Aristophanes, Ecclesiazusae

Word List

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841–860 of 1,707 lemmas; 8,434 tokens
word shortdef count (freq.) corpus core log ratio
μοιχάω to have dalliance with 1 (1.2) (0.035) (0.01) too few
νουβυστικός chock-full of sense, clever 1 (1.2) (0.0) (0.0) too few
ἐκκαλέω to call out 1 (1.2) (0.065) (0.3) too few
ἀφαυαίνω starve, wither 1 (1.2) (0.001) (0.0) too few
ἄλλως in another way 1 (1.2) (3.069) (1.79) too few
γενειάω to grow a beard, get a beard 1 (1.2) (0.007) (0.02) too few
ἐκλέπω to hatch; to peel (shell or rind) 1 (1.2) (0.032) (0.04) too few
ἄπιος2 far away, far off, distant; (pr.n.) Peloponnesian 1 (1.2) (0.071) (0.08) too few
ὑπερφυής overgrown, enormous 1 (1.2) (0.082) (0.07) too few
κηρίον a honeycomb 1 (1.2) (0.078) (0.07) too few
καταγορεύω to denounce 1 (1.2) (0.055) (0.13) too few
φρέαρ a well 1 (1.2) (0.199) (0.11) too few
εὐδαιμονικός conducive to happiness 1 (1.2) (0.008) (0.0) too few
τρισόλβιος thrice happy 1 (1.2) (0.001) (0.0) too few
μωρία silliness, folly 1 (1.2) (0.091) (0.08) too few
ἐπιχειρέω to attempt, attack, put one’s hand to 1 (1.2) (1.376) (1.54) too few
ἀνατί without harm, with impunity 1 (1.2) (0.004) (0.02) too few
ἀνασχετός endurable 1 (1.2) (0.015) (0.07) too few
ἀποδέχομαι to accept from 1 (1.2) (0.524) (1.39) too few
ὑπότριμμα a dish compounded of various ingredients, pounded up together 1 (1.2) (0.002) (0.0) too few

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