Euripides |
| 3
| 3.4
| 3
| 3.4
Plutarch |
| 1
| 1.1
| 1
| 1.0
Athenaeus of Naucratis |
| 6
| 0.2
| 6
| 0.2
Isocrates |
Against Callimachus
| 3
| 7.9
On the team of horses
| 1
| 3.3
| 1
| 3.2
| 1
| 2.9
Nicocles or the Cyprians
| 1
| 2.5
| 1
| 2.1
| 1
| 0.5
Ad Philippum
| 1
| 7.6
Sophocles |
| 2
| 2.5
| 3
| 3.1
| 1
| 1.2
Oedipus at Colonus*
| 1
| 0.9
Philo Judaeus |
De Agricultura
| 1
| 1.1
De Mutatione Nominum
| 2
| 1.6
De Somniis (Lib. I-Ii)
| 2
| 0.8
In Flaccum
| 2
| 2.3
Legatio Ad Gaium
| 2
| 1.2
Aristophanes |
| 1
| 1.2
Lucian of Samosata |
| 1
| 1.8
De parasito sive artem esse parasiticam
| 1
| 1.5
De mercede conductis potentium familiaribus
| 1
| 1.4
| 1
| 3.4
Aeschylus |
Seven Against Thebes
| 1
| 2.0
| 1
| 1.3
| 1
| 1.1
Libation Bearers
| 1
| 1.9
| 2
| 3.9
Aesop |
| 3
| 0.7
Lysias |
Funeral Oration
| 1
| 2.3
Against Theomnestus 1
| 1
| 6.2
On the Confiscation of the Property Of The Brother Of Nicias
| 1
| 7.0
Chariton of Aphrodisias |
De Chaerea et Callirhoe
| 12
| 3.4
Dio Chrysostom |
| 22
| 1.2
Babrius |
Fabulae Aesopeae
| 2
| 1.7
Aspasius |
In Ethica Nichomachea Commentaria
| 1
| 0.1
Alciphron Rhet., Soph., AD 2/3 |
| 1
| 0.5
Heliodorus of Emesa |
| 6
| 0.8
Alexander of Aphrodisias |
In Aristotelis Metaphysica Commentaria
| 1
| 0.0
Athenagoras |
Legatio sive Supplicatio pro Christianis
| 1
| 0.9
Legatio sive Supplicatio pro Christianis
| 1
| 0.9
Gregorius Nazianzenus |
Christus Patiens [Dub.] (Fort. Auctore Constantino Manasse)
| 2
| 1.3
De Spiritu Sancto (Orat. 31)
| 1
| 1.6
Libanius |
Oratio 1
| 2
| 0.9
Oratio 4
| 1
| 4.2
Oratio 5
| 1
| 3.6
Oratio 28
| 1
| 4.5
Oratio 35
| 1
| 3.8
Oratio 42
| 1
| 2.1
Oratio 47
| 1
| 2.9
Oratio 53
| 1
| 3.7
Oratio 61
| 1
| 6.3
Oratio 62
| 1
| 1.8
Declamatio 1
| 1
| 0.7
Declamatio 4
| 4
| 5.5
Declamatio 6
| 4
| 7.1
Declamatio 8
| 2
| 7.8
Declamatio 11
| 2
| 7.0
Declamatio 12
| 1
| 2.4
Declamatio 13
| 7
| 12.4
Declamatio 14
| 1
| 3.2
Declamatio 23
| 4
| 4.9
Declamatio 28
| 4
| 23.4
Declamatio 30
| 1
| 1.9
Declamatio 31
| 2
| 4.7
Declamatio 32
| 3
| 6.8
Declamatio 34
| 2
| 1.6
Declamatio 37
| 1
| 3.3
Declamatio 38
| 1
| 2.6
Declamatio 40
| 13
| 18.3
Declamatio 42
| 2
| 4.3
Declamatio 44
| 1
| 1.7
Declamatio 46
| 4
| 11.6
Declamatio 47
| 3
| 6.8
Declamatio 48
| 1
| 1.9
Declamatio 49
| 15
| 22.5
Oratio 58
| 1
| 3.2
Declamatio 36
| 2
| 5.2
Declamatio 45
| 2
| 8.2
Anna Comnena |
| 5
| 0.4
| 4
| 0.3
| 4
| 0.3
Evagrius, Scholasticus |
Ecclesiastical History
| 2
| 0.4
Joannes Zonaras |
Annals of Rome
| 2
| 0.1
Simplicius |
In Aristotelis Quattuor Libros De Caelo Commentaria
| 1
| 0.0
In Aristotelis Physicorum Libros Commentaria
| 5
| 0.1
John Philoponus |
In Aristotelis Physicorum Libros Commentaria
| 7
| 0.2
Asclepius |
In Aristotelis Metaphysicorum Libros A-Z Commentaria
| 1
| 0.1
Eustratius |
In Aristotelis Ethica Nicomachea I Commentaria
| 2
| 0.1
Anonymi In Aristotelis Ethica Nicomachea |
In Ethica Nicomachea Paraphrasis (Pseudepigraphum Olim A Constantino Palaeocappa confectum et olim sub auctore Heliodoro Prusensi vel Andronico Rhodio vel Olympiodoro)
| 1
| 0.1
Zosimus |
Historia Nova
| 2
| 0.3
Catenae (Novum Testamentum) |
Commentarius In Apocalypsin
| 3
| 0.3
Anonymi In Aristotelis Sophisticos Elenchos |
In Aristotelis Sophisticos Elenchos Paraphrasis
| 1
| 0.3
Scholia in Homerum |
Scholia in Odysseam
| 5
| 0.3
Pindar Scholia |
Scholia in Pindarum Pythian Odes
| 1
| 0.2
Plato |
| 2
| 0.2
Thucydides |
History of the Peloponnesian War*
| 1
| 0.1