Philo Judaeus, De Specialibus Legibus (Lib. I-Iv)

Word List

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861–880 of 4,579 lemmas; 56,546 tokens
word shortdef count (freq.) corpus core log ratio
ἀκοή a hearing, the sound heard 16 (2.8) (0.941) (0.44)
προστάσσω to order 45 (8.0) (1.223) (1.25)
ἀπεῖπον to speak out, tell out, declare (Hom.), deny, refuse, forbid 9 (1.6) (0.091) (0.25)
ἀπαραίτητος not to be moved by prayer, inexorable 5 (0.9) (0.069) (0.14)
πένης one who works for his daily bread, a day-labourer, a poor man 10 (1.8) (0.416) (0.28)
δημιουργέω to practise a trade, do work 5 (0.9) (0.308) (0.14)
ἔθος custom, habit 21 (3.7) (1.231) (0.59)
σκότος darkness, gloom 17 (3.0) (0.838) (0.48)
γοῦν at least then, at any rate, any way 35 (6.2) (3.743) (0.99)
δωρεά a gift, present 19 (3.4) (0.563) (0.54)
νόμος usage, custom, law, ordinance 149 (26.4) (5.63) (4.23)
ὄγδοος eighth 7 (1.2) (0.406) (0.2)
ζῆλος eager rivalry, zealous imitation, emulation 8 (1.4) (0.301) (0.23)
φαντασία imagination, the power by which an object is presented 9 (1.6) (1.42) (0.26)
ἐρημία a solitude, desert, wilderness 9 (1.6) (0.229) (0.26)
τροπή a turn, turning 9 (1.6) (0.494) (0.26)
δικαιόω to set right 13 (2.3) (0.311) (0.38)
ὀλιγωρία an esteeming lightly, slighting, contempt 3 (0.5) (0.049) (0.09)
φώρ a thief 3 (0.5) (0.022) (0.09)
εὐεργέτης a well-doer, benefactor 12 (2.1) (0.276) (0.35)

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