29300. ἐντραγεῖν

to eat greedily, to gobble up
 countfreq. per 10K

Editions by Text Group (4)

* indicates part of the core corpus

workcountfreq.log ratio
Athenaeus of Naucratis
Deipnosophistae 8 0.3
Deipnosophistae 8 0.3
Lucian of Samosata
De mercede conductis potentium familiaribus 1 1.4
Alciphron Rhet., Soph., AD 2/3
Epistulae 1 0.5

Passages (8 of 18)


Athenaeus of Naucratis, Deipnosophistae


read in Scaife Viewer
passage   count
2.48 word list | read 1
2.71 word list | read 1
3.4 word list | read 1
4.50 word list | read 1
7.124 word list | read 1
9.73 word list | read 1
11.73 word list | read 1
14.47 word list | read 1