Euclid, Data

Word List

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1–20 of 338 lemmas; 19,795 tokens
word shortdef count (freq.) corpus core log ratio
the 3,845 (1942.4) (1391.018) (1055.57)
ΑΒΓ ABC and any other geometric figure 2,393 (1208.9) (63.859) (4.86)
δίδωμι to give 1,476 (745.6) (11.657) (13.85)
εἰμί to be 1,036 (523.4) (217.261) (145.55)
καί and, also 899 (454.2) (544.579) (426.61)
πρός (w. gen.) from; (w. dat.) at, near, in addition to; (w. acc.) to, toward, regarding 857 (432.9) (56.75) (56.58)
ὅς who, that, which: relative pronoun 756 (381.9) (208.764) (194.16)
λόγος the word 654 (330.4) (29.19) (16.1)
ἄρα particle: 'so' 563 (284.4) (11.074) (20.24)
δέ but 367 (185.4) (249.629) (351.92)
τῷ therefore, in this wise, thereupon 338 (170.8) (55.077) (29.07)
ὑπό from under, by, c. gen. under, c. dat., towards c. acc. 332 (167.7) (26.85) (24.12)
ἔχω to have 192 (97.0) (48.945) (46.31)
γάρ for 188 (95.0) (110.606) (74.4)
γωνία a corner, angle 185 (93.5) (1.598) (0.07)
μέγεθος greatness, magnitude, size, height, stature 182 (91.9) (4.214) (1.84)
ἀπό from, away from. c. gen. 174 (87.9) (30.074) (22.12)
θέσις a setting, placing, arranging 168 (84.9) (1.601) (0.25)
εἶδος that which is seen, form, shape, figure 166 (83.9) (10.005) (1.56)
τῇ here, there 166 (83.9) (18.312) (12.5)

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