63735. πειρατήριος

tentative : directed to production
 countfreq. per 10K

Editions by Text Group (7)

* indicates part of the core corpus

workcountfreq.log ratio
Philo Judaeus
De Confusione Linguarum 1 1.0
Old Testament
Genesis 1 0.3
Isaias 1 0.3
Chariton of Aphrodisias
De Chaerea et Callirhoe 1 0.3
Heliodorus of Emesa
Aethiopica 1 0.1
De oratione 3 1.0
Catenae (Novum Testamentum)
Commentarius In Apocalypsin 1 0.1

Passages (8)

Select a work on the left to show passages in that work containing πειρατήριος.