Aristotle, Res Publica Atheniensium

Word List

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1821–1840 of 2,103 lemmas; 15,517 tokens
word shortdef count (freq.) corpus core log ratio
δημοκρατία democracy, popular government 8 (5.2) (0.168) (0.55)
τετρακόσιοι four hundred 11 (7.1) (0.205) (0.74)
ἀνειλέω to roll up together 2 (1.3) (0.26) (0.13)
ἄγος pollution, expiation 2 (1.3) (0.219) (0.13)
ἄνομος without law, lawless 2 (1.3) (0.185) (0.13)
διασπείρω to scatter abroad, throw about 2 (1.3) (0.156) (0.13)
ἐπιστάτης one who stands near 2 (1.3) (0.088) (0.13)
γυμνικός of or for gymnastic exercises, gymnastic 2 (1.3) (0.055) (0.13)
κλῆρος lot, casting of lots, allotment 5 (3.2) (0.597) (0.32)
Ἄρειος devoted to Ares, warlike, martial; (πάγος:) the hill of Ares 8 (5.2) (0.456) (0.52)
Λάκων a Laconian 3 (1.9) (0.17) (0.19)
πατρικός derived from one's fathers, paternal, hereditary 2 (1.3) (0.201) (0.13)
ἴς sinew, tendon 4 (2.6) (0.943) (0.25)
ἐγχέω to pour in 2 (1.3) (0.149) (0.13)
ἀπεχθάνομαι to be hated, incur hatred, be roused to hatred 4 (2.6) (0.081) (0.25)
αὐτοκράτωρ one's own master 4 (2.6) (1.403) (0.25)
πομπή conduct, escort, guidance 7 (4.5) (0.16) (0.44)
φρουρός a watcher, guard 3 (1.9) (0.09) (0.18)
ἑπτακόσιοι seven hundred 4 (2.6) (0.061) (0.24)
παραιρέω to take away from beside, withdraw, remove 4 (2.6) (0.056) (0.24)

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