Isocrates |
| 1
| 3.4
Nicocles or the Cyprians
| 1
| 2.5
On the Peace
| 1
| 1.2
| 2
| 1.1
Philo Judaeus |
De Vita Mosis (Lib. I-Ii)
| 1
| 0.3
Xenophon |
| 1
| 0.1
Galen |
De elementis ex Hippocrate
| 1
| 0.7
De naturalibus facultatibus
| 1
| 0.3
De placitis Hippocratis et Platonis
| 3
| 0.3
De difficultate respirationis
| 1
| 0.3
De dignoscendis pulsibus
| 2
| 0.6
De methodo medendi
| 1
| 0.1
Plato |
| 1
| 0.4
| 2
| 0.2
Lucian of Samosata |
Adversus indoctum et libros multos ementem
| 1
| 2.6
| 2
| 4.1
Aesop |
| 1
| 0.2
Pausanias |
Description of Greece
| 2
| 0.1
Lysias |
For The Soldier
| 1
| 10.4
Appianus of Alexandria |
Wars in Spain
| 1
| 0.6
Hannibalic War
| 2
| 2.0
Syrian Wars
| 1
| 0.7
Civil Wars
| 8
| 0.7
Mithridatic Wars
| 2
| 0.8
Clement of Alexandria |
Stromata Books 7-8
| 1
| 0.3
Dio Chrysostom |
| 1
| 0.1
Justin Martyr |
Dialogue with Trypho
| 1
| 0.2
Heliodorus of Emesa |
| 3
| 0.4
Alexander of Aphrodisias |
In Aristotelis Metaphysica Commentaria
| 8
| 0.2
Athenagoras |
Legatio sive Supplicatio pro Christianis
| 1
| 0.9
Legatio sive Supplicatio pro Christianis
| 1
| 0.9
Harpocration |
Lexicon in decem oratores Atticos
| 1
| 0.3
Sozomenus |
Historia Ecclesiastica
| 4
| 0.4
Libanius |
Oratio 57
| 1
| 2.4
Declamatio 6
| 1
| 1.8
Declamatio 13
| 1
| 1.8
Declamatio 21
| 1
| 3.2
Joannes Zonaras |
Annals of Rome
| 3
| 0.1
John Philoponus |
| 1
| 0.1
In Aristotelis Analytica Posteriora Commentaria
| 1
| 0.1
In Aristotelis Libros De Anima Commentaria
| 1
| 0.0
In Aristotelis Physicorum Libros Commentaria
| 2
| 0.1
Asclepius |
In Aristotelis Metaphysicorum Libros A-Z Commentaria
| 1
| 0.1
Sophonias |
In Aristotelis Libros De Anima Paraphrasis
| 1
| 0.1
Eustratius |
In Aristotelis Ethica Nicomachea I Commentaria
| 2
| 0.1
Anonymi In Aristotelis Ethica Nicomachea |
In Ethica Nicomachea Paraphrasis (Pseudepigraphum Olim A Constantino Palaeocappa confectum et olim sub auctore Heliodoro Prusensi vel Andronico Rhodio vel Olympiodoro)
| 3
| 0.3
Theodoret |
Historia Ecclesiastica
| 2
| 0.3
Historia Ecclesiastica
| 1
| 0.2
Cyril of Alexandria |
In XII Prophetas
| 3
| 0.1
Catenae (Novum Testamentum) |
Catena In Matthaeum (Catena Integra) (E Cod. Paris. Coislin. Gr. 23)
| 1
| 0.1
Catena In Acta (Catena Andreae) (e cod. Oxon. coll. nov. 58)
| 2
| 0.2
Catena In Epistulam I Ad Corinthios (Typus Vaticanus) (e Cod. Paris. gr. 227)
| 1
| 0.1
Plutarch |
| 2
| 1.9
Polybius. |
| 1
| 0.0