 (0.99) (0.372) (0.27)
ἔλεγχος a reproach, disgrace, dishonour 2 6 (1.19) (0.854) (0.27)
κεφάλαιος of the head 1 2 (0.4) (0.962) (0.27)
μανία madness, frenzy 5 9 (1.78) (0.392) (0.27)
συγγράφω to write down, describe, compose 2 5 (0.99) (0.277) (0.27)
πρόθυρον the front-door, the door leading from the αὐλή 1 1 (0.2) (0.053) (0.27)
φίλημα a kiss 1 1 (0.2) (0.068) (0.27)
ἀστήρ star 4 5 (0.99) (1.24) (0.27)
ἑκούσιος voluntary 2 3 (0.59) (0.537) (0.27)
μετρέω to measure in any way 1 1 (0.2) (0.963) (0.27)
παραχωρέω to go aside, make room, give place, retire 1 2 (0.4) (0.222) (0.27)
ἀσέβεια ungodliness, impiety, profaneness 15 19 (3.77) (0.395) (0.27)
εἴθε (in wishes) would that! if only... 1 2 (0.4) (0.116) (0.27)
αὐλός aulos (wind instrument resembling oboe) 1 3 (0.59) (0.482) (0.27)
Λεόντιος Leontius 18 19 (3.77) (0.097) (0.27)
πανταχοῦ everywhere 6 15 (2.97) (0.926) (0.27)
ἔνδοθεν from within 1 2 (0.4) (0.26) (0.28)
ἀποστρέφω to turn back, turn to flight, turn away 2 2 (0.4) (0.411) (0.28)
ἄλλοθεν from another place 1 1 (0.2) (0.127) (0.28)
εἰκοστός the twentieth 1 1 (0.2) (0.289) (0.28)
ὁμιλία a being together, communion, intercourse, converse, company 4 6 (1.19) (0.351) (0.28)
ἐγκωμιάζω to praise 1 1 (0.2) (0.096) (0.28)
σύνοδος fellow-traveller 90 142 (28.16) (0.891) (0.28)
αἴσθησις perception by the senses 3 3 (0.59) (4.649) (0.28)
πρώτιστος the very first, first of the first 1 1 (0.2) (0.154) (0.28)
μάταιος vain, empty, idle, trifling, frivolous 2 3 (0.59) (0.392) (0.28)
ταπεινός low 3 4 (0.79) (0.507) (0.28)
καθώς how 33 42 (8.33) (0.867) (0.28)
τέκτων any worker in wood 1 1 (0.2) (0.202) (0.28)
βάρος weight 1 1 (0.2) (0.679) (0.29)
παρρησία freespokenness, openness, frankness 1 8 (1.59) (0.407) (0.29)
κίων a pillar 1 13 (2.58) (0.23) (0.29)
ἐνδύω to go into 2 2 (0.4) (0.313) (0.29)
κτῆνος flocks and herds 5 5 (0.99) (0.237) (0.29)
μηδαμός none 1 3 (0.59) (0.355) (0.29)
καταφέρω to bring down 1 1 (0.2) (0.383) (0.29)
εὐχή a prayer, vow 10 19 (3.77) (0.766) (0.29)
σάρξ flesh 24 33 (6.54) (3.46) (0.29)
συντέλεια a joint payment, joint contribution for public burdens 2 2 (0.4) (0.236) (0.29)
τόκος a bringing forth, childbirth, parturition 2 2 (0.4) (0.277) (0.29)
καθαίρω to make pure 3 3 (0.59) (0.786) (0.29)
Ἀχαΐα Achaia in Peloponnese; later, the Roman province of Greece 2 2 (0.4) (0.052) (0.29)
ὅμορος having the same borders with, marching with, bordering on 4 4 (0.79) (0.128) (0.29)
ἀσθένεια want of strength, weakness, feebleness, sickliness 2 5 (0.99) (0.575) (0.3)
σελήνη the moon 1 1 (0.2) (1.588) (0.3)
γνωρίζω to make known, point out, explain 2 4 (0.79) (1.012) (0.3)
βιόω to live, pass one's life 1 6 (1.19) (0.513) (0.3)
ἀρή bane, ruin 1 2 (0.4) (0.32) (0.3)
προϋπάρχω take the initiative in 13 13 (2.58) (0.378) (0.3)
Ἔφεσος Ephesus (f., the city; m., the founder) 1 1 (0.2) (0.185) (0.3)
πλάσσω to form, mould, shape 1 2 (0.4) (0.443) (0.3)
Κίλιξ a Cilician 2 3 (0.59) (0.111) (0.3)
πλατύς wide, broad 2 2 (0.4) (0.756) (0.3)
ἀρά a prayer, imprecation, curse 1 2 (0.4) (0.349) (0.3)
πλεονεξία greediness, assumption, arrogance 1 1 (0.2) (0.337) (0.3)
καταγιγνώσκω to remark, discover 1 4 (0.79) (0.323) (0.3)
ἔχθιστος most hated, most hateful 1 1 (0.2) (0.061) (0.3)
συντρέχω to run together so as to meet, to encounter 2 6 (1.19) (0.276) (0.3)
ἀάω to hurt, damage 1 1 (0.2) (0.087) (0.3)
διεξέρχομαι to go through, pass through 1 1 (0.2) (0.397) (0.31)
ἰσχύω to be strong 3 6 (1.19) (0.63) (0.31)
ἀπάτη a trick, fraud, deceit 1 7 (1.39) (0.638) (0.31)
προσδοκία a looking for, expectation 1 1 (0.2) (0.159) (0.31)
ἐντίθημι to put in 2 8 (1.59) (0.318) (0.31)
τολμηρός hardihood 3 3 (0.59) (0.1) (0.31)
καταμανθάνω to observe well, examine closely 1 3 (0.59) (0.236) (0.31)
ἀναφαίνω to make to give light, make to blaze up 1 2 (0.4) (0.276) (0.31)
διδάσκαλος a teacher, master 2 5 (0.99) (1.058) (0.31)
οἰκονομία the management of a household 6 10 (1.98) (0.493) (0.31)
συνόχωκα to be held together 2 3 (0.59) (0.401) (0.31)
γεωργός tilling the ground 1 1 (0.2) (0.318) (0.31)
ὑποψία suspicion, jealousy 1 1 (0.2) (0.196) (0.31)
τίμιος valued 10 18 (3.57) (0.75) (0.31)
ἀνανεόομαι to renew 1 2 (0.4) (0.069) (0.32)
περιλαμβάνω to seize around, embrace 3 3 (0.59) (0.484) (0.32)
ὑποτάσσω to place 3 5 (0.99) (0.402) (0.32)
ἐλλείπω to leave in, leave behind 1 1 (0.2) (0.486) (0.32)
καταπαύω to lay to rest, put an end to 1 1 (0.2) (0.203) (0.32)
Φοινίκη Phoenicia 3 4 (0.79) (0.18) (0.32)
κλῆρος lot, casting of lots, allotment 18 21 (4.16) (0.597) (0.32)
πῆ [Dor. in what way? how?] 1 1 (0.2) (0.522) (0.32)
λοχέος an ambush 1 1 (0.2) (0.097) (0.32)
περιποιέω to make to remain over and above, to keep safe, preserve 2 3 (0.59) (0.192) (0.32)
λέξις a speaking, saying, speech 8 8 (1.59) (1.763) (0.32)
κατανοέω to observe well, to understand 1 1 (0.2) (0.416) (0.32)
λῃστής a robber, plunderer 1 2 (0.4) (0.282) (0.32)
σκευάζω to prepare, make ready 1 3 (0.59) (0.277) (0.32)
κομιδῇ exactly, just 1 4 (0.79) (0.222) (0.32)
σπέρμα seed, offspring 4 4 (0.79) (2.127) (0.32)
τύπος a blow 3 6 (1.19) (0.945) (0.32)
ἐμμένω to abide in 2 2 (0.4) (0.282) (0.33)
δυνάστης a lord, master, ruler 1 2 (0.4) (0.13) (0.33)
βεβαιόω to make firm, confirm, establish, secure, warrant, make good 3 5 (0.99) (0.291) (0.33)
ἐκτίνω to pay off, pay in full 23 23 (4.56) (0.288) (0.33)
ἀνθίστημι to set against 1 1 (0.2) (0.222) (0.33)
σωτήρ a saviour, deliverer, preserver 19 37 (7.34) (1.681) (0.33)
πότε when? at what time? 1 1 (0.2) (0.488) (0.33)
ἀφοράω to look away from 2 4 (0.79) (0.669) (0.33)
πταίω to make to stumble 2 2 (0.4) (0.119) (0.33)
ἐπιμένω to stay on, tarry 2 4 (0.79) (0.213) (0.33)
σκεῦος a vessel 2 2 (0.4) (0.484) (0.34)
ἐπιγιγνώσκω to look upon, witness, observe 2 7 (1.39) (0.366) (0.34)
τραῦμα a wound, hurt 1 2 (0.4) (0.506) (0.34)
συνήθεια habitual intercourse, acquaintance, society, intimacy 3 3 (0.59) (0.409) (0.34)
ὁμολογουμένως conformably with 1 1 (0.2) (0.167) (0.34)
ἀκμάζω to be in full bloom, be at one's prime 1 2 (0.4) (0.35) (0.35)
σιγή silence 1 2 (0.4) (0.245) (0.35)
εὐεργέτης a well-doer, benefactor 1 5 (0.99) (0.276) (0.35)
ἐναντιόομαι to set oneself against, oppose, withstand 1 2 (0.4) (0.288) (0.35)
ἀντιποιέω to do in return; mid. lay claim to, seek after 1 4 (0.79) (0.125) (0.35)
ὑπόμνημα a remembrance, memorial 1 4 (0.79) (0.577) (0.35)
σχολή spare time, leisure, rest, ease; σχολῇ scarcely 1 2 (0.4) (0.393) (0.35)
κριός a ram 1 1 (0.2) (0.397) (0.35)
οἴκοι at home, in the house 1 5 (0.99) (0.267) (0.35)
προσκυνέω to make obeisance 2 3 (0.59) (0.658) (0.35)
ἐπερωτάω to inquire of, question, consult 2 2 (0.4) (0.209) (0.35)
ἀναδείκνυμι to lift up and shew 3 8 (1.59) (0.291) (0.35)
ἄρκτος a bear 1 1 (0.2) (0.308) (0.35)
σύνοδος2 an assembly, meeting 88 139 (27.56) (0.885) (0.35)
προχειρίζω to put into the hand, have ready at hand 5 5 (0.99) (0.18) (0.35)
κατηγορία an accusation, charge 1 8 (1.59) (1.705) (0.35)
ὑποκρίνω separate gradually, mid. to answer 1 1 (0.2) (0.208) (0.35)
βιβλίον a paper, scroll, letter 2 13 (2.58) (1.897) (0.35)
ἄττα form of address: "father" 1 2 (0.4) (0.23) (0.35)
ὄργανον an organ, instrument, tool, for making 2 3 (0.59) (1.615) (0.35)
ἀπεργάζομαι to finish off, turn out complete 1 2 (0.4) (0.403) (0.35)
σιωπή silence 4 6 (1.19) (0.238) (0.35)
δόκιμος assayed, examined, tested 1 1 (0.2) (0.192) (0.35)
ἀϋτή cry, shout 2 2 (0.4) (0.33) (0.36)
ἄφθονος without envy 1 1 (0.2) (0.275) (0.36)
ψῆφος a small stone, a pebble; vote 5 8 (1.59) (0.518) (0.36)
συνήθης dwelling 1 4 (0.79) (0.793) (0.36)
ἐρέσσω to row 2 2 (0.4) (0.097) (0.36)
δωρέω to give, present 1 3 (0.59) (0.278) (0.36)
πρᾶος mild, soft, gentle, meek 4 7 (1.39) (0.391) (0.36)
βιάω to constrain 1 2 (0.4) (0.132) (0.36)
ἄνωθεν from above, from on high 3 9 (1.78) (1.358) (0.37)
μετέρχομαι to come 2 3 (0.59) (0.275) (0.37)
καθεύδω to lie down to sleep, sleep 2 2 (0.4) (0.492) (0.37)
ποθέω to long for, yearn after 3 6 (1.19) (0.277) (0.37)
κρημνός an overhanging bank 2 2 (0.4) (0.12) (0.37)
ἀποτίθημι to put away, stow away 2 3 (0.59) (0.406) (0.37)
παράγω to lead by 3 4 (0.79) (0.509) (0.37)
μέτωπον the space between the eyes, the brow, forehead 1 1 (0.2) (0.34) (0.37)
ἀφανής unseen, invisible, viewless 3 3 (0.59) (0.519) (0.37)
ἀποβλέπω look steadily at 1 1 (0.2) (0.373) (0.37)
εὔλογος having good reason, reasonable, sensible 3 4 (0.79) (1.211) (0.37)
ὑγιής sound, healthy, hearty, sound in 2 6 (1.19) (0.77) (0.37)
ὑπερέχω to hold sth over or above sth; to excel, outdo 2 3 (0.59) (0.743) (0.38)
ἀναστρέφω to turn upside down, upset 2 2 (0.4) (0.356) (0.38)
μακάριος blessed, happy 15 33 (6.54) (0.896) (0.38)
κατορθόω to set upright, erect 2 4 (0.79) (0.566) (0.38)
ἐπιτηδεύω to pursue 1 1 (0.2) (0.25) (0.38)
κυρόω to make valid, confirm, ratify, determine 2 2 (0.4) (0.152) (0.38)
διαφυλάσσω to watch closely, guard carefully 4 10 (1.98) (0.24) (0.38)
μεστός full, filled, filled full 1 1 (0.2) (0.408) (0.38)
παραβαίνω (go beside) overstep, transgress, violate 4 4 (0.79) (0.28) (0.38)
ἄργυρος silver 1 1 (0.2) (0.301) (0.38)
δυσμενής full of ill-will, hostile 1 3 (0.59) (0.164) (0.38)
κατάστασις a settling, appointing, appointment, institution 2 4 (0.79) (0.561) (0.38)
ζημία loss, damage 1 3 (0.59) (0.342) (0.38)
διηγέομαι to set out in detail, describe in full 6 12 (2.38) (0.825) (0.38)
συγκαλέω to call to council, convoke, convene 2 3 (0.59) (0.133) (0.38)
σκοπός one that watches, one that looks after 2 5 (0.99) (1.174) (0.38)
φθόνος ill-will, envy, jealousy 2 8 (1.59) (0.458) (0.38)
οἰκουμένη the inhabited world 4 9 (1.78) (0.452) (0.38)
Ἀλεξάνδρεια Alexandria 6 27 (5.35) (0.46) (0.38)
κηρύσσω to be a herald, officiate as herald 7 10 (1.98) (0.635) (0.38)
ποίησις a making, fabrication, creation, production 3 3 (0.59) (0.485) (0.38)
ἀναδέχομαι to take up, catch, receive 3 5 (0.99) (0.274) (0.38)
δουλεία servitude, slavery, bondage 2 2 (0.4) (0.349) (0.38)
ἀντιτάσσω to set opposite to, range in battle against 1 1 (0.2) (0.186) (0.38)
σιτίον grain, corn: food made from grain, bread 1 1 (0.2) (0.775) (0.38)
τυφλός blind 2 2 (0.4) (0.432) (0.38)
σύνειμι2 come together 2 2 (0.4) (0.386) (0.38)
Ἡράκλειος of Hercules 1 1 (0.2) (0.218) (0.38)
δικαιόω to set right 2 3 (0.59) (0.311) (0.38)
ἀναλίσκω to use up, to spend, lavish 2 3 (0.59) (0.415) (0.39)
ἔγκλημα an accusation, charge, complaint 1 4 (0.79) (0.423) (0.39)
ἐναργής visible, palpable, in bodily shape 3 5 (0.99) (1.398) (0.39)
ἀσπάζομαι to welcome kindly, bid welcome, greet 1 1 (0.2) (0.387) (0.39)
ἄπρακτος doing nothing, ineffectual, unprofitable 1 2 (0.4) (0.166) (0.39)
σύστασις a putting together, composition 6 6 (1.19) (0.753) (0.39)
ἐνθυμέομαι to lay to heart, consider well, reflect on, ponder 2 4 (0.79) (0.263) (0.39)
ἀπόφασις a denial, negation 2 3 (0.59) (1.561) (0.4)
ἐπιπίπτω to fall upon 1 1 (0.2) (0.167) (0.4)
δίχα in two, asunder 1 1 (0.2) (0.555) (0.4)
ἐέ exclamation of pain or grief 3 4 (0.79) (0.993) (0.4)
παραιτέομαι to beg from 1 1 (0.2) (0.401) (0.4)
ἀπαιτέω to demand back, demand 3 6 (1.19) (0.52) (0.4)
ἐραστής a lover 1 1 (0.2) (0.285) (0.4)
ἔξοχος standing out 1 2 (0.4) (0.09) (0.4)
ὀλοφύρομαι to lament, wail, moan, weep 1 2 (0.4) (0.093) (0.41)
ἄτοπος out of place 3 6 (1.19) (2.003) (0.41)
ἀναπείθω to bring over, convince 1 1 (0.2) (0.229) (0.41)
εἰσίημι to send into 1 1 (0.2) (0.37) (0.41)
πῃ in some way, somehow 1 1 (0.2) (0.264) (0.41)
Κάρ a Carian 1 1 (0.2) (0.131) (0.41)
ἁμάρτημα a failure, fault, sin 3 6 (1.19) (0.732) (0.41)
ἔκγονος born of, sprung from 1 1 (0.2) (0.212) (0.41)
σπείρω to sow 1 1 (0.2) (0.378) (0.41)
ἀκέραιος unmixed; unharmed 2 3 (0.59) (0.091) (0.41)
ὑγρός wet, moist, running, fluid 1 1 (0.2) (3.244) (0.41)
παρατίθημι to place beside 3 10 (1.98) (1.046) (0.41)
νέω2 to spin 1 2 (0.4) (0.439) (0.41)
ὑποπτεύω to be suspicious 1 2 (0.4) (0.228) (0.41)
ἄρτος bread, loaf of bread 1 1 (0.2) (1.04) (0.41)
κακία badness 3 8 (1.59) (1.366) (0.41)
ἐξετάζω to examine well 16 19 (3.77) (0.695) (0.41)
παράδειγμα a pattern 2 3 (0.59) (1.433) (0.41)
δουλόω to make a slave of, enslave 1 2 (0.4) (0.201) (0.41)
μάχαιρα a large knife 2 2 (0.4) (0.361) (0.41)
χεῖλος lip 1 1 (0.2) (0.395) (0.41)
πρόδηλος clear 3 3 (0.59) (0.652) (0.41)
εὐεργεσία well-doing 6 8 (1.59) (0.303) (0.41)
σπάνιος rare, scarce, scanty 1 1 (0.2) (0.375) (0.41)
ἐνίημι to send in 1 2 (0.4) (0.238) (0.41)
φρουρέω to keep watch 1 1 (0.2) (0.225) (0.42)
δεξιά the right hand 3 5 (0.99) (0.472) (0.42)
ἐλέγχω cross-examine; put to the test; prove; refute 7 11 (2.18) (1.304) (0.42)
ἀφανίζω to make unseen, hide from sight 1 4 (0.79) (0.464) (0.42)
εἴλω to roll up, pack 1 1 (0.2) (0.156) (0.42)
πέρας an end, limit, boundary 1 4 (0.79) (1.988) (0.42)
ἄγαν very, much, very much 1 7 (1.39) (0.438) (0.42)
ἀνθρώπινος belonging to mankind; human 6 12 (2.38) (1.226) (0.42)
ἄρτιος suitable, exactly fitted; ἀρτίως = ἄρτι, just now 9 9 (1.78) (0.741) (0.42)
κατακαίω to burn down, burn completely 1 2 (0.4) (0.233) (0.42)
ἐπιμέλεια care, attention 1 2 (0.4) (0.49) (0.42)
νόμιμος conformable to custom, usage 1 1 (0.2) (0.417) (0.43)
προσδοκάω to expect 2 3 (0.59) (0.539) (0.43)
ἀνθρώπειος of man, of mankind 1 3 (0.59) (0.327) (0.43)
ἥμερος tame, tamed, reclaimed 2 4 (0.79) (0.579) (0.43)
δήπου perhaps, it may be 1 3 (0.59) (0.763) (0.43)
παρακελεύομαι to order 3 4 (0.79) (0.321) (0.44)
ἀκόλουθος following, attending on 3 6 (1.19) (0.882) (0.44)
ἐπιφαίνω to shew forth, display, shew off 1 1 (0.2) (0.361) (0.44)
λάμπω to give light, shine, beam, be bright, brilliant, radiant 6 6 (1.19) (0.148) (0.44)
φυλάζω to divide into tribes 4 4 (0.79) (0.498) (0.44)
σωφροσύνη soundness of mind, moderation, discretion 3 8 (1.59) (0.613) (0.44)
ἀκοή a hearing, the sound heard 6 9 (1.78) (0.941) (0.44)
βύβλος the Egyptian papyrus; roll of papyrus, book 8 16 (3.17) (0.488) (0.44)
ἁρμονία a fastening 3 6 (1.19) (0.613) (0.44)
πη [Dor. in some way, somehow] 3 3 (0.59) (0.791) (0.44)
σύνθημα anything agreed upon, a preconcerted signal 1 1 (0.2) (0.172) (0.44)
ἄνειμι go up, reach 3 3 (0.59) (0.356) (0.44)
διατάσσω to appoint 1 2 (0.4) (0.243) (0.45)
φιλοτιμία the character of the φιλότιμος, love of distinction, ambition 1 1 (0.2) (0.246) (0.45)
βάθος depth 2 3 (0.59) (0.995) (0.45)
προσίημι to send to 7 12 (2.38) (0.675) (0.45)
ἐπινοέω to think on 2 5 (0.99) (0.554) (0.45)
οἷ2 whither; where (to) 1 3 (0.59) (0.405) (0.45)
ἔννοια a thought in the mind, notion, conception 10 12 (2.38) (0.952) (0.46)
ὡσαύτως in like manner, just so 6 6 (1.19) (1.656) (0.46)
ἔπαινος approval, praise, commendation 6 8 (1.59) (0.506) (0.46)
θαυμάσιος wondrous, wonderful, marvellous 3 11 (2.18) (0.395) (0.46)
ἄσσα something, some 1 3 (0.59) (0.271) (0.46)
γέλως laughter 1 1 (0.2) (0.371) (0.46)
ζυγόν anything which joins two 1 2 (0.4) (0.343) (0.46)
ἀδεής without fear, fearless; causing no fear 1 1 (0.2) (0.207) (0.46)
διάφορος different, unlike 7 13 (2.58) (2.007) (0.46)
συγκλείω to shut 1 1 (0.2) (0.118) (0.46)
παντελής all-complete, absolute, complete, entire 3 6 (1.19) (1.077) (0.46)
τελευτή a finishing, completion, accomplishment 1 10 (1.98) (0.902) (0.46)
ἄλογος without 1 2 (0.4) (1.824) (0.47)
ἐρέω Epic: ask, enquire 2 2 (0.4) (0.675) (0.47)
ὑπάγω to lead 1 3 (0.59) (0.426) (0.47)
συλλογίζομαι to collect and bring at once before the mind, to compute fully, sum up 2 2 (0.4) (0.739) (0.47)
ἐμπίμπλημι fill quite full 6 8 (1.59) (0.382) (0.47)
πρόειμι go forward 3 10 (1.98) (1.153) (0.47)
ἠμέν as well .. , as also . . 1 1 (0.2) (0.05) (0.48)
φῖλος [> φιλία friendship] 1 2 (0.4) (0.22) (0.48)
γαστήρ the paunch, belly 1 1 (0.2) (1.811) (0.48)
σκότος darkness, gloom 1 6 (1.19) (0.838) (0.48)
λύπη pain of body 1 4 (0.79) (0.996) (0.48)
ἄπιστος not to be trusted 1 4 (0.79) (0.466) (0.48)
ἐπισκοπέω to look upon 78 103 (20.42) (1.347) (0.48)
ἐπιφάνεια manifestation, visible surface 2 3 (0.59) (0.971) (0.48)
ἐνεργός at work, working, active, busy 1 1 (0.2) (0.11) (0.48)
ah! 1 4 (0.79) (1.559) (0.48)
πειθαρχέω to obey one in authority 1 1 (0.2) (0.089) (0.48)
πιστός liquid (medicines) 8 21 (4.16) (0.356) (0.49)
ἀναγκαῖον a place of constraint, a prison 4 5 (0.99) (1.907) (0.49)
ὕμνος a hymn, festive song 2 2 (0.4) (0.392) (0.49)
ὑπερβαίνω to step over, mount, scale 1 3 (0.59) (0.393) (0.49)
αἰών life, lifetime, time; spinal marrow 34 38 (7.53) (1.619) (0.49)
διαλαμβάνω to take severally, to divide, to intercept 6 6 (1.19) (0.406) (0.49)
ἀράομαι to pray to 1 1 (0.2) (0.193) (0.49)
μεσημβρία mid-day, noon; south 1 2 (0.4) (0.298) (0.49)
θερμός hot, warm 1 3 (0.59) (3.501) (0.49)
γραφή drawing, writing; indictment 38 41 (8.13) (2.255) (0.49)
δημιουργός one who works for the people, a skilled workman, handicraftsman 15 16 (3.17) (0.842) (0.49)
χιών snow 1 1 (0.2) (0.387) (0.49)
ἐπιλέγω to choose, pick out, select 2 5 (0.99) (0.374) (0.49)
ἐκτείνω to stretch out 1 3 (0.59) (0.85) (0.49)
ἅπαξ once 4 9 (1.78) (0.777) (0.49)
ἀνόσιος unholy, profane 2 8 (1.59) (0.255) (0.49)
πόσος how much? how many? 2 4 (0.79) (1.368) (0.5)
προσγίγνομαι to come in addition, to accrue, to support 1 2 (0.4) (0.293) (0.5)
αἰνέω (to tell;) to praise, approve, acquiesce in 1 1 (0.2) (0.149) (0.5)
ἁπλῶς singly, in one way 2 4 (0.79) (3.946) (0.5)
οἰκοδομέω to build a house 1 4 (0.79) (0.725) (0.5)
μαρτυρέω to be a witness, to bear witness, give evidence, bear testimony 3 5 (0.99) (1.017) (0.5)
κλῖμαξ a ladder 1 1 (0.2) (0.186) (0.5)
ἠπειρώτης of the mainland, living there 1 1 (0.2) (0.068) (0.51)
ὑπακούω to listen, hearken, give ear 5 5 (0.99) (0.475) (0.51)
ἐπιεικής fitting, meet, suitable 1 4 (0.79) (0.492) (0.51)
δύστηνος wretched, unhappy, unfortunate, disastrous 1 2 (0.4) (0.092) (0.51)
προβάλλω to throw before, throw 4 8 (1.59) (0.591) (0.51)
προφέρω to bring before 1 5 (0.99) (0.323) (0.51)
Ἰουδαῖος a Jew 7 8 (1.59) (2.187) (0.52)
τέως so long, meanwhile, the while 2 5 (0.99) (0.641) (0.52)
εἰκών a likeness, image, portrait 40 43 (8.53) (1.509) (0.52)
Ἄρειος devoted to Ares, warlike, martial; (πάγος:) the hill of Ares 69 127 (25.18) (0.456) (0.52)
ποσός of a certain quantity 1 3 (0.59) (2.579) (0.52)
ἐπαύω to shout over 1 2 (0.4) (0.335) (0.52)
τῇδε here, thus 2 10 (1.98) (0.621) (0.52)
εὐδαιμονία prosperity, good fortune, wealth, weal, happiness 2 2 (0.4) (0.772) (0.53)
Ἀγάθων Agathon 1 1 (0.2) (0.071) (0.53)
διακρίνω to separate one from another 1 1 (0.2) (0.94) (0.53)
οἰκίζω to found as a colony 1 1 (0.2) (0.151) (0.53)
δίς twice, doubly 1 1 (0.2) (0.833) (0.53)
ψεῦδος a falsehood, untruth, lie 1 4 (0.79) (1.616) (0.53)
ἐπίνοια a thinking on 1 2 (0.4) (0.469) (0.53)
κάματος toil, trouble, labour 1 3 (0.59) (0.2) (0.54)
ἡνίκα at which time, when 2 3 (0.59) (0.856) (0.54)
μάρτυς a witness 6 11 (2.18) (0.889) (0.54)
ἰχθύς a fish 1 2 (0.4) (1.082) (0.54)
καθέζομαι to sit down, take one's seat 1 1 (0.2) (0.211) (0.54)
θόρυβος a noise, uproar, clamour 2 4 (0.79) (0.35) (0.54)
συνεργέω to work together with, help in work, cooperate 2 2 (0.4) (0.22) (0.54)
ἱστορέω to inquire into 2 3 (0.59) (0.89) (0.55)
ἐπιτέλλω to lay upon, enjoin, prescribe, ordain, command 1 1 (0.2) (0.084) (0.55)
προφανής shewing itself 1 5 (0.99) (0.248) (0.55)
ἀπόκρισις a separating; a reply 39 39 (7.73) (0.425) (0.55)
δόγμα that which seems to one, an opinion, dogma 22 30 (5.95) (1.275) (0.55)
βασιλικός royal, kingly 1 21 (4.16) (0.97) (0.55)
αἰδώς a sense of shame, shame, modesty, self-respect 2 6 (1.19) (0.378) (0.55)
ταραχή trouble, disorder, confusion 2 4 (0.79) (0.397) (0.55)
ἐνδέχομαι to take upon oneself; to be possible 2 2 (0.4) (4.811) (0.55)
συχνός long 1 1 (0.2) (0.343) (0.55)
ἄνθος a blossom, flower 1 2 (0.4) (0.514) (0.55)
ἀδελφή a sister 1 10 (1.98) (0.542) (0.56)
συνέχω to hold or keep together, secure; mid. to be afflicted 2 3 (0.59) (0.484) (0.56)
ἐφοράω to oversee, observe, survey 1 5 (0.99) (0.325) (0.56)
σής a moth 1 9 (1.78) (0.646) (0.56)
διασῴζω to preserve through 1 5 (0.99) (0.43) (0.56)
πολίτευμα the business of government, an act of administration 1 1 (0.2) (0.107) (0.56)
ἔχθρα hatred, enmity 1 1 (0.2) (0.288) (0.56)
ῥῆμα (spoken) word, line, verb 15 22 (4.36) (1.704) (0.56)
πώποτε ever yet 4 6 (1.19) (0.36) (0.57)
ἐννοέω to have in one's thoughts, to think, consider, reflect 1 3 (0.59) (0.573) (0.57)
ἁμαρτία a failure, fault, sin 7 8 (1.59) (1.995) (0.57)
συντελέω to bring quite to an end, complete, accomplish 1 2 (0.4) (0.664) (0.57)
ζωός alive, living 2 2 (0.4) (1.744) (0.57)
Γάϊος Gaius 3 3 (0.59) (0.291) (0.57)
ἰατρός one who heals, a mediciner, physician 2 3 (0.59) (1.94) (0.58)
ἑτοιμάζω to make ready, prepare 2 2 (0.4) (0.326) (0.58)
ἐγκρατής in possession of power 1 2 (0.4) (0.32) (0.58)
παντοῖος of all sorts 1 2 (0.4) (0.495) (0.58)
πνεῦμα a blowing 109 123 (24.39) (5.838) (0.58)
καινός new, fresh 2 6 (1.19) (0.929) (0.58)
Μάρκος Marcus 2 2 (0.4) (0.395) (0.58)
ἐπιλαμβάνω to lay hold of, seize, attack 1 1 (0.2) (0.478) (0.58)
πρόγονος a forefather, ancestor 1 2 (0.4) (0.412) (0.58)
συγγνώμη forgiveness 1 1 (0.2) (0.319) (0.58)
χωρίζω to separate, part, sever, divide 6 8 (1.59) (1.352) (0.58)
φιλόσοφος a lover of wisdom 129 134 (26.57) (1.741) (0.58)
λογίζομαι to count, reckon, calculate, compute 9 17 (3.37) (0.897) (0.58)
ἄπειρος without trial, inexperienced 2 5 (0.99) (2.444) (0.58)
ἄσμενος well-pleased, glad 3 6 (1.19) (0.221) (0.58)
ἐτάζω to examine, test 1 1 (0.2) (0.302) (0.59)
προτείνω to stretch out before, hold before 1 2 (0.4) (0.253) (0.59)
σχῆμα form, figure, appearance 6 8 (1.59) (4.435) (0.59)
παραλείπω to leave on one side, leave remaining 1 1 (0.2) (0.659) (0.59)
σώφρων of sound mind 1 6 (1.19) (0.638) (0.59)
ἔξωθεν from without 2 3 (0.59) (1.897) (0.59)
συγγραφεύς one who collects and writes down historic facts, an historian 1 4 (0.79) (0.249) (0.59)
λαλέω to talk, chat, prattle, babble 6 6 (1.19) (1.608) (0.59)
ἔθος custom, habit 4 8 (1.59) (1.231) (0.59)
φθέγγομαι to utter a sound 2 3 (0.59) (0.607) (0.59)
παιδεύω to bring up 1 2 (0.4) (0.727) (0.59)
δοξάζω to think, imagine, suppose, fancy, conjecture 3 7 (1.39) (1.083) (0.6)
ἐπιστολή a message, command, commission 14 46 (9.12) (1.043) (0.6)
ζωή a living 10 14 (2.78) (2.864) (0.6)
ταράσσω to stir, stir up, trouble 2 4 (0.79) (0.564) (0.6)
ἀγαπάω to treat with affection, to caress, love, be fond of 4 10 (1.98) (1.096) (0.6)
οὐσία that which is one's own, one's substance, property 39 45 (8.92) (9.012) (0.6)
κτίζω to found 36 37 (7.34) (0.538) (0.6)
γεννάω to beget, engender 41 42 (8.33) (2.666) (0.6)
περιέχω to encompass, embrace, surround 3 4 (0.79) (2.596) (0.61)
βοείη an ox-hide, ox-hide shield 1 2 (0.4) (0.299) (0.61)
προέρχομαι to go forward, go on, advance 4 4 (0.79) (0.934) (0.61)
κατέρχομαι to go down from; return from exile 7 7 (1.39) (0.435) (0.61)
λογισμός a counting, reckoning, calculation, computation 12 17 (3.37) (1.151) (0.61)
ἐκεῖσε thither, to that place 3 41 (8.13) (0.623) (0.61)
Ὠκεανός Oceanus 2 5 (0.99) (0.221) (0.61)
δυσχερής hard to take in hand 3 3 (0.59) (0.281) (0.61)
ἐφίζω to set upon 1 2 (0.4) (0.344) (0.61)
ἄθλιος winning the prize, struggling, wretched 2 6 (1.19) (0.288) (0.61)
ἀπολαμβάνω to take away, receive one’s due, cut off 3 6 (1.19) (0.609) (0.61)
εἴσειμι to go into 1 2 (0.4) (0.609) (0.62)
νέφος a cloud, mass 4 4 (0.79) (0.576) (0.62)
συνέδριον a body of men assembled in council, a council-board, council 3 11 (2.18) (0.235) (0.63)
μαθητής a learner, pupil 4 5 (0.99) (1.446) (0.63)
φάρμακον a drug, medicine 2 2 (0.4) (2.51) (0.63)
καταφρονέω to think down upon 1 3 (0.59) (0.668) (0.63)
τάλας suffering, wretched 1 1 (0.2) (0.18) (0.63)
βασίλειος of the king, kingly, royal 1 2 (0.4) (0.774) (0.63)
ἀναγιγνώσκω to know well, know certainly; to read 1 3 (0.59) (0.742) (0.63)
ἐντολή an injunction, order, command, behest 5 5 (0.99) (0.701) (0.63)
ἄρσην male 3 3 (0.59) (1.187) (0.63)
ὁρίζω to divide 11 14 (2.78) (3.324) (0.63)
προεῖπον to tell 2 2 (0.4) (0.428) (0.63)
ἔμπροσθεν before, in front 4 9 (1.78) (1.891) (0.63)
ὑπολείπω to leave remaining 2 4 (0.79) (0.545) (0.64)
στέλλω to set in order, to arrange, array, equip, make ready 1 6 (1.19) (0.496) (0.64)
ἱερεύς a priest, sacrificer 7 19 (3.77) (1.143) (0.64)
συνοράω to see together 4 7 (1.39) (0.352) (0.64)
ἀρκέω to ward off; to be sufficient 2 3 (0.59) (1.255) (0.64)
κρίσις a separating, power of distinguishing 3 11 (2.18) (1.732) (0.64)
πρόσειμι be there (in addition) 4 11 (2.18) (0.784) (0.64)
καθαρός clear of dirt, clean, spotless, unsoiled 11 17 (3.37) (1.603) (0.65)
γυμνός naked, unclad 2 3 (0.59) (0.564) (0.65)
θαῦμα whatever one regards with wonder, a wonder, marvel 4 10 (1.98) (0.572) (0.65)
εἰσφέρω to bring in, to propose (a question, a law), to pay tax (εἰσφορά) 1 1 (0.2) (0.402) (0.65)
πανταχόθεν from all places, from all quarters, on every side 1 3 (0.59) (0.513) (0.65)
πονηρός toilsome, painful, grievous 2 8 (1.59) (1.795) (0.65)
πόθεν whence? (i.e., from where?) 1 1 (0.2) (0.953) (0.65)
λυπέω to give pain to, to pain, distress, grieve, vex, annoy 1 4 (0.79) (1.004) (0.66)
φήμη a voice from heaven, a prophetic voice 1 1 (0.2) (0.305) (0.66)
ὁμολογία agreement 2 2 (0.4) (0.367) (0.66)
ἐκκλησία an assembly of the citizens regularly summoned, the legislative assembly 90 172 (34.1) (2.803) (0.66)
ἀπαγορεύω to forbid; to give up, renounce 1 3 (0.59) (0.471) (0.66)
οὔτις no one 1 1 (0.2) (0.22) (0.66)
δέος fear, alarm 1 5 (0.99) (0.383) (0.66)
τιμωρία help, aid, assistance, succour 4 7 (1.39) (0.653) (0.67)
μεταβάλλω to throw into a different position, to turn quickly 3 6 (1.19) (2.754) (0.67)
θάσσων quicker, swifter 1 3 (0.59) (0.719) (0.67)
ἀκριβής exact, accurate, precise, made 9 16 (3.17) (2.935) (0.67)
ἡγεμονία a leading the way, going first 1 5 (0.99) (0.409) (0.67)
τράπεζα four-legged a table 5 6 (1.19) (0.588) (0.68)
μηχανή an instrument, machine 2 8 (1.59) (0.37) (0.68)
κέρδος gain, profit, advantage 1 1 (0.2) (0.452) (0.68)
ἀφορμή a starting-point 2 3 (0.59) (0.47) (0.68)
ἄγνοια want of perception, ignorance 4 4 (0.79) (0.718) (0.68)
ὁποῖος of what sort 1 4 (0.79) (1.665) (0.68)
ἀσθενής without strength, weak, feeble, weakly 1 4 (0.79) (1.195) (0.68)
ἐπώχατο were kept shut 1 1 (0.2) (0.486) (0.69)
λόχος an ambush 1 1 (0.2) (0.216) (0.69)
ἄκρον the highest or furthest point: mountain top, cape 4 6 (1.19) (0.978) (0.69)
ψιλός bare, stripped; (soldier) without heavy armor, light troops 2 2 (0.4) (0.509) (0.69)
διαλέγομαι talk 5 6 (1.19) (0.836) (0.69)
θῆλυς female 3 3 (0.59) (1.183) (0.69)
βόειος of an ox 2 2 (0.4) (0.362) (0.69)
ἥδομαι to enjoy oneself, take delight, take one's pleasure 1 5 (0.99) (0.699) (0.69)
ἐξίημι to send out, let 3 3 (0.59) (0.311) (0.69)
ἀκολουθέω to follow 6 7 (1.39) (1.679) (0.69)
ὑπόκειμαι to lie under 1 1 (0.2) (5.461) (0.69)
σφόδρα very, very much, exceedingly, violently 3 5 (0.99) (1.407) (0.69)
πάρειμι2 go past, march along, come forward 1 1 (0.2) (0.299) (0.69)
ἀναφέρω to bring up, bring back 1 4 (0.79) (1.069) (0.69)
ἔξοδος a going out; an exit 1 2 (0.4) (0.366) (0.69)
θαυμαστός wondrous, wonderful, marvellous 5 8 (1.59) (1.141) (0.69)
πλήρης filled 4 5 (0.99) (0.868) (0.7)
διαπράσσω to pass over; bring about, accomplish 1 3 (0.59) (0.333) (0.7)
δεσμός anything for binding, a band, bond 3 3 (0.59) (0.794) (0.7)
μεταπέμπω to send after 2 3 (0.59) (0.351) (0.7)
ἐξευρίσκω to find out, discover 8 8 (1.59) (0.486) (0.7)
βαθύς deep 4 9 (1.78) (0.552) (0.7)
ζῷον a living being, animal 1 1 (0.2) (8.115) (0.7)
ὑπόθεσις proposal, subject, supposition 7 11 (2.18) (1.565) (0.71)
ὑφίστημι to place under; mid. to submit, to promise 14 17 (3.37) (1.068) (0.71)
ἔξειμι go out 1 4 (0.79) (0.687) (0.71)
κοσμέω to order, arrange 3 4 (0.79) (0.659) (0.71)
θεραπεύω to be an attendant, do service 1 2 (0.4) (1.21) (0.71)
τείνω to stretch 1 1 (0.2) (0.596) (0.72)
λαμπρός bright, brilliant, radiant 4 8 (1.59) (1.14) (0.72)
κορυφή the head, top, highest point; 2 2 (0.4) (0.483) (0.72)
οὖς auris, the ear 1 3 (0.59) (1.469) (0.72)
ἔρις strife, quarrel, debate, contention 1 1 (0.2) (0.239) (0.72)
ἐπανέρχομαι to go back, return 3 9 (1.78) (0.728) (0.72)
ἐκεῖθεν from that place, thence 3 4 (0.79) (1.247) (0.72)
πορθέω to destroy, ravage, waste, plunder 1 2 (0.4) (0.221) (0.72)
πρόνοια foresight, foreknowledge 8 23 (4.56) (0.781) (0.72)
εἴρω to fasten together in rows, to string 1 1 (0.2) (0.317) (0.72)
ἐλάχιστος the smallest, least 2 3 (0.59) (0.969) (0.73)
πηγή running waters, streams 21 22 (4.36) (0.851) (0.74)
περιίστημι to place round 1 2 (0.4) (0.354) (0.74)
ψηφίζω (mid.) to vote; (act.) to count with pebbles 2 3 (0.59) (0.397) (0.74)
ἀρέσκω (to make good, make up), to please 4 7 (1.39) (0.516) (0.74)
κλίνω to make to bend, slope; recline 2 6 (1.19) (0.229) (0.74)
ὑποδέχομαι to receive, entertain; to promise 4 12 (2.38) (0.479) (0.74)
πήγνυμι to make fast 1 4 (0.79) (0.947) (0.74)
μαίνομαι to rage, be furious 1 3 (0.59) (0.455) (0.75)
συναθροίζω to gather together, assemble 5 8 (1.59) (0.222) (0.75)
σύνειμι be with (incl. be wife of, study with) 5 9 (1.78) (0.989) (0.75)
κοινωνέω to have or do in common with 5 11 (2.18) (0.907) (0.75)
τηλικοῦτος of such an age, of such a magnitude 5 8 (1.59) (0.583) (0.75)
ἐπιθυμία desire, yearning, longing 1 2 (0.4) (1.348) (0.75)
κράτιστος strongest, mightiest 1 2 (0.4) (0.345) (0.75)
παραινέω to exhort, recommend, advise 3 4 (0.79) (0.456) (0.75)
ἐμπίμπρημι to kindle, burn, set on fire 1 1 (0.2) (0.287) (0.75)
δρόμος a course, running, race 1 2 (0.4) (0.517) (0.75)
συνέρχομαι come together, meet 11 19 (3.77) (0.758) (0.75)
Συρία Syria 2 3 (0.59) (0.491) (0.75)
ἀγγελία a message, tidings, news 1 1 (0.2) (0.158) (0.75)
τοιγάρ so then, wherefore, therefore, accordingly 5 12 (2.38) (0.567) (0.75)
ἑορτή a feast 16 20 (3.97) (0.773) (0.75)
τάφος a burial, funeral 2 10 (1.98) (0.506) (0.75)
ὑπερβολή a throwing beyond 5 7 (1.39) (0.845) (0.76)
φαῦλος slight, indifferent, trivial, common, simple 3 4 (0.79) (1.387) (0.76)
πλησίος near, close to 1 3 (0.59) (1.174) (0.76)
ὑπέχω to hold under, uphold; undergo, suffer, be accountable 2 4 (0.79) (0.499) (0.76)
φιλάνθρωπος loving mankind, humane, benevolent, kindly 4 6 (1.19) (0.352) (0.76)
μηκέτι no more, no longer, no further 2 3 (0.59) (0.86) (0.77)
τυραννίς kingly power, sovereignty 3 9 (1.78) (0.451) (0.77)
μέτρον that by which anything is measured 2 2 (0.4) (1.22) (0.77)
περίστασις a standing round, a crowd standing round 1 1 (0.2) (0.187) (0.77)
Πόντος Pontus 5 7 (1.39) (0.225) (0.77)
νεανίσκος a youth 1 1 (0.2) (0.436) (0.77)
γράμμα (drawing, scratch) letter, character, writing, document 14 45 (8.92) (1.824) (0.77)
θεράπων a waiting-man, attendant 3 16 (3.17) (0.359) (0.77)
κατασκευάζω to equip 11 15 (2.97) (1.81) (0.77)
βόα fish 2 2 (0.4) (0.336) (0.77)
βέλτιστος best 4 4 (0.79) (0.48) (0.78)
αἵρεσις a taking especially 9 13 (2.58) (1.136) (0.78)
προσέρχομαι to come 3 4 (0.79) (0.91) (0.78)
πιέζω to press, squeeze; oppress, distress 1 3 (0.59) (0.382) (0.78)
ὄϊς sheep 30 52 (10.31) (1.922) (0.78)
ἐντυγχάνω to light upon, fall in with, meet with 1 6 (1.19) (0.762) (0.78)
πάντως altogether; 6 6 (1.19) (2.955) (0.78)
συλλαμβάνω to collect, gather together 1 4 (0.79) (0.673) (0.79)
ἐκδίδωμι to give up, surrender 3 4 (0.79) (0.425) (0.79)
παρουσία a being present, presence 10 13 (2.58) (0.687) (0.79)
ἐκπλήσσω (to knock out); to astound, shock, amaze 2 3 (0.59) (0.354) (0.79)
πλοῦτος wealth, riches 1 1 (0.2) (1.072) (0.8)
πεῖρα a trial, attempt, essay, experiment 2 6 (1.19) (0.651) (0.8)
πρόσειμι2 approach 5 10 (1.98) (0.794) (0.8)
προοράω to see before one, to take forethought 1 1 (0.2) (0.187) (0.8)
Θεσσαλία Thessaly 2 3 (0.59) (0.173) (0.8)
θέμις that which is laid down 2 3 (0.59) (0.301) (0.8)
ἐπιδείκνυμι to exhibit as a specimen 5 8 (1.59) (1.467) (0.8)
μέτριος within measure 1 2 (0.4) (1.299) (0.8)
ἐλευθερόω to free, set free 3 6 (1.19) (0.302) (0.8)
ποθεν from some place 1 1 (0.2) (0.996) (0.8)
παιδίον a child 1 3 (0.59) (1.117) (0.81)
προσλαμβάνω to take or receive in addition 3 3 (0.59) (0.664) (0.81)
θυσία burnt offering, sacrifice 1 3 (0.59) (1.141) (0.81)
ἐπάγω to bring on 11 14 (2.78) (2.387) (0.82)
ἐπιστήμη knowledge, skill 5 5 (0.99) (3.886) (0.82)
ἀποφαίνω to shew fort, display, produce 1 4 (0.79) (1.507) (0.82)
καθαιρέω to take down 4 8 (1.59) (0.784) (0.83)
ἁπλόος single, simple 8 10 (1.98) (6.452) (0.83)
ἐπαγγέλλω to tell, proclaim, announce 1 5 (0.99) (0.759) (0.83)
γῆρας old age 2 3 (0.59) (0.553) (0.83)
ἐπίκειμαι lie on, to be closed, to lie nearby (off the coast of) 1 3 (0.59) (0.531) (0.83)
κρύπτω to hide, cover, cloak 2 6 (1.19) (0.752) (0.83)
διαπέμπω to send off in different directions, send to and fro, send about 7 7 (1.39) (0.2) (0.83)
κατασκευή preparation 2 5 (0.99) (0.748) (0.84)
μῆκος length 2 2 (0.4) (1.601) (0.86)
ἐπείγω to press down, weigh down; mid. hasten 2 3 (0.59) (0.537) (0.86)
ἀγωνίζομαι to contend for a prize 1 2 (0.4) (0.536) (0.86)
ἀκμή a point, edge 4 4 (0.79) (0.519) (0.86)
ἄγριος (living in the fields) wild, savage, harsh 1 3 (0.59) (0.701) (0.86)
σοφία skill 57 57 (11.3) (1.979) (0.86)
δυναστεία power, lordship, sovereignty 3 4 (0.79) (0.236) (0.86)
πάθος anything that befalls one, an incident, accident 13 22 (4.36) (4.93) (0.86)
κοῖλος hollow, hollowed 2 2 (0.4) (0.715) (0.86)
αὐτόθι on the spot 3 9 (1.78) (0.397) (0.86)
παρθένος a maid, maiden, virgin, girl 11 13 (2.58) (1.028) (0.87)
λέων a lion 1 3 (0.59) (0.675) (0.88)
ἀνατίθημι dedicate, refer 2 4 (0.79) (0.694) (0.88)
ἀγρός fields, lands 2 4 (0.79) (0.663) (0.88)
δόλος a bait, trap, cunning 1 5 (0.99) (0.287) (0.88)
πρόβατον sheep; small cattle 1 1 (0.2) (0.719) (0.89)
ξύλον wood 1 10 (1.98) (1.689) (0.89)
καθοράω (to look down); to observe 1 2 (0.4) (0.423) (0.89)
καθίζω to make to sit down, seat 2 2 (0.4) (0.432) (0.89)
παντάπασι all in all, altogether, wholly, absolutely 2 2 (0.4) (0.872) (0.89)
διάθεσις a disposition, arrangement 1 3 (0.59) (1.947) (0.89)
κάτω down, downwards 1 3 (0.59) (3.125) (0.89)
σπουδάζω to make haste 9 23 (4.56) (0.887) (0.89)
τέταρτος fourth 3 3 (0.59) (1.676) (0.89)
ἁρπάζω to snatch away, carry off 1 2 (0.4) (0.507) (0.89)
στάσις a standing, the posture of standing 1 2 (0.4) (0.94) (0.89)
θρόνος a seat, chair 7 8 (1.59) (0.806) (0.9)
ὑψηλός high, lofty, high-raised 3 7 (1.39) (0.992) (0.9)
ἀργύριον a piece of silver, a silver coin 2 4 (0.79) (0.663) (0.9)
ἔσχατος outermost 2 6 (1.19) (2.261) (0.9)
ἀληθινός agreeable to truth 15 17 (3.37) (0.691) (0.91)
μέλος a limb; a phrase of song; a song 7 8 (1.59) (0.803) (0.91)
ὗς wild swine 30 50 (9.91) (1.845) (0.91)
ἀπαντάω to meet 4 8 (1.59) (0.895) (0.92)
ὀκτώ eight 2 2 (0.4) (0.618) (0.92)
Λίβυς a Libyan 1 2 (0.4) (0.194) (0.92)
εἰσάγω to lead in 2 5 (0.99) (1.077) (0.92)
Σύριος Syrian 2 3 (0.59) (0.519) (0.92)
βέβαιος firm, steady, steadfast, sure, certain 5 5 (0.99) (0.761) (0.93)
γενναῖος noble, excellent 3 5 (0.99) (0.793) (0.93)
ὠφέλεια help, aid, succour, assistance 1 2 (0.4) (0.617) (0.93)
ἐκφέρω to carry out of 1 3 (0.59) (0.452) (0.94)
συνίημι to bring together; understand 7 8 (1.59) (0.928) (0.94)
στέφανος that which surrounds 3 4 (0.79) (0.775) (0.94)
ποιμήν herdsman, shepherd 1 1 (0.2) (0.479) (0.94)
λαγχάνω to obtain by lot, by fate, by the will of the gods 2 2 (0.4) (0.535) (0.94)
ἕξ six 3 5 (0.99) (0.945) (0.94)
ὕλη wood, material 1 6 (1.19) (5.5) (0.94)
σημεῖον a sign, a mark, token 3 7 (1.39) (3.721) (0.94)
ἔνιοι some 1 1 (0.2) (2.716) (0.95)
πρεσβεύω to be the elder; to be an ambassador 2 3 (0.59) (0.348) (0.95)
πρόσωπον the face, visage, countenance 30 39 (7.73) (1.94) (0.95)
γενεά race, stock, family 1 3 (0.59) (0.544) (0.95)
ἀδικία injustice 1 3 (0.59) (0.737) (0.96)
πρόσω forwards, onwards, further 3 8 (1.59) (1.411) (0.96)
μιμέομαι to mimic, imitate, represent, portray 2 2 (0.4) (0.689) (0.96)
καταλύω to put down, destroy; settle (disputes); lodge, rest 1 4 (0.79) (0.581) (0.97)
διαλέγω to pick out one from another, to pick out 5 7 (1.39) (1.478) (0.97)
συντάσσω to put in order together 3 6 (1.19) (0.625) (0.97)
χρηστός useful, good of its kind, serviceable 4 9 (1.78) (0.984) (0.97)
ἐπιτελέω to complete, finish, accomplish 5 6 (1.19) (0.648) (0.97)
ἀρχαῖος from the beginning 5 9 (1.78) (1.06) (0.97)
ἐξουσία power 8 10 (1.98) (1.082) (0.97)
στενός narrow, strait 1 2 (0.4) (0.524) (0.97)
ἀνίημι to send up; let go, abate 5 7 (1.39) (0.786) (0.98)
πληρόω to make full 9 15 (2.97) (1.781) (0.98)
πρόφασις that which is alleged as the cause, an allegation, plea 3 5 (0.99) (0.738) (0.98)
γοῦν at least then, at any rate, any way 10 22 (4.36) (3.743) (0.99)
εἰκότως in all likelihood, suitably, fairly, reasonably, naturally 5 6 (1.19) (1.86) (0.99)
ψεύδω to cheat by lies, beguile 2 3 (0.59) (0.935) (0.99)
πλέος full. 1 1 (0.2) (1.122) (0.99)
καρδία the heart 9 14 (2.78) (2.87) (0.99)
παραχρῆμα on the spot, forthwith, straightway 4 12 (2.38) (0.699) (0.99)
διάνοια a thought, intention, purpose 21 26 (5.16) (2.096) (1.0)
ἐπέχω to hold on; hold out; hold back; adjourn; occupy 3 5 (0.99) (0.782) (1.0)
ἐνιαυτός year 3 4 (0.79) (0.848) (1.0)
καίπερ although, albeit 1 1 (0.2) (0.396) (1.01)
αὐξάνω to make large, increase, augment 3 7 (1.39) (1.963) (1.01)
ἐοικότως similarly, like 5 6 (1.19) (1.868) (1.01)
χρώς the surface of the body, the skin 1 1 (0.2) (0.258) (1.01)
Δημήτριος of Demeter, (pr.n.) Demetrius 1 1 (0.2) (0.398) (1.01)
ἐφέζομαι to sit upon 1 1 (0.2) (0.514) (1.01)
τόλμα courage, to undertake 1 4 (0.79) (0.287) (1.02)
Εὐρώπη Europa, Europe 3 5 (0.99) (0.254) (1.02)
ἐπιφέρω to bring, put 1 1 (0.2) (1.459) (1.02)
πάντῃ every way, on every side 3 7 (1.39) (1.179) (1.03)
ἐκπίπτω to fall out of 2 2 (0.4) (0.84) (1.03)
χαρίζω to do a favor, to oblige, to please 1 4 (0.79) (0.845) (1.03)
τροφή nourishment, food, victuals 2 4 (0.79) (3.098) (1.03)
ὅρος a boundary, landmark 8 14 (2.78) (3.953) (1.03)
λᾶας stone 3 4 (0.79) (0.215) (1.04)
ὑποδείκνυμι to shew secretly 1 8 (1.59) (0.514) (1.04)
προσάγω to bring to 1 7 (1.39) (0.972) (1.04)
προσβάλλω to strike 1 1 (0.2) (0.519) (1.04)
ἐπιφανής coming to light, appearing; remarkable, distinguished 1 1 (0.2) (0.431) (1.04)
Θρᾴκη Thrace 1 4 (0.79) (0.337) (1.05)
καρπός fruit 3 4 (0.79) (1.621) (1.05)
ἀγνοέω not to perceive, be ignorant of 2 7 (1.39) (1.829) (1.05)
ὅσιος hallowed, sanctioned by the law of God 13 14 (2.78) (0.414) (1.05)
διαιρέω to take one from another, to cleave in twain, to divide into parts 5 7 (1.39) (3.133) (1.05)
πρέπω to be clearly seen, to resemble, to seem (πρέπει it is fitting) 8 12 (2.38) (0.865) (1.06)
νίκη victory 1 14 (2.78) (1.082) (1.06)
σεαυτοῦ of thyself 4 22 (4.36) (0.863) (1.06)
πρόθεσις a placing in public 1 2 (0.4) (0.326) (1.06)
ἐγείρω to awaken, wake up, rouse 3 10 (1.98) (1.109) (1.06)
Μακεδονία Macedon 2 3 (0.59) (0.296) (1.06)
κώμη country town 1 3 (0.59) (0.475) (1.06)
γλυκύς sweet 1 2 (0.4) (1.252) (1.06)
ἐμέω to vomit, throw up 2 6 (1.19) (0.759) (1.06)
χείρων worse, meaner, inferior 2 6 (1.19) (1.4) (1.07)
διαφεύγω to flee through, get away from, escape 1 2 (0.4) (0.479) (1.07)
τεσσαράκοντα forty 1 2 (0.4) (0.51) (1.07)
ὄμνυμι to swear 1 1 (0.2) (0.582) (1.07)
ναί yea, verily 7 8 (1.59) (0.919) (1.08)
τηρέω to watch over, protect, guard 3 3 (0.59) (0.878) (1.08)
κύριος2 a lord, master 74 95 (18.84) (7.519) (1.08)
κάμνω to work, toil, be sick 1 3 (0.59) (1.144) (1.08)
εὔνοια good-will, favour, kindness 1 2 (0.4) (0.537) (1.08)
ἐλευθερία freedom, liberty 1 4 (0.79) (0.488) (1.08)
οἴκαδε to one's home, home, homewards 1 1 (0.2) (0.313) (1.08)
οὐδαμῶς in no wise 1 4 (0.79) (0.866) (1.08)
νόσος sickness, disease, malady 2 10 (1.98) (2.273) (1.08)
παρέρχομαι to go by, beside 6 7 (1.39) (1.127) (1.08)
εἰκός like truth 5 6 (1.19) (1.953) (1.09)
Ἑλλήσποντος the Hellespont 2 2 (0.4) (0.185) (1.09)
ἀέκων against one's will, unwilling 1 1 (0.2) (0.38) (1.09)
εἴωθα to be accustomed 2 4 (0.79) (1.354) (1.1)
ἀριθμός number 8 10 (1.98) (5.811) (1.1)
μά (no,) by .. 1 1 (0.2) (0.595) (1.11)
δοῦλος slave 2 2 (0.4) (1.48) (1.11)
ἄκων2 against one's will > ἀέκων 1 1 (0.2) (0.383) (1.11)
εἴδομαι are visible, appear 2 2 (0.4) (0.344) (1.11)
συνάπτω to tie 3 4 (0.79) (1.207) (1.11)
ὄμμα the eye 3 5 (0.99) (0.671) (1.11)
πέλαγος the sea 1 4 (0.79) (0.385) (1.11)
λίαν very, exceedingly 7 17 (3.37) (0.971) (1.11)
κάθημαι to be seated 1 1 (0.2) (0.912) (1.11)
ἐπιτρέπω to turn over to, entrust, command 1 3 (0.59) (0.984) (1.12)
ἀθροίζω to gather together, to muster 2 3 (0.59) (0.621) (1.13)
παρίημι to pass over, let go, relax, yield, allow 2 5 (0.99) (0.721) (1.13)
ἐπιβαίνω to go upon 2 5 (0.99) (0.555) (1.14)
ἥκιστος least 1 2 (0.4) (0.653) (1.14)
ἡσυχία stillness, rest, quiet 1 5 (0.99) (0.58) (1.14)
ὄχλος a moving crowd, a throng, mob 1 3 (0.59) (0.695) (1.14)
λευκός light, bright, clear 2 2 (0.4) (4.248) (1.14)
γάμος a wedding, wedding-feast 3 4 (0.79) (1.015) (1.15)
συντίθημι to put together 5 10 (1.98) (1.368) (1.15)
ἔφοδος3 a way towards, approach 1 4 (0.79) (0.4) (1.15)
ὑπισχνέομαι to promise 1 2 (0.4) (0.634) (1.16)
ἱστορία a learning by inquiry, inquiry 7 26 (5.16) (1.084) (1.17)
γλῶσσα the tongue 1 7 (1.39) (1.427) (1.17)
εἴπερ strengthd. for εἰ, if indeed 7 9 (1.78) (2.656) (1.17)
ἁρμόζω to fit together, join 2 6 (1.19) (1.185) (1.18)
ὅπου where 16 17 (3.37) (1.571) (1.19)
ἑπτά seven 2 2 (0.4) (1.073) (1.19)
ἐλεύθερος free 6 6 (1.19) (0.802) (1.2)
βιάζω to constrain 2 4 (0.79) (0.763) (1.2)
προσφέρω to bring to 8 13 (2.58) (1.465) (1.2)
ἤτοι now surely, truly, verily 3 4 (0.79) (3.652) (1.2)
ἀλλότριος of/belonging to another 8 11 (2.18) (1.341) (1.2)
προΐημι send forth, send forward; abandon 2 2 (0.4) (0.496) (1.2)
πρόκειμαι to be set before one 6 11 (2.18) (2.544) (1.2)
ἑκών willing, of free will, readily 1 2 (0.4) (0.801) (1.21)
Θρᾷξ a Thracian; 1 1 (0.2) (0.278) (1.21)
ὑμέτερος your, yours 18 31 (6.15) (0.709) (1.21)
ὀφείλω to owe, have to pay 6 9 (1.78) (1.063) (1.21)
ἀπάγω to lead away, carry off 1 5 (0.99) (0.763) (1.22)
ἐφίημι to send to; (mid) to long for 1 3 (0.59) (0.78) (1.22)
προΐστημι set before 2 4 (0.79) (0.511) (1.22)
ἀναιρέω to take up; to destroy 4 12 (2.38) (3.379) (1.22)
ἀείδω to sing 4 9 (1.78) (0.923) (1.22)
κόλπος bosom; gulf 1 1 (0.2) (0.419) (1.22)
προαίρεσις a choosing 2 6 (1.19) (0.951) (1.23)
προσήκω to have come; to belong to, to fit 15 19 (3.77) (2.065) (1.23)
ἰσχυρός strong, mighty 6 9 (1.78) (2.136) (1.23)
ἐνίστημι to put, set, place in 5 6 (1.19) (0.778) (1.23)
ἔνειμι to be in; to be possible 1 5 (0.99) (1.363) (1.24)
συγχωρέω to come together, meet 3 3 (0.59) (1.25) (1.24)
προστάσσω to order 4 24 (4.76) (1.223) (1.25)
δικαιοσύνη righteousness, justice 3 3 (0.59) (1.642) (1.25)
ζέω to boil, seethe 4 5 (0.99) (1.826) (1.25)
ποῦ where 5 11 (2.18) (0.998) (1.25)
ἑπτάς period of seven days 2 2 (0.4) (1.142) (1.25)
μείς a month 7 11 (2.18) (1.4) (1.25)
ἡλικία time of life, age 4 4 (0.79) (1.229) (1.25)
ἀσφάλεια security against stumbling 1 4 (0.79) (0.453) (1.25)
διαφορά difference, distinction 2 2 (0.4) (4.404) (1.25)
ἔφοδος accessible 1 4 (0.79) (0.418) (1.26)
μισθός wages, pay, hire 2 2 (0.4) (0.682) (1.26)
πυκνός close, compact 1 1 (0.2) (1.024) (1.26)
δάκρυον a tear 2 3 (0.59) (0.515) (1.27)
φύλαξ a watcher, guard, sentinel 2 3 (0.59) (0.431) (1.27)
μετέχω to partake of, enjoy a share of, share in, take part in 3 3 (0.59) (1.945) (1.28)
προσέχω to hold to, offer 1 5 (0.99) (1.101) (1.28)
ἐπιθυμέω to set one's heart upon 1 3 (0.59) (0.916) (1.28)
ἄμφω both 1 4 (0.79) (2.508) (1.28)
ἐρῆμος desolate, lone, lonely, lonesome, solitary 1 6 (1.19) (1.033) (1.28)
ποιητής one who makes, a maker 5 7 (1.39) (1.39) (1.28)
ἐλπίζω to hope for, look for, expect 3 7 (1.39) (0.798) (1.28)
ναός the dwelling of a god, a temple 2 8 (1.59) (1.339) (1.29)
διαλύω to loose one from another, to part asunder, undo 2 5 (0.99) (0.884) (1.29)
ὅθεν from where, whence 3 10 (1.98) (2.379) (1.29)
προτίθημι to place before, to propose, to prefer 4 5 (0.99) (0.879) (1.29)
σπεύδω to set a-going, to urge on, hasten, quicken 3 5 (0.99) (0.679) (1.3)
δεσπότης a master, lord, the master of the house 2 13 (2.58) (1.404) (1.3)
συλλέγω to collect, gather 1 3 (0.59) (0.488) (1.3)
ἐκβάλλω to throw 4 5 (0.99) (0.986) (1.32)
ἁμός our, my > ἐμός 2 4 (0.79) (0.628) (1.32)
τέρπω to satisfy, delight, gladden, cheer 1 1 (0.2) (0.401) (1.32)
εἰρήνη peace, time of peace 18 34 (6.74) (1.348) (1.32)
φώς a man 21 22 (4.36) (0.967) (1.32)
ἡσσάομαι to be less than another, inferior to 2 4 (0.79) (0.851) (1.32)
συνθήκη a composition 1 3 (0.59) (0.465) (1.33)
ἐμπίπτω to fall in 2 2 (0.4) (1.012) (1.33)
ἔξεστι it is allowed, it is in one's power, is possible 4 4 (0.79) (0.911) (1.33)
πιστός2 to be trusted 17 36 (7.14) (1.164) (1.33)
ὀνομάζω to name 5 6 (1.19) (4.121) (1.33)
Φοῖνιξ a Phoenician 1 1 (0.2) (0.476) (1.33)
εἴσω to within, into 5 5 (0.99) (1.02) (1.34)
γόνυ the knee 3 7 (1.39) (0.542) (1.34)
ὁμοῦ at the same place, together 8 15 (2.97) (1.529) (1.34)
ἀναλαμβάνω to take up, take into one's hands 1 2 (0.4) (1.23) (1.34)
φάος light, daylight 34 39 (7.73) (1.873) (1.34)
συνάγω to bring together, gather together, collect, convene 10 17 (3.37) (3.016) (1.36)
ζάω to live 3 5 (0.99) (2.268) (1.36)
ὑπομένω to stay behind, survive 1 5 (0.99) (1.365) (1.36)
βασιλεύω to be king, to rule, reign 2 2 (0.4) (1.423) (1.37)
θνητός liable to death, mortal 1 1 (0.2) (1.296) (1.37)
προσδέχομαι to receive favourably, accept 3 6 (1.19) (0.37) (1.37)
τεός = σός, 'your' 2 5 (0.99) (0.751) (1.38)
Ἀλέξανδρος Alexander 30 46 (9.12) (2.396) (1.39)
νιν him, her 1 1 (0.2) (0.201) (1.39)
ἀποδέχομαι to accept from 3 4 (0.79) (0.524) (1.39)
ἅπτω to fasten, bind fast; mid. touch 1 2 (0.4) (1.959) (1.39)
κινέω to set in motion, to move 8 23 (4.56) (13.044) (1.39)
ὕστερος latter, last 1 1 (0.2) (1.506) (1.39)
πρόθυμος ready, willing, eager, zealous 1 2 (0.4) (0.52) (1.4)
δῆτα certainly, to be sure, of course 4 13 (2.58) (0.353) (1.4)
νέω3 to heap, pile, heap up 1 2 (0.4) (0.917) (1.41)
σωτηρία a saving, deliverance, preservation, safety 8 29 (5.75) (1.497) (1.41)
τάχα (Homer, later rare) quickly, presently; (post-Homer) perhaps 2 2 (0.4) (1.086) (1.41)
ἀνέχω to hold up; (mid.) endure, put up with 9 16 (3.17) (1.082) (1.41)
ἡδονή delight, enjoyment, pleasure 3 7 (1.39) (3.069) (1.42)
ὕπνος sleep, slumber 1 1 (0.2) (1.091) (1.42)
ἔρδω to do 1 1 (0.2) (0.716) (1.42)
θέω to run 4 5 (0.99) (0.925) (1.43)
Θηβαῖος Theban 1 1 (0.2) (0.582) (1.43)
φιλία friendly love, affection, friendship 2 5 (0.99) (1.063) (1.44)
ἐπίσταμαι to know 3 5 (0.99) (1.308) (1.44)
προστίθημι to add, to apply, to close (a door); mid. to join (a group), take as an ally 5 9 (1.78) (3.747) (1.45)
ἁμαρτάνω to miss, miss the mark 5 5 (0.99) (1.623) (1.45)
ἄνω2 up, upwards 2 2 (0.4) (3.239) (1.45)
ἄρτι just now, recently 3 3 (0.59) (0.652) (1.45)
Μῆδος a Mede, Median 1 1 (0.2) (0.399) (1.46)
αἰτέω to ask, beg; postulate 4 10 (1.98) (1.871) (1.48)
φωνή a sound, tone 18 25 (4.96) (3.591) (1.48)
σημαίνω to shew by a sign, indicate, make known, point out 4 5 (0.99) (4.073) (1.48)
καθόλου on the whole, in general 3 3 (0.59) (5.11) (1.48)
βουλή will, determination; council, senate 7 12 (2.38) (1.357) (1.49)
χρυσός gold 1 1 (0.2) (0.812) (1.49)
τριακόσιοι three hundred 4 6 (1.19) (0.355) (1.49)
ἐρωτάω to ask 2 2 (0.4) (1.642) (1.49)
ἄπειμι be absent 1 6 (1.19) (1.064) (1.49)
ἐξέρχομαι to go out, come out 2 4 (0.79) (1.544) (1.49)
λίθος a stone 1 3 (0.59) (2.39) (1.5)
ἄγγελος a messenger, envoy 8 12 (2.38) (2.06) (1.51)
ἀνάγω to lead up; mid. set sail 1 1 (0.2) (1.577) (1.51)
βλέπω to see, have the power of sight 7 9 (1.78) (1.591) (1.51)
πότερος which of the two? 1 3 (0.59) (1.888) (1.51)
φάσκω to say, affirm, assert 4 7 (1.39) (1.561) (1.51)
εἶτα then, next 16 29 (5.75) (4.335) (1.52)
προάγω to lead forward, on, onward 7 7 (1.39) (0.642) (1.52)
ἀπέρχομαι to go away, depart from 1 2 (0.4) (1.325) (1.52)
οὐδαμός not even one, no one 1 4 (0.79) (0.872) (1.52)
σπουδή haste, speed 9 24 (4.76) (1.021) (1.52)
χέω to pour 1 1 (0.2) (0.435) (1.53)
βοάω to cry aloud, to shout 10 25 (4.96) (0.903) (1.53)
νέω to swim 1 3 (0.59) (0.993) (1.53)
ᾍδης Hades 1 1 (0.2) (0.568) (1.53)
τύραννος an absolute sovereign 1 29 (5.75) (0.898) (1.54)
βλάπτω to disable, hinder (Hom.); to harm, damage 1 1 (0.2) (1.228) (1.54)
ἐπιχειρέω to attempt, attack, put one’s hand to 5 7 (1.39) (1.376) (1.54)
τέλειος having reached its end, finished, complete 16 18 (3.57) (3.199) (1.55)
ἅτε just as (both pre-and postposed); w. part.: because 3 7 (1.39) (1.165) (1.55)
εἶδος that which is seen, form, shape, figure 4 8 (1.59) (10.005) (1.56)
παλαιός old in years 10 16 (3.17) (2.149) (1.56)
κόσμος order 46 54 (10.71) (3.744) (1.56)
κύριος having power 86 114 (22.6) (8.273) (1.56)
δαμάζω to overpower, tame, conquer, subdue 1 1 (0.2) (0.173) (1.56)
κωλύω to let, hinder, check, prevent 1 4 (0.79) (2.081) (1.56)
ὁρμή a violent movement onwards, an assault, attack, onset 2 3 (0.59) (0.885) (1.58)
ἐργάζομαι to work, labour 8 12 (2.38) (2.772) (1.58)
πίνω to drink 1 1 (0.2) (2.254) (1.59)
βασίλεια a queen, princess 9 27 (5.35) (2.773) (1.59)
ἀφαιρέω to take from, take away from 2 6 (1.19) (2.254) (1.6)
ἔνδον in, within, in the house, at home 2 4 (0.79) (1.222) (1.6)
ἐπιτίθημι to lay, put on; (mid.) to attack 2 4 (0.79) (1.54) (1.61)
ἄνω to accomplish, achieve, finish 7 14 (2.78) (3.876) (1.61)
ὑπεναντίος set over against, meeting 1 1 (0.2) (0.243) (1.62)
αἰσθάνομαι to perceive, apprehend by the senses, to see, hear, feel 2 7 (1.39) (2.189) (1.62)
θαρσέω to be of good courage, take courage 1 7 (1.39) (0.946) (1.63)
ἐμβάλλω to throw in, put in 1 3 (0.59) (1.417) (1.63)
ἀναγκαῖος necessary, forcible (subst. kin, necessities for life) 3 8 (1.59) (3.387) (1.63)
ὦμος shoulder (with the upper arm) 2 3 (0.59) (0.563) (1.63)
θέα a seeing, looking at, view 1 5 (0.99) (0.691) (1.64)
ἕνος belonging to the former of two periods, last year's 13 15 (2.97) (2.132) (1.65)
ἑξῆς one after another, in order, in a row 16 20 (3.97) (2.906) (1.65)
ὑπολαμβάνω take up; understand, interpret; assume; reply, rejoin 4 5 (0.99) (1.526) (1.65)
ἀναβαίνω to go up, mount, to go up to 2 4 (0.79) (1.13) (1.65)
συμφορά an event, circumstance, chance, hap 1 6 (1.19) (0.881) (1.65)
κρείσσων stronger, mightier, more powerful 4 8 (1.59) (1.966) (1.67)
φανερός open to sight, visible, manifest, evident 4 10 (1.98) (2.734) (1.67)
ἁλίσκομαι to be caught, conquered, caught in the act 4 9 (1.78) (1.284) (1.67)
ἴσως equally, in like manner 1 3 (0.59) (2.15) (1.68)
παραγγέλλω to transmit as a message; give orders 2 2 (0.4) (0.491) (1.68)
πορεία a walking, mode of walking 2 6 (1.19) (0.473) (1.68)
ἐκεῖ there, in that place 1 8 (1.59) (2.795) (1.68)
ὄψις look, appearance, aspect 3 13 (2.58) (2.378) (1.7)
στῆθος the breast 1 1 (0.2) (0.467) (1.7)
αἷμα blood 3 7 (1.39) (3.53) (1.71)
θεάομαι to look on, gaze at, view, behold 3 12 (2.38) (1.993) (1.71)
χωρίς separately, asunder, apart, by oneself 11 14 (2.78) (2.405) (1.71)
εἰσέρχομαι to go in 1 5 (0.99) (1.634) (1.72)
ἀδύνατος unable, impossible 2 3 (0.59) (4.713) (1.73)
ἤπειρος terra-firma, the land 1 1 (0.2) (2.882) (1.73)
βοή a loud cry, shout 2 3 (0.59) (0.664) (1.73)
θύρα a door 2 3 (0.59) (0.919) (1.74)
πάλαι long ago, in olden time, in days of yore, in time gone by 4 11 (2.18) (1.431) (1.76)
ἀμείνων better, abler, stronger, braver 1 1 (0.2) (1.486) (1.76)
Ἰταλία Italy 3 6 (1.19) (0.647) (1.76)
ἄδικος wrong-doing, unrighteous, unjust 2 4 (0.79) (1.264) (1.76)
ἄρχων a ruler, commander, chief, captain 3 5 (0.99) (1.25) (1.76)
ἀποστέλλω to send off 10 24 (4.76) (1.335) (1.76)
παρίστημι to make to stand 10 11 (2.18) (1.412) (1.77)
συνεχής holding together 2 2 (0.4) (3.097) (1.77)
θεῖος of/from the gods, divine 60 108 (21.41) (4.128) (1.77)
νοέω to perceive by the eyes, observe, notice 42 43 (8.53) (3.216) (1.77)
δαίμων god; divine power 2 6 (1.19) (1.394) (1.77)
ζητέω to seek, seek for 12 14 (2.78) (5.036) (1.78)
ἐπιβάλλω to throw 1 2 (0.4) (0.749) (1.78)
ἔπειμι be there (in addition, later, set over) 1 1 (0.2) (0.712) (1.78)
οἶος alone, lone, lonely 1 6 (1.19) (1.368) (1.78)
Ἰησοῦς Joshua; Jesus 18 26 (5.16) (3.498) (1.79)
ὀπίσω backwards 1 1 (0.2) (0.796) (1.79)
ἄλλως in another way 4 5 (0.99) (3.069) (1.79)
ὅσπερ the very man who, the very thing which 19 25 (4.96) (5.806) (1.8)
ἀπέχω to keep off 1 1 (0.2) (1.184) (1.8)
τέχνη art, skill, craft in work, cunning of hand 1 5 (0.99) (3.221) (1.81)
κινδυνεύω to be daring, to make a venture, take the risk, do a daring thing 1 2 (0.4) (0.652) (1.82)
ἡδύς sweet 2 3 (0.59) (2.071) (1.82)
Σκύθης a Scythian 1 1 (0.2) (0.7) (1.82)
κτάομαι to procure for oneself, to get, gain, acquire 1 3 (0.59) (1.415) (1.83)
ῥέω to flow, run, stream, gush 1 1 (0.2) (1.029) (1.83)
στόμα the mouth 10 14 (2.78) (2.111) (1.83)
ἀπολείπω to leave over 5 6 (1.19) (1.035) (1.83)
ἄπειμι2 go away 1 4 (0.79) (1.11) (1.84)
σῖτος corn, grain 1 1 (0.2) (0.721) (1.84)
ἄνευ without 2 4 (0.79) (2.542) (1.84)
μέγεθος greatness, magnitude, size, height, stature 4 7 (1.39) (4.214) (1.84)
ἐπαινέω to approve, applaud, commend 1 1 (0.2) (1.438) (1.84)
διώκω to pursue 1 3 (0.59) (1.336) (1.86)
Λιβύη Libya, the north part of Africa 8 9 (1.78) (0.456) (1.86)
αἰσχρός causing shame, abusive 2 9 (1.78) (1.068) (1.87)
δεξιός on the right hand 4 9 (1.78) (1.733) (1.87)
θεωρέω to look at, view, behold 2 3 (0.59) (2.307) (1.87)
διδάσκω to teach 14 21 (4.16) (3.329) (1.88)
πόνος work 3 7 (1.39) (1.767) (1.9)
πολλάκις many times, often, oft 8 15 (2.97) (3.702) (1.91)
τάξις an arranging 11 15 (2.97) (2.44) (1.91)
ἐσθίω to eat 1 2 (0.4) (2.007) (1.91)
αἴτιος to blame, blameworthy, culpable 1 4 (0.79) (5.786) (1.93)
ἀπαλλάσσω to set free, release, deliver 1 3 (0.59) (1.195) (1.93)
σοφός wise, skilled, clever 4 9 (1.78) (1.915) (1.93)
ἀναχωρέω to go back 2 4 (0.79) (0.575) (1.94)
πίστις trust, belief; pledge, security 92 155 (30.73) (3.054) (1.94)
τολμάω to undertake, take heart 7 17 (3.37) (1.2) (1.96)
δεῦρο hither 3 4 (0.79) (0.636) (1.96)
συμφέρω to bring together; impers. to benefit 2 2 (0.4) (1.366) (1.96)
θαυμάζω to wonder, marvel, be astonished 7 9 (1.78) (1.706) (1.96)
φυλακή a watching 3 5 (0.99) (0.687) (1.97)
παρασκευή preparation 2 2 (0.4) (0.495) (1.97)
χωρέω give way, draw back, retire, withdraw 1 3 (0.59) (1.544) (1.98)
ἀλήθεια truth 31 57 (11.3) (3.154) (1.99)
χαλκός copper 1 1 (0.2) (0.86) (1.99)
συνίστημι to set together, combine, associate, unite, band together 11 21 (4.16) (2.685) (1.99)
πόντος the sea 2 4 (0.79) (0.319) (2.0)
θύω2 rage, seethe 1 1 (0.2) (1.097) (2.0)
οἶνος wine 1 2 (0.4) (2.867) (2.0)
ἀποκρίνω to separate, set apart; mid. answer 2 2 (0.4) (1.674) (2.01)
τελέω to complete, fulfil, accomplish 6 13 (2.58) (1.111) (2.02)
ἀσφαλής not liable to fall, immoveable, steadfast, firm 2 4 (0.79) (0.945) (2.02)
ἀποδείκνυμι display, appoint, demonstrate 20 23 (4.56) (2.54) (2.03)
δηλόω to make visible 5 11 (2.18) (4.716) (2.04)
εὔχομαι to pray, offer prayers, pay one's vows, make a vow 5 6 (1.19) (1.045) (2.04)
τοίνυν therefore, accordingly 28 45 (8.92) (5.224) (2.04)
Ῥώμη Roma, Rome 6 14 (2.78) (1.197) (2.04)
ποιός of a certain nature, kind 1 5 (0.99) (3.169) (2.06)
οὐρανός heaven 35 47 (9.32) (4.289) (2.08)
βασιλεία a kingdom, dominion 9 31 (6.15) (2.877) (2.08)
ὁπότε when 7 7 (1.39) (1.361) (2.1)
ἠώς the morning red, daybreak, dawn 1 4 (0.79) (0.679) (2.1)
θύω to sacrifice 1 1 (0.2) (1.161) (2.11)
χρεία use, advantage, service 1 9 (1.78) (2.117) (2.12)
ὀφθαλμός the eye 14 19 (3.77) (2.632) (2.12)
δῶρον a gift, present 4 7 (1.39) (0.798) (2.13)
ἀνίστημι to make to stand up, raise up 10 11 (2.18) (1.583) (2.13)
ἔξω out 3 6 (1.19) (2.334) (2.13)
πέντε five 1 1 (0.2) (1.584) (2.13)
παραλαμβάνω to receive from 5 7 (1.39) (1.745) (2.14)
τρέω to flee from fear, flee away 4 6 (1.19) (1.989) (2.15)
σχεδόν close, near, hard by, nigh 2 3 (0.59) (1.266) (2.18)
πολιτεία citizenship, citizen body, constitution 3 4 (0.79) (1.205) (2.18)
σαφής clear, plain, distinct, manifest 20 31 (6.15) (3.279) (2.18)
τιμή that which is paid in token of worth 10 32 (6.34) (1.962) (2.21)
νεκρός a dead body, corpse 9 12 (2.38) (1.591) (2.21)
ἐντεῦθεν hence 4 10 (1.98) (2.103) (2.21)
ἀντί over against, opposite. c. gen. 6 11 (2.18) (3.981) (2.22)
φόβος fear, panic, flight 4 10 (1.98) (1.426) (2.23)
ἄνεμος wind 2 3 (0.59) (0.926) (2.26)
ἱερόν sanctuary 4 8 (1.59) (1.348) (2.26)
φοβέω to put to flight, to terrify; mid. to fear 2 6 (1.19) (1.343) (2.27)
σκοπέω to look at 1 3 (0.59) (1.847) (2.27)
μιμνήσκω to remind 4 11 (2.18) (1.852) (2.27)
ἐλάσσων smaller, less 3 4 (0.79) (4.697) (2.29)
εἴκοσι twenty 2 2 (0.4) (0.899) (2.3)
παραπλήσιος coming near, nearly resembling, such-like 2 2 (0.4) (1.406) (2.3)
τρίτος the third 6 11 (2.18) (4.486) (2.33)
Αἴγυπτος Egypt (f.); king Aegyptus (m.) 11 16 (3.17) (1.466) (2.33)
ποῖος of what nature? of what sort? 1 5 (0.99) (2.531) (2.35)
διαφέρω to carry through; be different from, excel 2 5 (0.99) (4.463) (2.35)
ἑτοῖμος at hand, ready, prepared 1 1 (0.2) (1.028) (2.36)
εἴτε whether..or (regardless of whether A or B) 12 16 (3.17) (3.691) (2.36)
τιμάω to honor; to value something at a price (gen.) 4 8 (1.59) (1.698) (2.37)
φρονέω to think, to have understanding, to be sage, wise, prudent 11 22 (4.36) (1.523) (2.38)
ἐχθρός hated, hateful; enemy 8 15 (2.97) (1.678) (2.39)
ἆρα particle introducing a question 3 3 (0.59) (1.208) (2.41)
δέκα ten 4 6 (1.19) (1.54) (2.42)
Αἰγύπτιος Egyptian 2 3 (0.59) (1.206) (2.43)
ἀγών a gathering; a contest, a struggle, a trial 4 7 (1.39) (1.252) (2.43)
Μακεδών a Macedonian 1 1 (0.2) (0.75) (2.44)
Ἀσία Asia 4 5 (0.99) (0.787) (2.44)
καταλείπω to leave behind 3 6 (1.19) (1.869) (2.45)
χαίρω to rejoice, be glad, be delighted 12 22 (4.36) (1.525) (2.46)
τρέφω to nourish, rear, maintain 1 1 (0.2) (2.05) (2.46)
κατέχω to hold fast 2 9 (1.78) (1.923) (2.47)
ὕστερον the afterbirth 5 6 (1.19) (2.598) (2.47)
δόξα a notion 17 27 (5.35) (4.474) (2.49)
πλέως full of 4 7 (1.39) (2.061) (2.5)
φύω to bring forth, produce, put forth 7 8 (1.59) (3.181) (2.51)
δράω to do 1 2 (0.4) (1.634) (2.55)
παύω to make to cease 6 9 (1.78) (1.958) (2.55)
ἀδελφός sons of the same mother 13 25 (4.96) (2.887) (2.55)
γέρων an old man (in apposition as adj., old) 10 10 (1.98) (0.646) (2.58)
ὅμως all the same, nevertheless 6 16 (3.17) (2.105) (2.59)
βία bodily strength, force, power, might 1 1 (0.2) (0.98) (2.59)
ἔθνος a number of people accustomed to live together, a company, body of men 9 22 (4.36) (3.359) (2.6)
γράφω to scratch, draw, write 29 60 (11.9) (7.064) (2.6)
ἕως (w. aor or as prep.) until; (w. pres) as long as 11 18 (3.57) (3.02) (2.61)
πιστεύω to trust, trust to 39 57 (11.3) (3.079) (2.61)
ὁμῶς equally, likewise, alike 5 15 (2.97) (1.852) (2.63)
δῆλος visible, conspicuous 4 7 (1.39) (5.582) (2.64)
παραδίδωμι to hand over, to surrender 15 19 (3.77) (2.566) (2.66)
βραχύς short 5 13 (2.58) (2.311) (2.66)
καταλαμβάνω to seize upon, lay hold of 2 20 (3.97) (2.437) (2.68)
τελευτάω to complete, finish, accomplish; pple. finally, in the end 1 5 (0.99) (1.651) (2.69)
ὁμολογέω agree, say the same thing as 16 19 (3.77) (2.641) (2.69)
θάνατος death 16 26 (5.16) (3.384) (2.71)
φυλάσσω to keep watch and ward, keep guard 13 19 (3.77) (2.518) (2.71)
ὅστε who, which 4 6 (1.19) (1.419) (2.72)
θεά a goddess 1 4 (0.79) (0.712) (2.74)
τίκτω to bring into the world 4 6 (1.19) (1.368) (2.76)
λαός the people 18 30 (5.95) (2.428) (2.78)
βοῦς cow 2 2 (0.4) (1.193) (2.78)
θυγάτηρ a daughter 7 9 (1.78) (1.586) (2.79)
δύω dunk 4 6 (1.19) (1.034) (2.79)
μέχρι until (prep. and conj. w. aor.), as long as (conj. w. pres.) 9 10 (1.98) (3.714) (2.8)
λανθάνω to escape notice, to be unknown, unseen, unnoticed 2 10 (1.98) (1.665) (2.81)
ἀναγκάζω to force, compel 1 1 (0.2) (1.36) (2.82)
ἡμέτερος our 51 76 (15.07) (2.045) (2.83)
which way, where, whither, in 5 7 (1.39) (4.108) (2.83)
μακρός long 3 6 (1.19) (1.989) (2.83)
φράζω to point out, shew, indicate 2 3 (0.59) (0.655) (2.83)
οὐκοῦν therefore, then, accordingly 2 2 (0.4) (1.877) (2.83)
κεφαλή the head 3 4 (0.79) (3.925) (2.84)
οὔκουν not therefore, so not 2 2 (0.4) (1.75) (2.84)
ἱκανός becoming, befitting, sufficing 7 10 (1.98) (2.65) (2.84)
τέκνον a child 4 4 (0.79) (1.407) (2.84)
στρατεύω to serve in war, serve as a soldier, do military service, take the field, march 1 1 (0.2) (0.753) (2.86)
αἰτία a charge, accusation 3 6 (1.19) (5.906) (2.88)
σῴζω to save, keep 5 11 (2.18) (2.74) (2.88)
παρακαλέω to call to 4 14 (2.78) (1.069) (2.89)
κομίζω to take care of, provide for 1 2 (0.4) (1.249) (2.89)
ὁρμέω to be moored, lie at anchor 1 6 (1.19) (0.902) (2.89)
ἀθάνατος undying, immortal 8 8 (1.59) (1.155) (2.91)
ἀποδίδωμι to give back, give what is due; (mid.) sell 6 13 (2.58) (2.863) (2.91)
ἀρετή goodness, excellence 7 12 (2.38) (4.312) (2.92)
ἀξιόω to think worthy of; to expect 2 19 (3.77) (2.976) (2.93)
ῥᾴδιος easy, ready, easy to make 2 6 (1.19) (2.343) (2.93)
ταύτῃ in this way. 10 11 (2.18) (2.435) (2.94)
οἰκεῖος in or of the house 14 36 (7.14) (5.153) (2.94)
προσαγορεύω to address, greet, accost 4 4 (0.79) (1.321) (2.94)
πῦρ fire 22 27 (5.35) (4.894) (2.94)
χορός a round dance 4 4 (0.79) (0.832) (2.94)
δίκη (custom, usage) justice, lawsuit, penalty 4 8 (1.59) (2.021) (2.95)
ἀφίημι to send forth, discharge 1 11 (2.18) (2.477) (2.96)
ἄναξ a lord, master 2 2 (0.4) (0.563) (2.99)
ἀφίστημι to put away, remove; (mid.) revolt 4 4 (0.79) (1.67) (3.01)
μικρός small, little 13 20 (3.97) (5.888) (3.02)
δυνατός strong, mighty, able 2 3 (0.59) (3.942) (3.03)
ἑκάτερος each of two, either, each singly 10 14 (2.78) (4.115) (3.06)
Ἀχιλλεύς Achilles 1 1 (0.2) (0.6) (3.08)
δεύτερος second 10 14 (2.78) (6.183) (3.08)
πορεύω to make to go, carry, convey 10 16 (3.17) (1.56) (3.08)
πατρίς fatherland, homeland; of one’s father 2 4 (0.79) (1.164) (3.1)
βοηθέω to come to aid, to succour, assist, aid 1 2 (0.4) (0.897) (3.1)
ἐλαύνω to drive, drive on, set in motion 1 6 (1.19) (0.878) (3.11)
ὕδωρ water 14 18 (3.57) (7.043) (3.14)
ἥλιος the sun 2 5 (0.99) (3.819) (3.15)
πάνυ altogether, entirely 2 4 (0.79) (2.482) (3.16)
τρέπω to turn 1 4 (0.79) (1.263) (3.2)
κρίνω to pick out, choose, judge, determine 19 31 (6.15) (2.811) (3.25)
πλήν except 10 15 (2.97) (2.523) (3.25)
ἄξιος worthy 18 34 (6.74) (3.181) (3.3)
ζήω to live (LSJ ζῶ) 11 19 (3.77) (5.09) (3.3)
γένος race, stock, family 8 18 (3.57) (8.844) (3.31)
νόος mind, perception 16 22 (4.36) (5.507) (3.33)
σῶμα the body 24 31 (6.15) (16.622) (3.34)
Κῦρος Cyrus 1 1 (0.2) (1.082) (3.34)
ὄρος a mountain, hill 2 10 (1.98) (2.059) (3.39)
ὧδε in this wise, so, thus 10 13 (2.58) (1.85) (3.4)
ἐνταῦθα here, there; at that juncture 5 10 (1.98) (4.633) (3.4)
τάσσω to arrange, put in order 3 3 (0.59) (2.051) (3.42)
ὅπλον a tool, implement, (pl.) arms, weapons 1 9 (1.78) (1.325) (3.42)
δείδω to fear 1 7 (1.39) (1.45) (3.46)
παραγίγνομαι to come near, attend upon 2 8 (1.59) (1.332) (3.51)
ἐλπίς hope, expectation 7 14 (2.78) (1.675) (3.51)
πρᾶξις a doing, transaction, business 1 8 (1.59) (2.288) (3.51)
πίπτω to fall, fall down 1 4 (0.79) (1.713) (3.51)
ἐφίστημι to set on, over; set in charge of 9 18 (3.57) (2.978) (3.52)
οἰκέω to inhabit, occupy 9 15 (2.97) (1.588) (3.52)
κίνδυνος a danger, risk, hazard, venture, enterprise 1 1 (0.2) (1.423) (3.53)
τοιόσδε such a 4 6 (1.19) (1.889) (3.54)
δείκνυμι to show 30 55 (10.91) (13.835) (3.57)
οἶκος a house, abode, dwelling 6 23 (4.56) (2.871) (3.58)
δημός fat 5 9 (1.78) (1.62) (3.58)
μανθάνω to learn 6 18 (3.57) (3.86) (3.62)
ἔτος a year 18 29 (5.75) (3.764) (3.64)
μέντοι however, nevertheless; of course (answers) 5 17 (3.37) (4.744) (3.65)
ἀπόλλυμι to destroy, kill; to lose 3 12 (2.38) (2.388) (3.65)
πρέσβυς an old man; pl. ambassadors 64 90 (17.85) (2.001) (3.67)
δῆμος people; (originally) a country-district, country, land 6 10 (1.98) (1.683) (3.67)
ὀρθός straight 4 13 (2.58) (3.685) (3.67)
ἀνάγκη force, constraint, necessity 10 12 (2.38) (8.208) (3.67)
καῖρος the row of thrums 4 11 (2.18) (1.981) (3.68)
τρεῖς three 16 21 (4.16) (4.87) (3.7)
φύσις the nature, natural qualities, powers, constitution, condition 58 68 (13.48) (15.198) (3.78)
ἀληθής unconcealed, true 32 58 (11.5) (7.533) (3.79)
πειράω to attempt, endeavour, try 4 7 (1.39) (1.92) (3.82)
στρατιά army 1 4 (0.79) (1.136) (3.86)
χάρις gratitude, favor, grace, charm 22 52 (10.31) (3.66) (3.87)
τέλος the fulfilment 6 17 (3.37) (4.234) (3.89)
Ἀθῆναι the city of Athens 1 1 (0.2) (0.914) (3.9)
δέχομαι to take, accept, receive 21 42 (8.33) (3.295) (3.91)
ἐρῶ [I will say] 27 37 (7.34) (8.435) (3.94)
βουλεύω to take counsel, deliberate, concert measures 3 4 (0.79) (1.283) (3.94)
νικάω to conquer, prevail, vanquish 2 5 (0.99) (2.089) (3.95)
νῆσος an island 2 3 (0.59) (1.017) (3.96)
κρατέω to be strong, mighty, powerful 9 19 (3.77) (2.779) (3.98)
ἕνεκα on account of, for the sake of, because of, for 9 20 (3.97) (3.696) (3.99)
οὗ where 27 46 (9.12) (6.728) (4.01)
λείπω to leave, quit 1 3 (0.59) (1.614) (4.04)
ὅταν when, whenever 2 4 (0.79) (9.255) (4.07)
βάρβαρος barbarous 2 16 (3.17) (1.886) (4.07)
ἄριστος best 4 12 (2.38) (2.087) (4.08)
βίος life 7 29 (5.75) (3.82) (4.12)
χρή it is fated, necessary 12 21 (4.16) (6.22) (4.12)
ξένος a guest, guest-friend, stranger; foreign 2 7 (1.39) (1.179) (4.14)
Ἑλλάς Hellas 3 3 (0.59) (0.823) (4.14)
ἕπομαι follow 3 5 (0.99) (4.068) (4.18)
νέος young, youthful 1 4 (0.79) (2.183) (4.18)
μέσος middle, in the middle 8 17 (3.37) (6.769) (4.18)
βιός a bow 7 29 (5.75) (3.814) (4.22)
νόμος usage, custom, law, ordinance 13 30 (5.95) (5.63) (4.23)
παρέχω to furnish, provide, supply 9 19 (3.77) (2.932) (4.24)
ἱερός super-human, mighty, divine, wonderful 15 38 (7.53) (1.875) (4.27)
καθά according as, just as 40 57 (11.3) (5.439) (4.28)
ἥκω to have come, be present, be here 3 10 (1.98) (2.341) (4.29)
ψυχή breath, soul 16 30 (5.95) (11.437) (4.29)
βαίνω to walk, step 1 1 (0.2) (0.745) (4.32)
πρό before 34 47 (9.32) (5.786) (4.33)
ὁδός a way, path, track, journey 24 30 (5.95) (2.814) (4.36)
ὁρμάω to set in motion, urge 2 8 (1.59) (1.424) (4.39)
ὅλος whole, entire, complete in all its parts 23 56 (11.1) (13.567) (4.4)
κοινός common, shared in common 22 28 (5.55) (6.539) (4.41)
μήτηρ a mother 2 14 (2.78) (2.499) (4.41)
ἐναντίος opposite 4 9 (1.78) (8.842) (4.42)
νομός place of pasture; district (nome), esp. in Egypt 13 30 (5.95) (5.553) (4.46)
ὄνομα name 21 30 (5.95) (7.968) (4.46)
αὖθις back, back again 8 18 (3.57) (2.732) (4.52)
γνώμη a means of knowing, a mark, token 16 28 (5.55) (2.36) (4.52)
που anywhere, somewhere 2 7 (1.39) (2.474) (4.56)
πυνθάνομαι to learn by hearsay 1 2 (0.4) (1.282) (4.58)
εὑρίσκω to find 21 43 (8.53) (6.155) (4.65)
κεῖμαι to lie; to have been set/put (as perf. pass. of τίθημι) 7 10 (1.98) (3.717) (4.75)
τοσοῦτος so large, so tall 24 44 (8.72) (5.396) (4.83)
καθίστημι to set down, place 11 23 (4.56) (2.674) (4.86)
ΑΒΓ ABC and any other geometric figure 121 198 (39.26) (63.859) (4.86)
ἴσος equal to, the same as; adv. perhaps 9 13 (2.58) (9.107) (4.91)
χράω to fall upon, attack, assail 3 6 (1.19) (5.601) (4.92)
πούς a foot 1 6 (1.19) (2.799) (4.94)
ἡγέομαι to lead; to consider, believe 10 18 (3.57) (3.657) (4.98)
μηδέ but not 12 15 (2.97) (4.628) (5.04)
χρῆμα thing, (pl.) goods, property, money 3 7 (1.39) (2.488) (5.04)
ὅμοιος like, resembling 66 76 (15.07) (10.645) (5.05)
πρίν before; (after negated main clause) until 6 7 (1.39) (2.157) (5.09)
Ἀθήνη Athena 1 1 (0.2) (1.254) (5.09)
ἀμφί on both sides 1 2 (0.4) (1.179) (5.12)
ἴδιος one's own, pertaining to oneself 14 24 (4.76) (7.241) (5.17)
ἀμφότερος each of two, both 4 5 (0.99) (4.116) (5.17)
λοιπός remaining, the rest 23 51 (10.11) (6.377) (5.2)
ὑπάρχω to begin; to exist 7 11 (2.18) (13.407) (5.2)
δεινός fearful, terrible, dread, dire 4 15 (2.97) (2.355) (5.24)
μήτε neither / nor 22 25 (4.96) (5.253) (5.28)
χράω2 proclaim an oracle, (rare) furnish; mid.: consult an oracle, lend 1 4 (0.79) (5.448) (5.3)
προαγορεύω to tell beforehand 13 25 (4.96) (3.068) (5.36)
νύξ the night 5 8 (1.59) (2.561) (5.42)
πλεῖστος most, largest 22 62 (12.29) (4.005) (5.45)
φεύγω to flee, take flight, run away 2 5 (0.99) (2.61) (5.45)
ὀλίγος few, little, scanty, small 8 15 (2.97) (5.317) (5.48)
τροπός a twisted leathern thong 13 23 (4.56) (7.547) (5.48)
τρόπος a turn, direction, course, way; character 13 23 (4.56) (7.612) (5.49)
βάλλω to throw 3 5 (0.99) (1.692) (5.49)
γιγνώσκω to learn to know, to perceive, mark, learn 26 44 (8.72) (6.8) (5.5)
πλῆθος a great number, a throng, crowd, multitude 11 32 (6.34) (4.236) (5.53)
πάσχω to experience, to suffer 5 10 (1.98) (6.528) (5.59)
ὅπως how, that, in order that, as 9 21 (4.16) (4.748) (5.64)
ὑμός your 48 83 (16.46) (6.015) (5.65)
ἄρον cuckoo-pint, Arum italicum 1 1 (0.2) (0.704) (5.73)
μένω to stay at home, stay where one is, not stir 8 13 (2.58) (4.515) (5.86)
εὖ well 10 19 (3.77) (2.642) (5.92)
ἔοικα to be like; to look like 3 5 (0.99) (4.169) (5.93)
εὐθύς straight, direct 3 15 (2.97) (5.672) (5.93)
διό wherefore, on which account 13 18 (3.57) (5.73) (5.96)
ἀνά up, upon 21 36 (7.14) (4.693) (6.06)
ταχύς quick, swift, fleet 4 20 (3.97) (3.502) (6.07)
ἵημι to set a going, put in motion 107 164 (32.52) (12.618) (6.1)
χράομαι use, experience 4 11 (2.18) (5.93) (6.1)
δίκαιος just, observant of custom, correct, balanced 9 14 (2.78) (4.795) (6.12)
Πέρσης a Persian; Perses (pr.n.) 2 6 (1.19) (1.545) (6.16)
ὅστις indef. relative or indirect interrogative 14 31 (6.15) (5.663) (6.23)
πῶς how? in what way 35 39 (7.73) (8.955) (6.31)
μηδείς (and not one); not one, no-one 29 39 (7.73) (8.165) (6.35)
μήν now verily, full surely 10 20 (3.97) (6.388) (6.4)
πάλιν back, backwards 36 57 (11.3) (10.367) (6.41)
τυγχάνω (with gen.) to hit the mark, to get; (with pple) to happen to, to actually 10 19 (3.77) (6.305) (6.41)
ἀποθνῄσκω to die, be killed 3 5 (0.99) (4.322) (6.41)
ἔνθα there 2 8 (1.59) (1.873) (6.42)
νομίζω to have as a custom; to believe 4 13 (2.58) (4.613) (6.6)
ὥσπερ just as if, even as 20 30 (5.95) (13.207) (6.63)
τόπος a place 16 41 (8.13) (8.538) (6.72)
μέρος a part, share 10 17 (3.37) (11.449) (6.76)
μάλα very, very much, exceedingly 2 9 (1.78) (2.014) (6.77)
κελεύω to urge 7 37 (7.34) (3.175) (6.82)
ἀγαθός good 4 11 (2.18) (9.864) (6.93)
εἶδον to see 8 10 (1.98) (4.063) (7.0)
σύν along with, in company with, together with 41 86 (17.05) (4.575) (7.0)
ἅπας quite all, the whole 33 77 (15.27) (10.904) (7.0)
ποταμός a river, stream 15 19 (3.77) (2.456) (7.1)
πλείων more, larger 9 16 (3.17) (7.783) (7.12)
ἵστημι to make to stand 5 15 (2.97) (4.072) (7.15)
θάλασσα the sea 5 13 (2.58) (3.075) (7.18)
συμβαίνω meet, agree, happen 1 4 (0.79) (9.032) (7.24)
ἕτερος the one; the other (of two) 54 82 (16.26) (18.33) (7.31)
οἴομαι to suppose, think, deem, imagine 12 28 (5.55) (5.405) (7.32)
ἀφικνέομαι to come to 1 6 (1.19) (2.347) (7.38)
ἔπειτα then, next 5 9 (1.78) (2.603) (7.5)
ἀλλήλων of one another, to one another, one another 15 18 (3.57) (7.784) (7.56)
ἐθέλω to will, wish, purpose 16 21 (4.16) (4.574) (7.56)
ὅτε when 21 24 (4.76) (4.994) (7.56)
πως somehow, in some way 39 44 (8.72) (9.844) (7.58)
υἱός a son 176 198 (39.26) (7.898) (7.64)
τίθημι to set, put, place 7 9 (1.78) (6.429) (7.71)
πράσσω do, (w. adv) fare, (mid.) charge payment 2 18 (3.57) (4.909) (7.73)
μέλλω to think of doing, intend to do, to be about to do 11 17 (3.37) (5.491) (7.79)
ἵνα in order that (conj.); where (rel. adv.) 48 66 (13.09) (8.778) (7.86)
φαίνω to bring to light, make to appear 8 17 (3.37) (8.435) (8.04)
πρᾶγμα that which has been done, a deed, act 16 29 (5.75) (6.869) (8.08)
καιρός time; the right moment, opportunity 9 23 (4.56) (4.163) (8.09)
χώρα land 16 19 (3.77) (3.587) (8.1)
ἀεί always, for ever 43 51 (10.11) (7.241) (8.18)
ὑπέρ over, above, w. gen, over, beyond, w. acc. 40 66 (13.09) (6.432) (8.19)
ἀείρω to lift, heave, raise up 3 3 (0.59) (1.616) (8.21)
ἄρχω (to be first) to rule, to begin 13 22 (4.36) (5.82) (8.27)
μᾶλλον more, rather 16 36 (7.14) (11.489) (8.35)
δύναμαι to be able, capable, strong enough 38 58 (11.5) (12.481) (8.47)
πολέμιος hostile; enemy 5 11 (2.18) (2.812) (8.48)
μιν him, her, it 1 1 (0.2) (0.953) (8.52)
ἀρχή a beginning, rule, office, empire 34 42 (8.33) (13.803) (8.53)
δύναμις power, might, strength 24 40 (7.93) (13.589) (8.54)
ἡμέρα day 26 32 (6.34) (8.416) (8.56)
ἔργον work 24 38 (7.53) (5.905) (8.65)
in truth, truly, verily, of a surety 3 4 (0.79) (2.231) (8.66)
καλέω to call, summon 17 26 (5.16) (10.936) (8.66)
αἱρέω to take, (mid.) to choose 3 7 (1.39) (3.052) (8.73)
ποτε ever, sometime 20 26 (5.16) (7.502) (8.73)
πάρειμι be present 22 41 (8.13) (5.095) (8.94)
γυνή a woman 6 29 (5.75) (6.224) (8.98)
τοι let me tell you, surely, verily 4 7 (1.39) (2.299) (9.04)
μάλιστα most 12 45 (8.92) (6.673) (9.11)
ἀκούω to hear 35 54 (10.71) (6.886) (9.12)
πείθω to prevail upon, win over, persuade 12 34 (6.74) (4.016) (9.32)
χρόνος time 33 53 (10.51) (11.109) (9.36)
ὥστε so that 15 25 (4.96) (10.717) (9.47)
Ἀχαιός Achaian 1 1 (0.2) (0.976) (9.89)
μόνος alone, left alone, forsaken solitary 38 72 (14.28) (19.178) (9.89)
Ῥωμαῖος a Roman 4 19 (3.77) (3.454) (9.89)
Ἕλλην Hellen; Greek 1 3 (0.59) (2.754) (10.09)
αἴρω to take up, raise, lift up 4 10 (1.98) (2.825) (10.15)
τοτέ at times, now and then 17 40 (7.93) (6.167) (10.26)
φέρω to bear 13 32 (6.34) (8.129) (10.35)
εἷς one 155 206 (40.85) (23.591) (10.36)
πατήρ a father 229 262 (51.95) (9.224) (10.48)
ἄγω to lead 13 29 (5.75) (5.181) (10.6)
χείρ the hand 9 27 (5.35) (5.786) (10.92)
δεῖ it is necessary 26 35 (6.94) (13.387) (11.02)
ἤδη already 17 38 (7.53) (8.333) (11.03)
ἕκαστος every, every one, each, each one 22 33 (6.54) (12.667) (11.08)
οἷος (such a kind) as; for οἷός τε see οἷος III.2 8 20 (3.97) (16.105) (11.17)
ἄνθρωπος man, person, human 142 168 (33.31) (19.466) (11.67)
οἶδα to know 35 55 (10.91) (9.863) (11.77)
τότε at that time, then 17 41 (8.13) (6.266) (11.78)
βούλομαι to will, wish, be willing 17 36 (7.14) (8.59) (11.98)
Ζεύς Zeus 2 7 (1.39) (4.739) (12.03)
παῖς a child 8 37 (7.34) (5.845) (12.09)
γῆ earth 51 68 (13.48) (10.519) (12.21)
τῇ here, there 87 154 (30.53) (18.312) (12.5)
κακός bad 11 31 (6.15) (7.257) (12.65)
αὐτοῦ at the very place, just here, just there 284 420 (83.28) (26.948) (12.74)
ἅμα at once, at the same time 9 22 (4.36) (6.88) (12.75)
φίλος friend; loved, beloved, dear 4 11 (2.18) (4.36) (12.78)
σός your 11 61 (12.1) (6.214) (12.92)
καλός beautiful 16 26 (5.16) (9.11) (12.96)
ὅσος as much/many as 37 83 (16.46) (13.469) (13.23)
εἶμι come, go 62 89 (17.65) (7.276) (13.3)
λαμβάνω to take, seize, receive 37 58 (11.5) (15.895) (13.47)
εἶπον to speak, say 58 76 (15.07) (16.169) (13.73)
δίδωμι to give 31 49 (9.72) (11.657) (13.85)
τίη why? wherefore? 58 68 (13.48) (26.493) (13.95)
οὗ2 him, her (οὗ οἷ ἕ) 28 40 (7.93) (6.249) (14.54)
ἔτι yet, as yet, still, besides 19 32 (6.34) (11.058) (14.57)
O! oh! 51 84 (16.66) (6.146) (14.88)
τοιοῦτος such as this 40 57 (11.3) (20.677) (14.9)
οὕτως so, in this manner 54 99 (19.63) (28.875) (14.91)
βασιλεύς a king, chief 79 279 (55.32) (9.519) (15.15)
δέω2 to lack, miss, stand in need of 30 43 (8.53) (17.692) (15.52)
δέω to bind, tie, fetter 31 44 (8.72) (17.994) (15.68)
τίς who? which? 39 65 (12.89) (21.895) (15.87)
λόγος the word 121 177 (35.1) (29.19) (16.1)
οὔτε neither / nor 25 34 (6.74) (13.727) (16.2)
ἔρχομαι to come 21 37 (7.34) (6.984) (16.46)
πρῶτος first 18 36 (7.14) (18.707) (16.57)
δοκέω seem, impers. it seems best.. 39 63 (12.49) (12.401) (17.56)
ἐκεῖνος that over there, that 67 164 (32.52) (22.812) (17.62)
ὁράω to see 56 83 (16.46) (16.42) (18.27)
οὐδείς not one, nobody 23 44 (8.72) (19.346) (18.91)
ἐμός mine 28 61 (12.1) (8.401) (19.01)
σφεῖς personal and (ind.) reflexive pronoun 1 1 (0.2) (3.117) (19.2)
θεός god 381 566 (112.23) (26.466) (19.54)
ἄρα particle: 'so' 7 16 (3.17) (11.074) (20.24)
ἐάν if 62 95 (18.84) (23.689) (20.31)
ἐπεί after, since, when 42 60 (11.9) (19.86) (21.4)
ἑαυτοῦ himself, herself, themselves 65 130 (25.78) (24.797) (21.7)
νῦν now at this very time 28 50 (9.91) (12.379) (21.84)
ναῦς a ship 3 4 (0.79) (3.843) (21.94)
ἀπό from, away from. c. gen. 47 84 (16.66) (30.074) (22.12)
οὐδέ and/but not; not even 36 52 (10.31) (20.427) (22.36)
ὅδε this 11 33 (6.54) (10.255) (22.93)
either..or; than 59 90 (17.85) (34.073) (23.24)
οὖν so, then, therefore 93 153 (30.34) (34.84) (23.41)
πρότερος before, earlier 21 51 (10.11) (25.424) (23.72)
ὅτι2 conj.: that, because 106 151 (29.94) (49.49) (23.92)
ὅτι adv. + superl., as...as possible; ὅτι μή except 106 152 (30.14) (49.106) (23.97)
ὑπό from under, by, c. gen. under, c. dat., towards c. acc. 92 166 (32.91) (26.85) (24.12)
μετά (w gen) with, among; (w acc) after 75 149 (29.54) (21.235) (25.5)
μέγας big, great 56 117 (23.2) (18.419) (25.96)
παρά from the side of, c. gen., beside, alongside of, c. dat., to the side of, motion alongside of, c. acc. 80 167 (33.11) (22.709) (26.08)
τῷ therefore, in this wise, thereupon 133 253 (50.16) (55.077) (29.07)
πόλις a city 34 55 (10.91) (11.245) (29.3)
ἀνήρ a man 34 63 (12.49) (10.82) (29.69)
διά through c. gen.; because of c. acc. 221 330 (65.43) (56.77) (30.67)
φημί to say, to claim 90 141 (27.96) (36.921) (31.35)
γε at least, at any rate 14 49 (9.72) (24.174) (31.72)
εἰ conj. if, whether; part. w/wishes, adv. w/imperatives 93 155 (30.73) (50.199) (32.23)
δή [interactional particle: S&H on same page] 23 76 (15.07) (17.728) (33.0)
ποιέω to make, to do 125 176 (34.9) (29.319) (37.03)
μή not 126 179 (35.49) (50.606) (37.36)
ἄν modal particle 42 76 (15.07) (32.618) (38.42)
ὅς2 [possessive pronoun] 187 304 (60.28) (47.672) (39.01)
περί around, round about with gen., dat., and acc. 220 350 (69.4) (44.62) (43.23)
ἄλλος other, another 39 73 (14.47) (40.264) (43.75)
πολύς much, many 54 138 (27.36) (35.28) (44.3)
γίγνομαι become, be born 114 206 (40.85) (53.204) (45.52)
ἔχω to have 78 135 (26.77) (48.945) (46.31)
ἀλλά otherwise, but 106 175 (34.7) (54.595) (46.87)
πᾶς all, the whole 277 459 (91.01) (59.665) (51.63)
ἐκ from out of 209 290 (57.5) (54.157) (51.9)
κατά down, against with gen.; according to, throughout with acc. 230 430 (85.26) (76.461) (54.75)
πρός (w. gen.) from; (w. dat.) at, near, in addition to; (w. acc.) to, toward, regarding 159 326 (64.64) (56.75) (56.58)
λέγω to pick; to say 273 376 (74.55) (90.021) (57.06)
ἐπί on, upon with gen., dat., and acc. 133 289 (57.3) (64.142) (59.77)
σύ you (personal pronoun) 109 224 (44.41) (30.359) (61.34)
ὡς as, how 148 280 (55.52) (68.814) (63.16)
γάρ for 168 336 (66.62) (110.606) (74.4)
τις any one, any thing, some one, some thing; 174 291 (57.7) (97.86) (78.95)
εἰς into, to c. acc. 237 417 (82.68) (66.909) (80.34)
οὐ not 216 338 (67.02) (104.879) (82.22)
ἐγώ I (first person pronoun) 302 489 (96.96) (54.345) (87.02)
ἐν in, among. c. dat. 372 608 (120.55) (118.207) (88.06)
τε and 180 334 (66.23) (62.106) (115.18)
μέν on the one hand, on the other hand 90 222 (44.02) (109.727) (118.8)
οὗτος this; that 308 551 (109.25) (133.027) (121.95)
αὐτός unemph. 3rd pers.pronoun; -self; [the] same 755 1,359 (269.46) (173.647) (126.45)
εἰμί to be 508 748 (148.31) (217.261) (145.55)
ὅς who, that, which: relative pronoun 535 911 (180.63) (208.764) (194.16)
δέ but 321 644 (127.69) (249.629) (351.92)
καί and, also 1,706 2,794 (553.99) (544.579) (426.61)
the 4,667 8,196 (1625.09) (1391.018) (1055.57)