Hippocrates, De glandulis

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1–20 of 442 lemmas; 1,781 tokens
word shortdef count (freq.) corpus core log ratio
κατάρροος a running from the head, a catarrh 2 (11.2) (0.037) (0.01)
ἐπίπλοον fold of the peritoneum, omentum 4 (22.5) (0.034) (0.01)
φλέγμα flame, fire, heat 4 (22.5) (0.447) (0.02)
φλέψ a vein 4 (22.5) (1.699) (0.03)
νεφρός kidney 2 (11.2) (0.388) (0.01)
φῦμα a growth 3 (16.8) (0.121) (0.02)
ἐπιρρέω to flow upon the surface, float a-top 9 (50.5) (0.222) (0.07)
φλεγμαίνω to be heated, inflamed, to fester 3 (16.8) (0.278) (0.02)
ἐγκέφαλος that which is within the head, the brain 12 (67.4) (0.9) (0.12)
ἐπιρροή afflux, influx 2 (11.2) (0.055) (0.02)
χαῦνος gaping 2 (11.2) (0.073) (0.02)
στόμαχος a mouth, opening 2 (11.2) (0.39) (0.02)
χοιράς of a hog 2 (11.2) (0.036) (0.03)
ἔντερον an intestine, piece of gut 5 (28.1) (0.506) (0.07)
τράχηλος the neck, throat 6 (33.7) (0.563) (0.09)
ἑλκόω to wound sorely, lacerate 6 (33.7) (0.397) (0.1)
δριμύς piercing, sharp, keen 5 (28.1) (0.554) (0.08)
ἰσχίον the hip-joint 3 (16.8) (0.274) (0.05)
φάρυγξ the throat, gullet 2 (11.2) (0.231) (0.04)
ἀραιός thin, narrow, slight, slender 4 (22.5) (0.26) (0.07)

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