passage citation
e.g. 3 or 2.5 or 7.1-7.50 (as appropriate for text)
frequency filter (per 10k)

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121–140 of 1,051 lemmas; 17,008 tokens (86,746 in work)
word shortdef count work (freq.) corpus core
μαρτύρομαι to call to witness, attest, invoke 1 1 (0.12) (0.069) (0.1)
ἀντιπράσσω to act against, seek to counteract 1 1 (0.12) (0.07) (0.16)
μαραίνω to put out fire; to die away 1 5 (0.58) (0.07) (0.08)
ἐκπνέω to breathe out 1 1 (0.12) (0.07) (0.06)
Βόσπορος Bosporus 2 4 (0.46) (0.071) (0.17)
φλέβιον any one of the smaller vessels 2 2 (0.23) (0.074) (0.0)
ἐνοράω to see, remark, observe 1 1 (0.12) (0.074) (0.13)
ὁμόλογος agreeing, of one mind 5 5 (0.58) (0.074) (0.06)
γραφεύς a painter 3 4 (0.46) (0.075) (0.07)
ἀλέα an escape; warmth 1 4 (0.46) (0.076) (0.05)
ἀντίτυπος repelled 2 2 (0.23) (0.077) (0.04)
ἄκτινος of elder-wood 6 20 (2.31) (0.077) (0.01)
διάλειμμα an interval 1 3 (0.35) (0.078) (0.01)
γειτνιάω to be a neighbour, to border on 1 11 (1.27) (0.082) (0.04)
ὑφηγέομαι to go just before, to guide, lead 1 3 (0.35) (0.082) (0.06)
ἁπανταχοῦ everywhere 1 1 (0.12) (0.083) (0.0)
Ποσειδώνιος sacred to Poseidon, (n. Posidonius, Stoic philosopher and geographer) 1 1 (0.12) (0.083) (0.1)
ὀπτικός of or for sight 1 1 (0.12) (0.083) (0.0)
καπνώδης smoky 1 7 (0.81) (0.083) (0.01)
συνακολουθέω to follow closely, to accompany 1 2 (0.23) (0.084) (0.14)

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