35915. εὐμεγέθης

of good size, very large
 countfreq. per 10K

Editions by Text Group (35)

* indicates part of the core corpus

workcountfreq.log ratio
unknown 1 1.2
Athenaeus of Naucratis
Deipnosophistae 5 0.2
Deipnosophistae 5 0.2
Philo Judaeus
De Vita Mosis (Lib. I-Ii) 1 0.3
Hellenica 1 0.1
On the Art of Horsemanship 2 2.7
De ossibus ad tirones 2 2.9
De semine 1 0.5
De locis affectis 1 0.1
De dignoscendis pulsibus 1 0.3
De methodo medendi 1 0.1
De compositione medicamentorum secundum locos I-VI 4 0.3
De compositione medicamentorum per genera 1 0.1
De antidotis 4 1.6
Lucian of Samosata
Gallus 1 1.8
Icaromenippus 1 1.9
Revivescentes sive piscator 1 1.5
De mercede conductis potentium familiaribus 1 1.4
Toxaris vel amicitia 1 1.0
Historia animalium 1 0.1
Fabulae 2 0.5
Claudius Ptolemaeus
Apotelesmatica (= Tetrabiblos) 2 0.5
Old Testament
Regnorum I (Samuelis I In Textu Masoretico) 1 0.5
De remediis parabilibus 2 0.6
Sextus Empiricus
Pyrrhoniae Hypotyposes 1 0.2
Clement of Alexandria
Paedagogus 1 0.2
Gynaeciorum Libri IV 3 1.0
Alciphron Rhet., Soph., AD 2/3
Epistulae 3 1.5
Alexander of Aphrodisias
In Aristotelis Topicorum Libros Octo Commentaria 1 0.1
Anna Comnena
Alexias 1 0.1
Alexias 1 0.1
Alexias 1 0.1
Sindbad the Philosopher
Ιστορικον Συντιπα του Φιλοσοφου Ωραιοτατον Πανυ 1 0.4
Joannes Zonaras
Annals of Rome 2 0.1
Argumenta 1 0.4

Passages (1 of 58)


Anna Comnena, Alexias


read in Scaife Viewer
passage   count
6.7 word list | read 1