Socrates, Scholasticus, Ecclesiastical history

Word List

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561–580 of 4,879 lemmas; 100,358 tokens
word shortdef count (freq.) corpus core log ratio
ἐπιτήδειος suitable; useful, necessary; deserving; associate 13 (1.3) (1.277) (2.25)
ἑκών willing, of free will, readily 7 (0.7) (0.801) (1.21)
βία bodily strength, force, power, might 15 (1.5) (0.98) (2.59)
πείθω to prevail upon, win over, persuade 54 (5.4) (4.016) (9.32)
οὐκέτι no more, no longer, no further 16 (1.6) (2.658) (2.76)
πάντῃ every way, on every side 6 (0.6) (1.179) (1.03)
ἀνδρεία manliness, manhood, manly spirit 3 (0.3) (0.656) (0.52)
ποσός of a certain quantity 3 (0.3) (2.579) (0.52)
ἐθέλω to will, wish, purpose 44 (4.4) (4.574) (7.56)
φύσις the nature, natural qualities, powers, constitution, condition 22 (2.2) (15.198) (3.78)
ὑπόκειμαι to lie under 4 (0.4) (5.461) (0.69)
τίθημι to set, put, place 45 (4.5) (6.429) (7.71)
καθά according as, just as 25 (2.5) (5.439) (4.28)
Ἕλλην Hellen; Greek 59 (5.9) (2.754) (10.09)
φαίνω to bring to light, make to appear 47 (4.7) (8.435) (8.04)
οὔτε neither / nor 95 (9.5) (13.727) (16.2)
τραῦμα a wound, hurt 2 (0.2) (0.506) (0.34)
ἀσθενής without strength, weak, feeble, weakly 4 (0.4) (1.195) (0.68)
πολεμόω to make hostile, make an enemy of 4 (0.4) (0.385) (0.68)
ὅπου where 7 (0.7) (1.571) (1.19)

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