passage citation
e.g. 3 or 2.5 or 7.1-7.50 (as appropriate for text)
frequency filter (per 10k)

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41–60 of 1,488 lemmas; 25,681 tokens (86,746 in work)
word shortdef count work (freq.) corpus core
ἀναστρέφω to turn upside down, upset 1 2 (0.23) (0.356) (0.38)
κάθεσις letting down 1 1 (0.12) (0.002) (0.0)
τηρέω to watch over, protect, guard 1 3 (0.35) (0.878) (1.08)
ὁρατός to be seen, visible 1 8 (0.92) (0.535) (0.06)
ἄφοδος a going away, departure 1 3 (0.35) (0.046) (0.1)
ἑνόω make one, unite 1 2 (0.23) (0.18) (0.01)
Βρόντης Brontes, a Cyclops 1 3 (0.35) (0.031) (0.01)
πάντῃ every way, on every side 1 10 (1.15) (1.179) (1.03)
οὔτοι indeed not 1 1 (0.12) (0.222) (0.23)
ταχυτής quickness, swiftness 1 2 (0.23) (0.093) (0.07)
φθαρτικός destructive of 1 2 (0.23) (0.119) (0.01)
κυμαίνω to rise in waves 1 1 (0.12) (0.026) (0.07)
πυκνότης closeness, thickness, denseness 1 12 (1.38) (0.232) (0.04)
ὄντως really, actually > εἰμί 1 1 (0.12) (0.913) (0.13)
κολλάω to glue, cement 1 3 (0.35) (0.116) (0.02)
ἀναντίρρητος not to be opposed 1 1 (0.12) (0.026) (0.02)
συνέρχομαι come together, meet 1 6 (0.69) (0.758) (0.75)
αὖ again, anew, afresh, once more 1 5 (0.58) (2.474) (4.78)
πρέπω to be clearly seen, to resemble, to seem (πρέπει it is fitting) 1 1 (0.12) (0.865) (1.06)
Ἑλλήσποντος the Hellespont 1 1 (0.12) (0.185) (1.09)

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