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21–40 of 40 lemmas; 44 tokens (7,506 in work)
word shortdef count work (freq.) corpus core
μᾶλλον more, rather 1 12 (15.99) (11.489) (8.35)
μέν on the one hand, on the other hand 1 100 (133.23) (109.727) (118.8)
μέρος a part, share 1 5 (6.66) (11.449) (6.76)
μόνος alone, left alone, forsaken solitary 1 39 (51.96) (19.178) (9.89)
the 4 853 (1136.42) (1391.018) (1055.57)
ὅς who, that, which: relative pronoun 1 209 (278.44) (208.764) (194.16)
ὅς2 [possessive pronoun] 1 81 (107.91) (47.672) (39.01)
οὐ not 2 114 (151.88) (104.879) (82.22)
οὗ where 1 3 (4.0) (6.728) (4.01)
οὖν so, then, therefore 1 24 (31.97) (34.84) (23.41)
πόθος a longing, yearning, fond desire 1 3 (4.0) (0.254) (0.35)
πολύς much, many 1 25 (33.31) (35.28) (44.3)
σέλινον parsley 1 1 (1.33) (0.147) (0.06)
σοφός wise, skilled, clever 1 17 (22.65) (1.915) (1.93)
συμβαίνω meet, agree, happen 1 5 (6.66) (9.032) (7.24)
τελευτή a finishing, completion, accomplishment 1 4 (5.33) (0.902) (0.46)
τις any one, any thing, some one, some thing; 1 78 (103.92) (97.86) (78.95)
φθείρω to ruin, waste, spoil, destroy 1 2 (2.66) (1.783) (0.71)
χάρις gratitude, favor, grace, charm 1 2 (2.66) (3.66) (3.87)
ψυχή breath, soul 1 27 (35.97) (11.437) (4.29)

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