Aeschylus, Agamemnon

Word List

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2061–2080 of 2,500 lemmas; 7,966 tokens
word shortdef count (freq.) corpus core log ratio
ἄλγος pain 4 (5.0) (0.129) (0.93)
στείχω to walk, march, go 2 (2.5) (0.105) (0.46)
ΑΒΓ ABC and any other geometric figure 21 (26.4) (63.859) (4.86)
ἔμπεδος in the ground, firm-set, steadfast 3 (3.8) (0.087) (0.69)
μοῖρα a part, portion; fate 8 (10.0) (1.803) (1.84)
πέλω to be, become; Hom. be in motion 7 (8.8) (0.253) (1.6)
θῆλυς female 3 (3.8) (1.183) (0.69)
ὄνειδος reproach, censure, blame 2 (2.5) (0.182) (0.46)
πῦρ fire 13 (16.3) (4.894) (2.94)
θρόνος a seat, chair 4 (5.0) (0.806) (0.9)
χαίρω to rejoice, be glad, be delighted 11 (13.8) (1.525) (2.46)
ψευδής lying, false 2 (2.5) (1.919) (0.44)
λεπτός (husked, threshed) fine, thin, delicate, subtle 2 (2.5) (1.671) (0.44)
ἕρκος a fence, hedge, wall 2 (2.5) (0.065) (0.44)
λέων a lion 4 (5.0) (0.675) (0.88)
εὖ well 27 (33.9) (2.642) (5.92)
λέχος a couch, bed 3 (3.8) (0.092) (0.66)
πη [Dor. in some way, somehow] 2 (2.5) (0.791) (0.44)
πόθεν whence? (i.e., from where?) 3 (3.8) (0.953) (0.65)
νόσος sickness, disease, malady 5 (6.3) (2.273) (1.08)

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